At dusk, a village is burning.

The cavalry held torches and drove the villagers away, shouting and driving them out of the village that had been corrupted by the devil's plague.

At the edge of the village, a fire was built beside a main road, with a cross erected above it.

There were seven or eight knights standing around the fire, and two corpses were lying on the ground.

After a while, two horses galloped up the road. A young priest with a bald head jumped out of the leading horse. He was wearing a simple gray robe and only wore a cross pendant on his chest.

"Why set fire?" The young priest frowned and looked at the burning village and asked the knight leader.

"This is the devil's village. It has polluted this place. Only flame can purify it." The knight captain said with a cold face.

The priest knew that the other party was just a destructive maniac, but his faith gave him an excuse to do whatever he wanted. At this point, it was useless to condemn the other party. He looked at the two corpses on the ground and asked, "Who are they?"

"The 'devil's' parents were the ones who called Father Clermont and caused his death. They also tried to excuse the 'devil'. I suspect that they were also possessed by the devil."

"Doubt? You just had doubts and you killed them?" The priest was a little angry. It was precisely because of these reckless people who used the name of the Holy See to create panic everywhere that the Holy See became more and more twisted and cruel, and the faith supported by fear It won't last long.

"Are you questioning my loyalty?!" the knight captain asked sharply, "A priest died here, the devil killed him, and you want me to pity these heretics?"

The priest was angry, but he did not continue to argue. Collusion with heretics was an extremely serious crime, and sympathizing with them was the beginning of betrayal.

"Where's the possessed one?"

The "devil" was brought.

It was a girl who looked to be only four or five years old. Her hands were tied behind her back. Judging from the way her arms were bent, she might have been twisted.

The child's face was covered with tears, and his eyes were wide open but out of focus - it was a case of psychosis after suffering extreme fright.

The priest could tell at a glance that the child was not possessed by the devil, and the cross on his chest was vibrating slightly, reminding him of this - the other person was probably just a witch.

Although there is no difference between the two in the Holy See's propaganda, there is a clear difference between the two in internal discussions.

Those fanatics who are controlled by pagan gods are the so-called "devil-possessed". They believe in pagan gods, but they themselves have been corrupted and irredeemable. The special abilities or magic they possess often come from outside. The evil god.

Wizards, however, are a special group. Their power seems to come from themselves and has nothing to do with their souls.

This group of beasts dealt such a heavy hand to an innocent child. God’s enemies must be eradicated, but the insult and abuse are absolutely contrary to God’s teachings.

He walked up, pushed away a knight who wanted to stop him, came to the girl, and put his hand on the girl's head.

The cross on the chest vibrated slightly, confirming the other party's identity.


He sighed, "May God forgive your crimes, my child. Don't be afraid. It will be over soon."

After saying this, he stood up and asked the knights to tie the girl to the cross in the fire.

Whether they are wizards or demon-possessed people, they are all enemies of the Holy See.

In fact, wizards are even more dangerous.

It is said that they are helping the pagan gods expand their territory. They are higher than the pagans on the list of objects that the Holy See must eradicate, not to mention that a priest died here.

This girl must die.

Thinking of killing an innocent child with his own hands, the young priest felt his breathing heavy and his heart aching as if someone had grabbed him.

But the pain turned into a kind of masochistic perseverance.

It’s all for God’s great cause!

If this is a sin, it will be borne by me alone. Even if I cannot go to heaven because of it, as long as God’s grace can benefit more people, everything will be worth it.

As if confirming his thoughts, the cross on his chest exuded gentle heat.

Then an enlightening thought appeared in his mind, "The pain of the flame is only temporary. As long as her soul is clean, she can return to God."

The priest's heart suddenly relaxed and he was almost moved to tears.

This must be a revelation from God. He is so tolerant that he is not even willing to abandon wizards who may affect his great cause, leaving a place for them by his side.

He is so loving that He can even see the insignificant apprehensions of believers.

The priest cheered up again, and his soul was purified again through this small test.

The girl was tied to the cross. She seemed to understand her fate and struggled desperately. Her mouth was blocked and she could only make a whining sound. She kept twisting her body and her nose was filled with tears. Face.

The priest took a deep breath and showed a gentle smile.

He did not take off the cloth from the girl's mouth because he was worried that in her panic, she would talk nonsense and blaspheme, adding to his sins.

Don’t be afraid, child, the sins of the world have not yet contaminated you. You will return to your Heavenly Father in the purest form and enjoy peace and joy forever.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, took the torch handed by a knight, and threw it on the oiled fire.

"Woooo..." The girl let out a miserable cry.

In the billowing smoke, the girl's struggling body was like the embodiment of fear itself. Even though the priest was mentally prepared, there was still a trace of fear in his heart.

"Great Heavenly Father," the priest couldn't help shouting in order to suppress the fear in his heart, "I am sending this girl back to you. Please take care of her soul, forgive her sins, and grant her wisdom and peace. eternal……"

However, before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt the cross on his chest vibrate violently.

This cross was a sacred instrument given to him when he became a papal priest. It is said to have been blessed by angels and can help believers convey their prayers to the ears of the Father. In the hands of some devout believers, it can even resonate and lead to the coming of the Father. Miracle.

However, the young priest is not yet mature, and in his hands, the power of the cross is only to be able to identify evil presence nearby.

When pagans or other evil things appear nearby, the cross will start to vibrate. The stronger the evil, the more powerful the cross will vibrate.

For example, the witch child just now has very little power, so the cross only shook slightly. If it is a believer in an evil god - the so-called devil-possessed person, whose power is far greater than that of ordinary little wizards, the vibration of the cross will be Obviously a lot.

But even when he followed the cult to fight against the real devil, the cross had never trembled so violently.

Under the astonished gaze of the priest, it actually floated up, with such force that it even tore off the necklace around his neck.

It was suspended half a meter away in front of the priest, like a hound that had encountered a natural enemy, guarding him vigilantly.

But at this moment, the priest saw a figure in the distance.

Under the setting sun of dusk, a tall human figure strolled over.

With his footsteps, the cross vibrated more and more violently, and cracks appeared on it, and from those cracks, endless white light radiated.

However, this light could not cover up the darkness behind the visitor.

As the sun set, a cold wind blew by. The priest was shocked to find that the flames in the village had been extinguished at some point, and the knights not far away seemed to be petrified. Their bodies were pale and covered with frost - they were actually frozen into ice cubes in the wind.

"God, Father..."

The priest already understood that he had encountered a powerful threat that he had never seen before, and he subconsciously began to pray.

But he heard a chuckle.

"Your god is too far away to hear such prayers."

"You'd better go to him and talk."

Before he finished speaking, the cross seemed to have been twisted hard, and it was twisted into twists with a heart-wrenching sound of metal friction. It suddenly lost all its luster and fell to the ground like a piece of scrap metal.

Without the protection of the cross, the priest suddenly felt the bone-chilling chill.

In an instant, his limbs and even his internal organs were frozen.

As his vision was turned white, he saw the appearance of the person coming.

With short black hair and golden eyes, he was an extremely handsome young man.

However, in the brief moment of spiritual awareness when he was about to die, he saw the true face of the other party beneath the surface.

Wearing scales, with sheep's hooves on its feet, six wings on its back, and four corners on its head...


"The enemy of God..."

He murmured the last word and fell into eternal silence.

But Murphy didn't even look at him, and went straight to the fire that had been extinguished by the cold air. With a wave of his hand, he held the girl who fainted due to suffocation from the smoke in his arms.

After looking at the other party's short silver hair, he clicked his tongue as if expected, and disappeared on the spot.

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