Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 137 Hermione’s Reason

"That's not right!" George said: "There is a reason why Sister Isha is so strong, but why can Katerina block all the Quaffles and dodge the random Bludgers? She is so strong, if Wasn’t it easy for Ravenclaw to win the championship last year as a goalkeeper?”

"She only likes watching Quidditch and doesn't like training very much." Chen Bin took Katerina's hand and prevented her from answering directly.

Although Quidditch relies on technology and talent, the strength of magic still has a lot of advantages. After Kate's magical infusion, her magical power is now nearly twice that of an adult wizard. In addition, she has been practicing Chen's boxing technique since the summer vacation of first grade, so her reflexes are naturally much stronger than those of ordinary wizards.

If she had taken the Quidditch test at the beginning of the semester last year, even if she had been selected, she would never have been as evil as she is now.

"Sister Isha, has Bin inherited your Quidditch talent?" Hermione asked with stars in her eyes.

"He?" (*ω*): "I don't like playing Quidditch at all. I would rather watch Muggle football and basketball since I was a child, especially Chinese men's football. I like to scold and watch at the same time. What is this like? ...Yes! This means that even though you torture me a thousand times, I still treat you like my first love."

Everyone also looked at Chen Bin with strange eyes, obviously feeling that he did not look like a wizard.

"How about another game?" Ron's suggestion was accepted by everyone, but this time Isha became the catcher and showed what it means to catch the Golden Snitch in seven seconds, defeating Team Harry 150:0.

"One more!" Harry said dissatisfied.

This time Kate and Isha swapped places and recreated Isha's unique skill - catching the Golden Snitch in seven seconds and defeating Team Harry 150:0.

Harry began to doubt life. "Let's go back and wash up and sleep..."

In the following week, Arthur and Percy were rarely at home. They got up earlier than anyone else and were so busy that they didn't go home until everyone had dinner.

Percy was half complaining in the kitchen, half showing off the amount of important cleanup work he had to deal with every day.

The twins were secretly mocking Percy for being an official fanatic, but Chen Bin just shook his head and said nothing. Of course, children who have just come out of society have to work hard to climb up. Chen Bin doesn't think Percy has done anything wrong at this moment. At most, he just worships his superiors too much.

Mrs. Weasley often glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner, but her ears listened to the children's chat.

"Back, Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley hurriedly carried her husband's dinner on a tray and walked into the warm living room.

Although Arthur looked exhausted, he still took the tray and took his wife's hand to the table in front of the tent.

There were a lot of official duties this week, but he also took Molly to sleep in the tent every night as his way of relieving stress - simulating Muggle life.

As he ate his supper, he scolded Rita Skeeter for scribbling in the newspaper. "Now she's found out about poor old Bertha's disappearance, and it looks like that'll be the headline in the Daily Prophet tomorrow. I told Bagman he should have sent for her a long time ago."

Chen Weiguo walked out of his tent with his wife and poured some Chinese liquor for Arthur.

"Thank you, this tastes great, and half a cup can keep me asleep until dawn."

At the same time, the children sat around the long table and listened to their chat.

"Mr. Crouch has been saying that for weeks," Percy said quickly. When he opened his mouth, it was Old Crouch, and almost everyone's ears became calloused.

When the two father and son talked about the sparkling topic, Hermione finally broke out. "I think Mr. Crouch is very lucky that the people at the Daily Prophet didn't know how he abused the elves!"

While Percy was still debating this issue with Hermione, Chen Bin quietly took Kate back to the bedroom to sleep. During this week, Hermione often wandered around the tent, leaving the two of them with few opportunities to be alone, so they wanted to set up the illusion that they had gone back to their respective bedrooms to sleep while no one was paying attention.

As for what the two of them were doing in the room? Hahahaha...Buddha said it cannot be said.

The day before school started, Chen Bin pulled a reluctant Isha to say goodbye to the Weasley family because he agreed to buy new clothes with Katerina. Although she has stopped growing taller and has stayed at 173 centimeters, she needs to buy some professional clothes suitable for her status as a professor.

Before leaving, Chen Bin specially measured Ron's figure and whispered in a deserted corner: "Listen carefully, if you study hard this year, you will have a stunning dress, but if you don't do well in the exam, believe me or not." Do you want you to walk around the castle naked?"

Ron shuddered, but still nodded firmly: "Deal!"

How much is a dress worth? Yisha couldn't stand it anymore, so he asked Chen Bin to give him a gift, but Chen Bin thought it was not good for this kid to be a freeloader, so he made this agreement.

The next morning, the trio took a taxi to King's Cross station. Mrs. Weasley warned her children on the platform, and the engine's pistons finally hissed loudly.

The train is starting to move.

"Tell us what happened at Hogwarts! What charter did they change?" Fred shouted out the window as Mrs. Weasley, Bill and Charlie were quickly walking away.

But no one answered. Naturally, they didn't know that Lao Deng would list all the brothers' prank products as contraband at the opening ceremony.

Harry, Ron and Hermione returned to their box, where heavy raindrops were pattering against the glass, making it difficult for them to see what was outside.

"Why don't we see Bin and Kate on the train?" Hermione walked from the front to the back of the car and opened all the compartment doors.

"Who knows?" Ron rolled his eyes at her and said disdainfully: "But I think it is unnecessary for you to mention Kate. You are just thinking about Bin... Oops! My feet! It hurts..."

Hermione stepped on Ron angrily. "I want you to take care of it?"

"Hermione, actually we also know that you are secretly in love with Bin." Harry shrank his feet to avoid Hermione's step, raised his hands in surrender and said: "But Bin and Kate are already a couple, so you shouldn't pester him."

"If you haven't been married for a day, anything is possible." Hermione put away her stepping foot and stroked the cat angrily.

Her answer was beyond Harry and Ron's comprehension. According to the education of wizards and Muggles, it is very immoral to break up someone else's relationship, and it is even more shameful to have to take the position of someone else's girlfriend after the relationship is broken up.

Ron and Harry made eye contact for a few seconds, and then Harry spoke: "Hermione, as your good friends, we have the responsibility to prevent you from doing wrong things. Listen to me, before you make any mistakes, stop and retaliate." Come..."

"You are my best friends, shouldn't you support me?" Hermione finally couldn't stand the gazes of the two of them, broke down and cried. "I don't want the judge to be my friend, I don't want you to tell me what's right or wrong! Don't you have to strive for happiness by yourself? Ever since Bin saved me from the troll in the first grade, I have had a crush on him! Otherwise, Why don’t I read in the library instead of borrowing books to read in the Room of Requirement?”

"When I found out that Naama was his fiancée, do you know how many times I secretly cried? When I found out that their engagement was fake, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. When he used medicine to wake me up from petrification, At that time, I couldn't help but confess to him on the spot! At that time, I understood that if I was timid about everything, I might not get any happiness before being killed by the basilisk. But, you know what Naama said to me afterwards ?"

Ron and Harry asked at the same time: "What did Bin say to you?"

"It's not Bin, it's Caitlina Naama!" Hermione hid her face and shouted, making the two of them look helpless and exchanged words with their eyes: Women are so hypocritical. They clearly hate her and accuse her of her last name, but she wants to Call her Kate in front of her crush.

Hermione couldn't see the look in their eyes, so she continued to talk to herself: "She invited me to the Room of Requirement and told me not to pester her fiancé! She said they were a couple! I clearly pointed out their engagement It’s false, and she admitted it when she was in first grade. But do you know what she said?”

"What did she say?" The two continued to cheer.

"She said she didn't know what liking meant at that time. It wasn't until she got along with Bin for half a year that she finally understood that the meaning of her life was to get Bin's attention! She also said that she would officially pursue Bin from today on. I couldn't be angry. I have to have a wizard duel with her, and whoever loses should stop pestering Bin, but I just lost to this Naama who has weak magic power!"

As she spoke, she cried louder.

Harry checked that the doors and windows of the box were closed tightly, and then comforted him in a low voice: "Since you have lost, then stop pestering..."

"But I went back to the dormitory and read the Muggle love advice book. It said that love cannot be used as a bet! Anyone who treats his boyfriend as a bet will lose the qualification to love. Since we also treat him as a bet, then We also lost an opportunity to fall in love. That is to say, we are even and can compete again. Do you think this is right? "

Ron made sure that there were no gaps in her hands covering her face, and then gestured to Harry: "She is mentally ill and only sees what is good for her."

However, his mouth echoed: "Yes, yes, what next?"

"Then they suddenly fell in love last year! Naama must have used a dishonorable method to seduce Bin, so I asked him why he wanted to be with this woman when he was teaching. On the day Bin asked for leave and returned to China, this woman She came to me again and said that we were all friends too, so don’t make things difficult for Bin anymore. I knew that Bin still cared about me, so I asked her to compete fairly with me, otherwise I would stop paying attention to Bin. This woman agreed I can do it, I just reconciled with Bin, am I wrong?"

Ron and Harry were also dumbfounded, and then realized that it was not easy to be Bin's girlfriend, and they even had to coax Hermione for him. No, it should be that Caitlina is too mature. She knew that her boyfriend wanted to ease the relationship between the five-person group, so she deliberately tolerated the unreasonable demands of her love rival.

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