Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 139 Alastor Moody

The students were feeding pigs enthusiastically, and Nick, who was almost headless, floated over to Harry again, talking about Peeves and the hundreds of house elves in the kitchen.

Catarina saw Hermione knocking over her goblet of gold as if prophesying, and said something in horror.

Although her ears could not hear sounds that were that far away, she still matched Hermione's mouth with the prophetic dialogue: "There are house elves here too? In Hogwarts?"

Chen Bin was having a meal, and he really laughed this time.

"I'm still eating!"

Katerina wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and coquettishly stuck out her tongue: "I'm sorry."

"My eyes!" George shouted from his seat, causing all the students to look in the direction he was pointing, which was Caitlina and Chen Bin.

Catalina's face turned red immediately after being watched by everyone, but she did not stop wiping Chen Bin's mouth. The two of them were licensed to spread dog food legally.

Finally, the desserts were cleared away, and Dumbledore stood up again.

"Okay!" Lao Deng said with a smile: "Now that we have eaten and drank enough, I must ask everyone's attention again, and I want to make a few announcements."

Then, in addition to banning some prank items in the original work, he also added a series of new inventions by the twins. Lao Deng, who had read the original work, was indeed not merciless at all when he started his evil deeds.

"I would also like to inform you with great regret that there will be no Quidditch match this year."

All the Quidditch players made incredible screams, but Lao Deng continued: "Because a larger event will be held in October and last for the entire school year. This takes up too much time and energy of the teachers and students of the school. . However, I believe that you will also enjoy it. I am very happy to announce to you that this year at Hogwarts-"

I don’t know whether it was Lao Deng who was very accurate or whether Batty Jr. deliberately chose this time to appear. In short, the fake Moody arrived as scheduled.

The door of the auditorium was knocked open by him with a deafening thunder. He was leaning on crutches like an Italian godfather and wearing a long black cloak. When all the students in the school turned to pay attention to him, he walked step by step towards the professor's chair.

This was a man with his own BGM. Suddenly a fork-shaped lightning flashed across the ceiling, illuminating his face. He took off his hood, revealing his gray hair, and limped toward Dumbledore with "thumping" footsteps.

Another BGM lightning flashed across the ceiling, and Hermione gasped.

"God Father." Chen Bin said in a low voice, but Katerina, who had lived in Eastern Europe since she was a child, had obviously never seen this movie and couldn't find the point of laughter.

Moody's face is like a carving of rotten wood, every inch of skin is scarred, the mouth is a large crooked mouth, a large piece of the nose is missing, and there is a small black eye and a coin-sized, Blue magic eyes that move up and down, left and right.

This is the rumored evil eye that can see through everything. I wonder if the death wheel eye is stronger, or is this one stronger?

Chen Bin was thinking wildly again, but Fake Moody still stretched out his scarred hand to Dumbledore. Dumbledore held hands with him and whispered to him. Then, Lao Deng motioned for him to sit on the empty seat.

Lao Deng's acting skills are the most professional among those who have seen the prophecy. It is completely impossible to tell that he already knows that this person is Barty Jr. Before decorating Kate's room, Chen Bin went to Lao Deng's principal's office to meet the real Moody. He is now a young man who looks a lot like the Weasleys, taking Dmitri's place as a handyman.

This position has been vacant since Dmitri took charge of the Nama family's magic industry in China. From this year onwards, the new school building handymen were renamed activity administrators, and the persons in charge were named Anastasia Dubrovsky and David Dubrovsky.

Needless to say, this David is impersonated by Moody who drank Polyjuice Potion. The Dubrovsky family really has David, but his appearance is not like this. He is still researching new weapons in the enchantment factory in China.

This red-haired young man is a Swedish squib, and his family has also joined the Naama family to invest in a telecommunications equipment company for China, preparing to seize the patent rights of Bluetooth.

The fake David (real Moody) looked at Chen Bin for a moment before shaking hands with him. But anyone with a discerning eye can also see that this guy's left hand, which was stuck in his trouser pocket, is holding the wand tightly.

After taking their seats, Lao Deng and he went straight to the topic - the process of the real Moody's escape plan.

In short, the masked strong wizard really made Voldemort a simple child body, and the two of them broke into Moody's residence together with Barty Jr. Since Lao Deng and Moody had already made a plan, Moody had been pretending to have just taken a shower before they broke in. Even the prosthetic limbs and magic eyes were placed on the bedside, while he sat in front of the frame and cut off his excessive length. s hair.

Then, three people crashed into his room through the door. Moody was so "scared" that he jumped out of the window before he could pull out his wand. He accidentally triggered the defensive magic outside the window and was burned to ashes by the Fire Curse.

Needless to say, this fierce fire is real, but Moody apparated to a safe place the moment the fierce fire exploded with strong magic waves, and what was burned to ashes was caused by Lao Deng's transformation spell in advance. A magical animal.

Judging from the pictures captured by the camera, although the picture was interfered by strong magic, the three of them could still be seen collecting some fly ash to test whether the deceased had magic power, and then checked each window to see if there was also a fire spell. trap.

After a round of careful inspection, the extremely ugly child ordered Barty to collect Moody's hair, magic eyes and prosthetic limbs.

Lao Deng took action, and he was indeed able to grasp Voldemort's psychology. Sure enough, Jiang became more and more hot as he got older, and Jiang's sexual orientation was very subtle. He had specialized in studying Voldemort's path to becoming a demon for more than ten years.

These are definitely old gay friends who fall in love and kill each other.

Well, Chen Bin admitted that Lao Deng was right again. This layout made Socket Nose believe that the broken hair on the ground was by no means a trap.

At the end of the reminiscence, Lao Deng had introduced the fake Moody on the stage as this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but except for Dumbledore and Hagrid, no professor or student applauded.

While the students were still discussing the face of this terrifying old man, the door of the auditorium was opened again.

There was no BGM this time, but it was cheered by the students present, which was in obvious contrast to the way fake Moody appeared.

They were Sirius and Lupin, dressed in smart Auror attire. There were no Auror uniforms in the wizarding world, but since Old Deng secretly controlled Minister Fudge at the end of last semester, the command of the Auror Office no longer belongs to Fudge. Isn't it just a matter of Old Deng to add new uniforms?

This medieval knight's armor was made of enchanted wood, and was covered with a black cloak. Only the helmet was placed in a traceless stretch bag and was not taken out. In order to make the armors look more handsome, Chen Bin also made them thinner and lighter, making them look more like matte black thin armor, which completely fits the wearer's figure.

When the original version of the protective gear was first made, a group of researchers also sent letters of protest like snowflakes, complaining that wizards wearing such protective gear, which resembled riot police, was very Muggle-like and simply slandered the honor of wizards.

Chen Bin's way of thinking is still dominated by his previous life. He has no idea of ​​wizard glory at all, and everything is based on practicality. Since there is resistance from the wizard researchers, let them change it as they please.

result? Hum, the black wooden armor was painted with a metallic matte finish, and more than ten folding layers were stretched seamlessly on the inside. Each layer was at least three centimeters thick. What about the diamond solution layer, the anti-instantaneous spore layer, the instant teleportation layer, and the space distortion? Layers, armor and shield layers, etc., are as expensive as they come. As long as they are not expensive materials, they are all piled in the mezzanine, filling the seamless expansion space to the limit of expansion.

These old craftsmen just want to bring in all the private goods and want to use this to build their reputation! Chen Bin's hands trembled when he saw these costs. Do they think that since the mezzanine material is relatively cheap, they can thicken it desperately? The accumulated scrap rate will also lead to a qualitative change in money! And no matter how thick the mezzanine is, it can only defend against the attacks of elite Death Eaters. It will still be defeated by Old Dubrovsky's full blow, not to mention Old Deng and Socket Nose.

But Chen Bin just followed their lead and promised to change whatever they wanted. He could only increase the price several times on the quotation to balance his psychology - the labor and management were temporarily losing money, and the buyer would have to double the price in the future. Come back twice as much!

There are also ultra-folding thick shields, top-level magic subsidy bracelets, and space interference cubes. Chen Bin is so angry that he doesn’t want to recall them anymore. In short, he can’t find a buyer for bulk purchase this time. Chen Bin will kill him when he returns from summer vacation. A group of researchers pay tribute to heaven!

However, Chen Bin thought maliciously that if Lao Deng had a magic light machine gun in one hand and a wand in the other, it would be quite exciting to fight Voldemort in the hall of the Ministry of Magic.

"Tom, take a shot of my smashing bullets!"


"Why is this thing so powerful?"

"Hmph - this is an imported product from the East - a light-machine magic spell launcher, specially designed to fight against the demons of the Western Regions!"

"I don't believe it! Avada Kedavra-"

"It's impossible. Why can't my death curse kill you?"

"Of course, this is the latest developed anti-curse suit. Watch me disarm the grenade!"


Chen Bin was still having sex, with an indescribable expression on his face. Of course, this scene can only be played for a while. The current enchanted equipment can neither penetrate Lao Deng's defense nor prevent Lao Deng's attacks, and the finished product must also pass the aesthetics of the wizard developer.

Σ(っ°Д°;)っ: "Bin, you smile very weirdly."

"It's okay, Kate, I'm thinking about important things." Chen Bin chatted with Kate for a few words, and Lao Deng just announced that Sirius and Lupine would become the tutors of the extracurricular activities class, and at the same time serve as professors of the Ministry of Magic. Auror assigned to Hogwarts.

In addition to normal patrol tasks, they will also teach students some practical combat skills.

Then, Lao Deng glanced at Chen Bin with a meaningful look, and then turned to look at the students. "In addition to these three new professors, we also have an additional Professor Naama this year. She will replace Professor Naama, who has become increasingly burdened with work, as Professor of Divination. From today on, the original Professor Naama will be promoted As the director of extracurricular activities, he is responsible for coordinating all club activities. We welcome the two Naama professors with warm applause."

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