Chapter 395 Moon Landing Live Broadcast


Which movie was that scene you just saw in?

No, it's unlikely. The smell, light, hearing and body sensations are all real. The "him" in the memory should really be standing there.

But how is this possible?

He had never experienced any zombie crisis in his previous life.

So it's an illusion?

After all, he had probably dived into the subconscious realm in the sea of ​​memory at that time. Perhaps it was just like a dream, and his brain created such a scene with the help of some memory fragments.

The information was not complete yet, so Murphy thought about it and decided to try a few more times.

However, when he used Total Recall again this time, he found that there was a lot more medical and genetic knowledge in his memory, but the scene just now never happened again.

Is it really an illusion?

He couldn't help but think of the scene when he first used "Total Recall" a few years ago. He used the "Lion King" animation as an introduction to sneak into his own memory at that time. At that time, he had a strong feeling, as if he could possess him. The person I was at that time, so I could control myself the same way I was at that time.

But since then, he has almost never encountered similar things, and comprehensive recall has been used by him as a regular method to sort out memories.

This experience made Murphy realize that perhaps the spell of comprehensive recall had a mechanism that he had not discovered yet.

However, this can be studied later. At this moment, most of the required knowledge has been retrieved from memory. Murphy organized the information and gave it to Jawad for verification.

"Where did you get this information?" Jawad was shocked. Is there anyone who is more advanced than their work?

"Some research from the Suzhou National Laboratory, and some from other places, in short, you should go and verify it."

"Okay!" Jawad nodded, "In two days at most, I can verify this information. If they are all true, then our research and development of vampire treatment potions may only take a few months to complete. .”

With the help of the time accelerator, experimental verification does not take long, and the information in these materials has given him some ideas for treating the adverse symptoms of vampires.

"Tell me after the drug is tested on animals, and I will find some vampire volunteers for you," Murphy said.

Lisandro and others in Knockturn Alley are vampires. They have not seen the sun for decades or hundreds of years, so they will definitely be willing to give it a try.

Speaking of which, he owed others a favor back then, so he wouldn't charge for treatment later.

After solving the problem of narcolepsy treatment, Murphy was very free for a while.

Various plans are progressing in an orderly manner. In the Soviet Union, the Ogas Plan has covered almost all government departments, and the secondary computing nodes responsible for the construction of the Umbrella Company have been basically completed. It is expected that in a few months, Murphy can officially take over the Soviet Union. the country’s administrative system.

On the British side, Patrick advanced the Second Amendment to the Constitution with an extremely tough attitude, completely abolishing the House of Lords and abolishing the monarchy, but allowed the Queen and existing nobles to still retain their noble titles, but any titles would no longer be hereditary.

Most importantly, Patrick finally became president, taking most of the power back into his hands.

Such a plan would challenge almost every level of power in the UK.

Not to mention that Patrick is still fighting against rich people like he hates rich people.

He abolished various tax exemption systems and made donations tax-free? Bullshit, donations must go through the channels prescribed by the state, otherwise the extra levy and setting up a charity foundation for your wife will never happen again. You said you are a foreign resident? Abolish the non-tax residence system for foreign residents. As long as you make money in the UK, you will have to pay taxes in the UK.

The UK has even introduced a "tycoon tax" to levy it on the super-rich whose personal assets exceed 10 million pounds.

Patrick was wielding a big stick, but the biggest tycoon below, Umbrella Company, actually took the lead in defecting and took the initiative to be beaten. As a result, the effective tax rate for the top rich in the UK reached the highest point in history.

It is said that the nominal founder of Umbrella Company, Murphys Annon, pays the British government more than 4 billion pounds in taxes every year.

And all the money collected from taxes on the top rich, Patrick spent heavily on various infrastructure and people's livelihood projects, causing the UK's employment rate and people's happiness index to reach the highest peak in the past century. Coupled with the positive publicity from the major media controlled by Murphy, the public support rate exploded. As a minority, the powerful people were pushed into the river bed by the tide of history without making any splash.

The next big move he is planning is completely opposite to the country where Murphy lived before he traveled through time. He wants to nationalize various important industries such as people's livelihood and national defense through the umbrella.

Everyone has now discovered Patrick's red attributes, but now that the British economy is basically in the hands of a protective umbrella, the major capitalists are no longer able to stop this process of redness.

At the same time, cooperation between Britain and the Soviet Union also became extremely frequent. A submarine optical cable crossed the North Sea and was transited through Denmark, connecting London to Riga in Latvia and then to Moscow.

Murphy's Horcrux Herald finally has access to the UK internet.

As a result, various departments of the British government also began information reform.

Half a year later, while Murphy was chatting with Patrick about the future development of the Anglo-Soviet Alliance, he received news from the Aerospace Laboratory that they were preparing to launch several lunar exploration satellites and asked Murphy if he wanted to come and take a look.

Murphy arrived at the launch site without saying a word. A large launch vehicle improved from the "Proton" was standing on the launch pad.

"We use traceless extension technology to load fuel, which greatly saves the space and mass of the ship. Currently, the Industry rocket is only 40 meters high and has a launch mass of only 600 tons, which is equivalent to a quarter of the Energy. , the take-off thrust is 9,800 kilonewtons, but it can send a load of 1,200 tons to low-Earth orbit. For Starlink satellites weighing more than 1,000 kilograms, we can launch a thousand at a time!"

In the launch control room, Shahlin Popolov was very excited, "The lunar orbit carrying capacity of this rocket is also nearly 600 tons. In terms of carrying capacity alone, it is enough not only for lunar exploration, but also for lunar colonization."

"In fact, we have installed a floating spell system on the launch pad, which can theoretically increase the launch mass by about 500 tons."

"However, landing on the moon is not just about sufficient transportation capacity. Orbital rendezvous and docking technology, soft landing technology, space communication technology, etc. are all very important links."

"This launch is mainly to verify the reliability of important technologies such as traceless stretching, floating spells, and space communication technology."

Murphy silently calculated that a Big Ivan weighs about 27 tons, and a load of 600 tons means 22 Big Ivans.

If there really are gods on the moon, Murphy wonders if they can handle it.

"After the exploration satellite enters the lunar orbit, it will immediately observe the moon's surface and send back the data. We will be able to receive the signal after about 4:30. According to your previous request, it will orbit the moon once Then it landed on the far side of the moon."

"Is it live broadcast?"

"There's probably a delay of about two seconds, but it's not significant."

"Okay, I want to see with my own eyes what's on the moon."

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