Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 460 The Demonic Network is Completed

In fact, according to the original design, the materials needed to build the magic network should contain dozens of magic metals and magic alloys, but now neither metallurgical technology nor magic technology can meet the requirements.

Murphy could only settle for the next best thing, abandoning those designs that were precise and efficient but required high materials, and revised the plan several times, so that the entire magic network node could be completed with only orichalcum - that is, magic brass. .

More than ten carts of forged orichalcum were pulled around the pit. As soon as Murphy raised his hand, the metal ingots flew into the air one after another, and were immediately wrapped in Murphy's magic power.

A handful of flames emerged out of thin air, melting the copper ingots one after another and converging together to form a huge molten metal mass.

The quality of the orichalcum produced by wizards has wide tolerances, and Murphy needs to reprocess it.

At the same time, the flame he uses is also the cursed fire of Ragnarok, which will add some additional properties to orichalcum, allowing it to absorb the magic power flowing through it to repair itself, so as to avoid the occurrence of properties during long-term use. Change.

Some impurities were driven out during Murphy's secondary processing, and sufficient mixing also made the overall properties of the orichalcum liquid mass more uniform. After a few minutes of adjustment, the quality of orichalcum finally met his requirements.

An extremely complex three-dimensional circuit diagram that looked like an integrated circuit diagram appeared in Murphy's mind. This was the magic structure he designed for the Magic Network nodes.

Since this is the first magic node, it not only needs to distribute and circulate magic power, but most importantly, it also needs to adjust the magic power to meet the various magic needs of various users.

This complex structure is the "circuit" of the magic node. By analogy, it is like the "motherboard" of a computer. It is responsible for connecting various important modules together and adjusting energy - that is, the distribution of magic power. , to achieve various functions.

The spherical solution mass suddenly divided into nine parts, each floating above the bottom of the pit. Then a tentacle-like channel hung from the lower part of the sphere. This channel became thinner as it got closer to the bottom of the pit, until it came into contact with the ceramic structure at the bottom of the pit. Become finer than the tip of a pin.

Then, the precise carving began, and the nine tentacles suddenly moved, and the tip quickly scratched the hard ceramic at the bottom of the pit. At the same time, the depth of the tip was constantly adjusted, cutting out vertical and horizontal ravines.

At the same time, the golden orichalcum was quickly filled in, and soon a complex and exquisite circuit diagram was drawn at the bottom of the pit.

But this is just the beginning. After the first layer of carving and injection is completed, the rock above is melted and pressed by Murphy again to form a ceramic body with slightly different properties than before, covering this layer of lines, and then the third layer of lines begins. Sculpting and infusion work on the second floor.

This was repeated hundreds of times, and most of the orichalcum had been filled in, and the magic circuit "main board" was completed.

This is not only a complex circuit motherboard, but also a super-large magic memristor chip that integrates storage and calculation. It can even store and calculate information and data when necessary, but this is not its main design purpose. Its core The function is still to adjust and distribute magic power.

There were hundreds of grooves left on the "motherboard", and Murphy took out a bunch of real magic chips from the storage ring and filled them in.

This part of the chip is the computing core of the magic node and the carrier hardware of the magic network model.

Then, Murphy began to build other functional modules, such as magic perception module, magic amplification module, magic radar module, etc.

After all the modules were completed, he melted the rock again and wrapped the entire magic network node to form a standard cylinder, completing the "encapsulation".

At this point, the hardware part of the magic network node has been completed. Next, the polar magic power of the wizards extracted previously is added to the magic network node through a ritual.

In theory, these magic powers will be used as the starting energy and basic materials for the magic network nodes, but in fact, the wizards' magic power level and polarity are not enough, so the ritual is only superficial, and the real magic source secretly is provided by Murphy.

But this ceremony is extremely important. It will convey the following message to the gods through the sons of gods who are watching: The construction of the magic network requires the participation of many wizards. Although Murphy's own influence cannot be ignored, the magic network does not rely on him alone. It can be completed with the power of the magic net, and Murphy's control over the magic network may be limited.

At this moment, hundreds of wizards gathered around the large pit at the magic network node, reciting lengthy incantations under the leadership of thirteen Murphy disciples. Dozens of crystals of various colors were placed in front of them, among which Loaded with the polar magic power extracted recently.

As they chanted the curse, the crystals glowed one after another, and then dimmed. The polar magic power in them merged into the magic nodes under the guidance of the ritual and was absorbed by them.

At the same time, Murphy also quietly injected some of the magic power of the gods collected from Ragnarok into the magic nodes.

He controls the rhythm and properties of the magic infusion, keeping it consistent with the magic of the wizards.

He did it extremely covertly, and even used the divine power obtained from the identity of Loki, the "God of Tracks and Lies" in the process, to ensure that even if many true gods came in person, no flaws would be seen.

However, there is a fundamental difference between the level and quality of the magic power of the gods and the wizards. Even if the sons of gods do not have the means of directly observing magic power like Murphy, they can still feel the magic energy fluctuations in the magic nodes rising rapidly.

"What he said seems to be true! This magic net seems to really enhance the magic power." A son of God said.

"But how is it possible? No matter how much the magic power of those weak wizards changes, it is impossible to improve it to this level. I feel as if there are several true gods standing in that big pit."

"So this is the magic of the magic net!" Another divine son said.

"Or maybe this is just a scam."

"A scam? What kind of scam can collect so many divine powers at the divine level? Could it be that he killed an entire divine system?"

Of course that's impossible. Not to mention that this is something that even the Christian God would find difficult to do. Even if he could do it, he already has such strength. What kind of scam would he do? Wouldn't it be over if he just pushed all the gods?

The questioner couldn't think of any good explanation, so he could only look at Cu Chulainn, "Cuchulin, what do you say?"

"Don't worry, we'll find out later if it's true or false."

After a long time, the ceremony finally ended. Seventy-two polar magic powers rose from the magic nodes, and then the breath converged and disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

Just when everyone thought the ritual had failed, suddenly, a special wave passed through the hearts of all wizards.

In an instant, they felt as if the pores all over their bodies had been opened, and they seemed to be exchanging some message with the entire space and the entire world. The magic power around them was slowly rising and falling with this exchange of messages, like breathing.

The next moment, they felt as if they suddenly had something extra. It was an extremely subtle feeling, as if they suddenly understood some knowledge, understood some truths, and as if their bodies had mastered some movements, a kind of At the same time, it seems that there are some illusory limbs or some non-existent organs.

They all exclaimed, this feeling was so wonderful, as if they were getting to know the world again, and it was like they were truly in contact with real things for the first time since they were born.

The distant mountains have never been so clear, the birdsong has never been so gentle, even the gravel on the fingertips and the breeze blowing on the cheeks are like unprecedented wonderful experiences.

But at this moment, someone finally tried to grasp this feeling and gave it a little nudge in their thoughts.

So the next moment, a handful of sparks jumped up in the wizard's palm.

The sudden light of fire startled him, and he threw the flame out, almost setting the other wizard on fire.

In the chaos, someone finally understood what was happening and shouted in shock, "Magic!"

No spells, no gestures, no complicated rituals, just magic created by the mind.

As a wizard, I have been confused for decades.

They finally mastered magic for the first time.

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