Murphy didn't run away.

He has figured out the current situation.

According to the AD calendar at this time, it would be around 400 AD.

There's a lot going on in Great Britain.

First of all, because the Huns, who were beaten to death by the mysterious ancient country in the far east two hundred years ago, migrated westward, Europe was almost destroyed by the Huns all the way. Even if they could not defeat the mysterious ancient country in the east, the Huns' fighting power was still sufficient. Crush all the barbarians in Europe.

Both the Alans and the Goths collapsed under the powerful offensive of the Huns. In order to survive, these Germans had to be forced to move westward, which eventually led to the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire under the impact of the barbarians.

As a result, the Romans, who had ruled Great Britain for nearly five hundred years, had to evacuate this remote province and gave the British people freedom and the right to "self-defense."

As the rulers retreated, the Christian faith, which had established an absolute advantage during the colonization process, was challenged again.

With the rise of military power across Britain, the native polytheistic beliefs that had been suppressed by Christianity were once again on the rise.

At the same time, the migrating Germanic people (Jutes, Anglo-Saxons, etc.) and some of the Greeks and Romans who were crushed by the Germanic people fled to the British Isles, and also brought their gods with them. .

On this land today, there are many gods such as the Christian God, the native Danu Gods of the Celts, the Nordic Aesir Gods brought by the Jutes, and the Olympus Gods of the Greeks and Romans. They can almost be regarded as It was a crowded place, extremely lively.

And they are all fighting each other endlessly for the rule of faith in this land.

Gods fight, this is exactly the stage Murphy needs.

Not long after, more than ten Sons of God had surrounded Murphy.

They are all the descendants of the native British gods, and most of them belong to the Danu clan. Murphy saw a giant carrying a cauldron. From Merlin's memory, Murphy knew that its divine power came from Dagda, the king of the Danu gods. , and there is a strong man holding a spear. He is Cu Chulainn, the descendant of Luger, the god of light.

In addition, there are some gods who come from more ancient primitive worship. Most of these gods have strange shapes, and many of them have the characteristics of various animals and plants, such as the descendants of forest gods with antlers and long hair. , or the descendants of the ocean god with fins on their backs and arms, etc.

The sons of gods were vaguely headed by Cu Chulainn. The latter had short golden hair, but his face was quite strange. His eyes were sunken and protruding, and his hands had seven fingers. He glanced at the burnt head on the ground. Merlin actually laughed.

And in the midst of laughter, his beard and hair spread out, his body gradually expanded, and his mouth opened with blood. Pupils kept appearing in his eyes, and his whole person began to exude an aura of extreme madness and rage.

This is his posture when he is preparing for battle. This son of God has always been known for his uncontrollable anger and unparalleled fighting power.

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, a horn suddenly sounded in the distance.

The originally clear sky suddenly gathered thick clouds, strong winds blew up, flying sand and rocks, and the blazing sun dyed the clouds a fiery red, like burning boiling magma.

The sound of the horn came from above the red-red clouds.

And as the horn sounded, pieces of pure white feathers fell down like snowflakes.

"Angel!" someone shouted in horror.

This scene was obviously not the first time that this happened. The sons of gods looked at each other a few times, and they all saw the panic in each other's expressions. Only Cu Chulainn still smiled wildly, and the spear in his hand suddenly burst out with a dazzling light. , and was immediately thrown out by him.

The spear pierced the atmosphere and shattered the clouds like a cannonball, immediately revealing the scene above the thick clouds.

Under the scorching sun, countless angels with wings covered the sky like locusts, almost blocking the sunlight.

"Rig, watch him!" Cu Chulainn ordered the giant next to him, and then he jumped up and rushed into the clouds. The other sons of gods also used their own methods to rush out of the camp and fight with the angel army swooping down from the air. fighting.

The giant Rigg put down the cauldron on his back and sat on it, his eyes fixed on Murphy. "You are not allowed to move. Cu Chulainn said that I should keep an eye on you."

Murphy smiled, and as expected he didn't move. He found a bench and sat down.

In this land, the Christian God is still the most powerful, and he just wants to see the fighting power of these angels.

But the Angel Legion was not the only attacker. On the ground, a team of mortal cavalry, holding the cross flag high, also came galloping. They shouted the holy name and charged towards the camp.

The soldiers in the camp also picked up their weapons and prepared for an attack in front of the camp. The wizards began to use various strange methods to release their magic, such as divination, casting curses, and blessings. Blessing, but few wizards can actually release a slightly powerful offensive magic.

Soon, the cavalry rushed into the camp, and one impact tore a hole in the hastily organized defense of the camp, like a sharp sword trying to cut through the entire camp.

In the sky, Cu Chulainn and the other sons of God were also locked in a bitter battle. The crazy son of Luger had fallen into a terrifying state of rage. His limbs began to twist and deform, and even grew extra hands and feet. His strength was also extremely amazing, and he could do anything at will. It can tear an angel in half. Broken bodies keep falling from the sky, and blood is poured out like rain.

But there are simply too many angels. Even if their individual combat power does not seem to be much stronger than that of an ordinary soldier who can fly, they can only use a single trick such as spear throwing, but they are unable to kill them.

At the same time, Murphy noticed that there were some angels in the four directions in the sky who did not seem to be involved in the battle. They were holding horns and arranged in a ring, seeming to be performing some kind of ritual.

As more and more angels died fighting with the mortals below, suddenly, the trumpet angels in four directions blew their trumpets again.

Four beams of light shine down from an unknown place in the sky and cast into the angels standing in the center of the four rings.

The angel's flesh and blood was instantly peeled off in the light, and the immeasurable brilliance gathered at a certain core in his body, condensing into a six-winged human form.

The halo above his head embodies immeasurable light. Even the wings behind his back cannot be seen in the form of flesh and blood, as if they are made purely of light. The surging magic power fluctuations in his tall body are no better than the true gods Murphy has seen. Weak and looks extremely dangerous.


In Merlin's memory, this was the leader of an extremely difficult angel legion. Normally, it would take more than a dozen Sons of God to join forces to defeat just one of them, but at this moment, there were actually four such archangels.

The moment Murphy noticed them, the attack began.

One of the archangels turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the eagle-headed Son of God. The moment he approached, he suddenly appeared, and the light wings behind him turned into the shape of sharp claws, restraining the eagle-headed Son of God. At the same time, another archangel appeared behind the Son of God at the same time as if he had been prepared, and took out a giant sword and slashed at the Son of God's head.

Fortunately, a spear blocked the giant sword in time, preventing the son of God from being beheaded.

But there were four archangels, and Cu Chulainn was able to save one, but he couldn't save all of them. Not long after, the third archangel used some kind of binding magic to trap the son of the ocean god, and then the latter Then he was shot through the heart by the bow and arrow transformed by the last archangel.

Cu Chulainn was helpless, but the four archangels cooperated tacitly, and their attack methods were all kinds of strange. With their majestic magic power, they could use all kinds of powerful magic without spells to firmly suppress the sons of gods, and soon they were attacked. Several people were fatally injured.

Whenever a son of God is injured, he will be sent back to the giant Rigg in the camp by his companions, and the latter will throw the injured son of God into his cauldron.

That pot had extraordinary healing power, and Murphy watched with his own eyes as the heart of the dying Ocean Goddess, with a big hole in it, grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the Sons of God were injured too quickly. Before the first one could recover, the next injured person was brought over. Within a few minutes, six or seven Sons of God had been stuffed into the cauldron, and the worst one among them was even It was cut into seven or eight pieces, and I don't know if it can be saved.

The battle has entered an extremely unfavorable state. On the ground, the cavalry holding high the cross flag has broken through the defense of the camp and is turning their horses' heads, preparing to start the second charge. The soldiers in the camp are divided into several small pieces. There was chaos, it was impossible to organize effective resistance, and failure was already doomed.

In the sky, the Sons of God were also in a state of exhaustion. However, within a moment, two more Sons of God were brutally murdered. Their bodies were completely destroyed, leaving only the shattered flesh and blood all over the sky. They could not be saved no matter what. .

In the end, Cu Chulainn was the only one left who was still struggling.

One of his arms and one of his legs was blown off, and several holes were opened between his chest and abdomen. The blood was splashed freely. If it weren't for the endless rage burning in his chest, he would have been unable to move.

But even so, it was just a fight between trapped beasts, and anyone could see that he was destined to die.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuancyuuuuuuancyfulia If Lin is defeated, he will not be able to save his best friend, and everyone here will die today.

"Dagda, the Father Almighty..."

"The great Luger, the undefeated God of Light..."

"Save us..."

The giant Rigg knelt down and prayed into the distance. Many soldiers and wizards in the camp also knelt on the ground like him.

In this proxy war of gods, failure is a foregone conclusion. The only way they can survive is to pray that the gods behind them can show mercy.

But a voice broke their illusions.

"Don't waste your efforts."

Murphy stood up at some point, "The individual combat power of angels is very limited. They send out so many people to form a magic barrier. This place has been isolated by the power of Christ. Your god cannot hear your prayers at all." ”

"Of course, it is unusual for believers to be disconnected for a long time, but your gods have not appeared. Either they are too stupid to realize what is happening here, or they do not want to risk jumping into a trap to save you. "

"No matter what, your fate is sealed."

"Oh... my father... oh... Cu Chulainn..." The giant cried even more sadly.


This big guy doesn't seem to have a bright mind.

No one praised him, so Murphy had no choice but to continue his words, "But luckily, I'm here. Giant Rigg, do you want to save your friend?"

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