The freighter incident shocked the international community.

Since the freighter was a Sino-British joint venture and there were many British crew members on board, Patrick immediately ordered two aircraft carriers to cross the Atlantic and sail into the Americas, also launching a maritime blockade against the beautiful country.

Of course, the beautiful country cannot sit idly by and ignore such actions, so two Atlantic Fleet aircraft carriers also approached Panama. The two sides started a confrontation in the Caribbean Sea, and the situation was extremely tense for a time.

At this time, despite the strong opposition of the beautiful country, the Soviet Union launched three more rockets, carrying hundreds of magic satellites into the sky.


In a video and telephone conference room, everyone looked solemn.

"If we launch missiles to destroy their satellites, it will probably be considered a signal to start a war, which may lead to a nuclear war." A chief of staff said, "But we are far behind the Soviet Union in the development of aerospace weapons. , once the all-out war starts, we have a high probability of losing."

"But if we don't fight back, the Soviets can continue to launch satellites into outer space," another chief of staff said. "By the time their satellites are all over our heads, we will completely lose the chance of victory. Until then, we will have no choice but to be led by their noses!”

"What about the possibility of destroying satellites by means other than nuclear warheads?" a White House staffer asked on TV.

"The environment in outer space is special, the lethality of ordinary weapons is very limited, and satellites fly very fast. If we want to destroy a sufficient number of satellites, we may need to launch thousands of short- and medium-range missiles, which may cause greater vigilance and lead to Unforeseen consequences.”

"If we declare in advance that we will only destroy satellites and not attack their homeland..." another White House staff member asked.

"That makes no sense. Destroying the opponent's aerospace weapons and attacking the opponent's nuclear facilities are almost equivalent in effect. They will not give in because of this. Doing so will only let the opponent know our attack target in advance and see it. Our weakness.”

"Mr. President," said a chief of staff, "it's up to you to decide all this."

On the TV screen, William looked calm. He thought for a long time and asked: "If a full-scale nuclear war breaks out, how many people on both sides will survive?"

The chiefs of staff were all shocked, and then one of them said: "That is unimaginable. According to our current strategy of mutually assured destruction, nuclear strikes are actually divided into three rounds. The first round is to directly destroy important facilities and land bases on both sides. Nuclear bomb base.”

"Once the other side realizes that we have launched a nuclear war, they may throw all the land-based nuclear bombs at our heads without reservation. After the first round of strikes, the important cities of the two countries were basically completely destroyed. , the population of both sides will drop by one-third."

"The next step is the second round of strikes, based on sea-based nuclear bombs, to ensure that the losses suffered by the other side are greater than ours, so that we cannot establish an advantage in the future."

"The last is the third round of strikes. After both sides ensure mutual destruction, in order to prevent other countries from taking the opportunity to develop after the war, they must carry out nuclear annihilation against the remaining major countries in the world."

"This round of attacks will plunge the entire world into a quagmire of mutual destruction. Conservative estimates suggest that a nuclear war will kill more than half of the world's population. Due to various subsequent effects such as radiation and the collapse of social systems, the world's population will decline in a few years. It could be down to one-tenth of what it is today, or even less.”

"That would be the end of all human civilization."

Everyone was silent. That kind of terrible doomsday was something no one wanted to see.

And the decision they were about to make today might become the trigger of the doomsday. Thinking of this, everyone broke into a cold sweat.

William on the TV still looked calm. Suddenly, he said: "Perhaps only in suffering can human beings learn to be in awe."

No one knew what he meant, but William had already made a decision, "Launch a nuclear bomb and destroy their satellites!"

"According to our model predictions," an officer projected a pie chart on the screen, "if we continue to launch satellites this time, the probability that the United States will respond with force is 92.7%, including using nuclear missiles to destroy us. The probability of the satellite being intercepted is as high as 86.4%, and the probability of intercepting the rocket when we launch it is also 61.3%."

"Even if the United States does not respond with force this time, the next time we launch a satellite, the possibility of it responding with force will be as high as 99%. That is to say, if we choose to continue launching satellites, we will inevitably encounter the United States. country’s armed intervention.”

"The possibility of it evolving into a full-scale nuclear war?" asked another silver-haired general.

"The possibility is extremely high." The officer said, "According to the pioneer's deterrence model prediction, if we do not give up launching satellites, the possibility that the United States will eventually choose nuclear war is close to 100%."

Everyone looked at each other. It was impossible to stop launching magic satellites. Everyone here already knew the existence of gods. Magic satellites are currently the only weapons that humans can use to deal a real-time blow to gods. Giving up magic satellites is equivalent to Yu broke off his arms.

"Then, let's discuss how to deal with a full-scale nuclear war," the silver-haired general said. "How is our survivability under the opponent's nuclear attack?"

"Currently we have discovered and marked 50 missile control centers and 480 intercontinental missile silos in the United States." Another officer projected a map on the screen with the coordinates of missile silos across the United States. "Now they are all Marked by space satellites, we can destroy all targets within a minute if necessary.”

"No, it only takes 45 seconds now." Another officer looked at the tablet in his hand and said, "Today we launched two hundred satellites again, and the coverage and strike capabilities have been improved again. Pioneer calculated that in extreme cases, at most it only takes In 45 seconds, all these nuclear threats can be destroyed."

"What is the proportion of known targets among all?" someone asked. "If even one is missed, the loss will be unacceptable to us."

"We have three aerospace satellites that use the most advanced ground camera systems, with a camera accuracy of 0.1 meters. All their images will go through Pioneer's intelligent screening. The detection rate of missile silos in the beautiful country should be more than 99%."

"As for those that may be better hidden, our full-field electromagnetic radar can locate their location at the moment they are launched, and then destroy them through air and space weapons."

"In addition, our super-powered tactical troops are trying to find ways to invade the other party's command system. Once the virus developed by the pioneers is inserted into their command system, the other party will have no secrets from us."

"What about submarine-launched missiles?" someone asked again.

"Nuclear submarines can dive to a depth of more than five or six hundred meters. Under such deep waters, it is difficult for even our satellites to detect them. However, if submarine-launched missiles want to be launched, they must float to within a hundred meters of water. In this way Once this happens, the probability of us discovering each other is very high.”

"Similarly, once a missile is launched, it will be difficult to escape the eyes of our satellites."

"Taking a step back, even if we cannot detect the missile in the early stages of launch, we can still detect the opponent after it enters our country's airspace. With our interception capabilities, it will be destroyed upon discovery."

"According to pioneer predictions, in the most extreme case, once a full-scale nuclear war begins, at most one or two small bases will be hit."

"And if necessary, the other party will be completely destroyed by us within three hours."

"To sum up, the United States' nuclear deterrent capability against us has expired."

Everyone looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief, "What's the pioneer's suggestion?"

"Once the other side launches armed intervention, a full-scale war will immediately begin."

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