Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 144 It’s time to show real skills

The moment he hung up the phone, a "pop" sound immediately sounded, and the phantom of a beautiful woman in professional attire appeared in front of him.

She took two steps forward, extended her right hand to Chen Bin, and said with a smile: "Sorry, there was a small misunderstanding. The team leader and deputy team leader also went to the meeting today. Please allow me to temporarily receive you on behalf of the witchcraft decision-making team."

Chen Bin looked at her hands quietly while putting on pure white gloves.

Then, with a look of disgust on his face, he shook her hand through his gloves, then took off his gloves and let them spontaneously combust.

This behavior is tantamount to irritating the beauty's face, but there is no displeasure on the beauty's face, and she is obviously much more mature than the year before. She is the beauty who contradicted Chen Bin at the investment company two years ago, her name is Holly Taylor.

"Sit over there and talk, and ask your record-keeper to come over and take notes." Chen Bin ignored everyone's expressions and walked straight to a corner of the lobby, then transformed into two sofas and a coffee table. There were black tea and tea on the coffee table. dessert.

Taylor sat on the sofa opposite, with a friendly and natural expression. He picked up the black tea on the coffee table and drank it elegantly.

She tried to chat with Chen Bin, but Chen Bin closed his eyes and waited for the recorder to arrive.

After a while, twelve people came behind Taylor. They all carried notes and both men and women wore black suits.

A staff member moved a long table and placed it behind Taylor to allow the clerical staff to record with ease.

The glass door of the hall has been closed and covered with a black curtain. All irrelevant people have also left the hall, leaving only these thirteen people to talk to Chen Bin.

Why is Chen Bin talking here? Show off your power? Prevent surveillance? Test the other party's sincerity? Prevent an ambush? Not at all, he just wants to play cards contrary to common sense, and there is no deep-seated reason.

(*σ`)σ: Are you surprised, surprised, or bored?

He knew that there was probably a team of hundreds of people behind them analyzing, or negotiators monitoring, etc., but none of this was applicable to this meeting because he only had to act as a repeater this time.

After the twelve people placed the equipment, Chen Bin exuded powerful magic power. Well, it's about three times the magic power of an adult wizard. It just sprays out normally without any magic spells.

All the computers on the long table turned into black screens, all electronic items in the lobby were disturbed, and even the lights were blinking.

Thirteen people also felt a slight tingling sensation on their skin, especially Taylor, whose hair stood on end and his hands began to tremble unconsciously.

Muggles don't know what this means, but Taylor, as a wizard, knows at what level it is possible to continuously interfere with electronic products by relying solely on the human body's own magic power.

(_): "I asked you to come over and take notes. Just pick up the quill and record it for me. I don't want to say it a second time."

Chen Bin's voice was low and his face was just an ordinary poker face, but Taylor was so frightened that he was sweating all over. He quickly stood up and bowed: "Mr. Naama, I'm sorry. I'll make arrangements immediately."

She turned around and glared at the Muggle colleagues gathered around the long table, and shouted: "When I come back, don't let me see any electronic products in the hall again!"

Then, she turned around and bowed to Chen Bin again before disappearing with two "papa" sounds.

As if picking up a time bomb, the twelve civilian staff rushed to the nearest room with their laptops in hand.

Then, dozens of men in black suits rushed out from the same door and quickly emptied the hall of all movable electronic products. Things that cannot be moved, such as emergency lights, metal detection doors, access control systems, etc., are all smashed and dismantled with hammers or wrenches, so that no fragments are left behind.

After they completely destroyed or removed the things, the twelve civil servants just now put on medieval robes and sat nervously around the long table. Everyone looked at their noses and noses, without saying a word during the whole process. Word.

Chen Bin always had a poker face, but he was a little shocked in his heart. Whether they are acting or serious, this is also an extremely flattering gesture: whatever you say, the Lun family will do it!

Is this still the powerful department dedicated to 007 in the movie?

After a while, Taylor apparated back again. She changed into wizard robes and brought quills, ink bottles and parchment to everyone behind her.

Then, she turned around and bowed to Chen Bin again to apologize before slowly sitting back down.

(_): "Okay, I'm here to explain important things. You hand over the records to the people who can make decisions. Is there anything you don't understand?"

Taylor shook his head and said there was no problem.

Next is Chen Bin's boring recitation. This is a kind of acting skill, because he has thought up all these contents, but he has to pretend to be Lao Deng's leader. He needs to recite them word for word, and his hands are not allowed to do so. There are lecture notes.

This act was meant to be shown to the Muggle authorities - no evidence was allowed.

The super secret revealed by Chen Bin comes from the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards, the chief mage of the Wizengamot, the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the holder of the First Order of Merlin and the strongest white wizard in Europe. That is Dumbledore.

First, Chen Bin showed Dumbledore's autographed letter. There was only one sentence in the letter: Everything Aaron Naama said was authorized by me. You are welcome to verify it with me at any time. The next payment is Lao Deng's signature, seal, and a string of letters that have blinded the magic world.

This letter does not need to be taken back, it needs to be given to Taylor to show to his superiors as proof.

After handing over the evidence, it was time to perform the real technique.

Chen Bin spent more than an hour "reciting" Lao Deng's secrets, but its content can be summarized as follows:

1. Voldemort will be resurrected soon, and a war will inevitably happen in the wizarding world.

Two, if they could kill Voldemort, the Muggles wouldn't have to do anything.

3. If Voldemort wins, Muggle society will suffer unprecedented catastrophe, and the damage will be countless times that of the previous wizarding war.

4. In order to increase the success rate of the kill, the Ministry of Magic needs a lot of military expenditures and a large amount of equipment to deal with the possibility of Voldemort successfully escaping, that is, to start a full-scale war immediately after the kill fails.

5. The current Ministry of Magic cannot cope with the rise of Voldemort.

Based on the above five points, before proving Voldemort's resurrection, all expenses related to preparations for the war will be advanced by the Naama family, but the Muggle authorities must pay off the arrears immediately after obtaining the evidence.

The fee will be for "exclusive naming rights" to sponsor the Ministry of Magic and does not preclude an increase in the fee on an annual or quarterly basis.

Chen Bin watered down such a brief content into a half-hour speech, not to abuse the twelve transcribers, but to circumvent the Ministry of Magic's detection magic.

Wizards like Taylor who have taken refuge in the Muggles will never return to the magical world, because this magic can not only identify who has betrayed the magical world in their hearts, but also can detect who has leaked the secrets of the magical world to the Muggle rulers.

Lao Deng has informed Chen Bin of the evasion techniques. Basically, this magic is countless times weaker than China's Heavenly Way. It only has the single function of notifying the Ministry of Magic, and has no real power to punish, nor does it have this power.

Chen Bin talked for more than an hour, going around in dozens of circles to tell the above information without revealing even a single word of the secret. This was his acting skills.

Twelve civilian staff recorded hand cramps, and finally waited for Chen Bin to close his mouth, then pick up the black tea on the coffee table and take a few sips.

"Do you have any questions? But I can't guarantee that I can answer immediately." When Chen Bin said this, Taylor didn't feel anything wrong at all, because she knew that this person had been perfectly avoiding all detection magic and had mentioned all the important points. out.

Taylor probed: "We have paid for the military, what are the benefits? Who will have the command?"

(_): "Of course, the command right is exclusive to the Ministry of Magic. You only have the exclusive naming rights of Auror, and it is expanded based on the five letters of Auror."

After a pause, Chen Bin added: "The advantage is that when the war breaks out, the Ministry of Magic can spare its manpower and try its best to reduce the damage to Muggle society."

Taylor almost laughed out of anger, but still maintained a sweet smile on his face. "Isn't this the same as before? It has always been your magical community's responsibility to protect modern society from wizards."

(_): "It's different. We will only help you if we have spare capacity. If you don't pay sponsorship this time, there will be absolutely no spare capacity."

"You..." Taylor couldn't bear it anymore, but he could only continue to bear it. "Is this your idea or Mr. Dumbledore's?"

"This is a fact, not an idea." Chen Bin continued to maintain a poker face and said calmly (_): "The last wizarding war was equivalent to the Northern Ireland conflict in your Muggle society; if the war really starts this time , its destructive power definitely exceeds your World War II."

Seeing that Taylor's face became serious, Chen Bin continued to intimidate: "We have lost the war. At most, we will have a new leader to carry out high-pressure management, but your entire Muggle society will inevitably become slaves."


The two of them didn't speak, only the sound of rustling writing.

Taylor lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "Is this what you think?"

"Just take it as my idea!" Chen Bin heard her ask the source of the idea many times and knew that the meeting should be over.

(_): "If you have any news, you can tell it to my investment company. Remember, the Naama family will only advance payment after getting a definite commitment. The later you reply, the less time we will have to prepare for war, even After a certain time limit, no matter how much money you give, it won’t be able to restore the situation.”

Then, without giving Taylor a chance to ask further questions, he disappeared through apparation.

In the next week, Taylor brought several people in black suits to Weiguo Yisha Investment Company almost every day, bargained constantly, and then reported back to the headquarters.

On the last day, Chen Bin became impatient and asked Dumbledore to apparate here to sit in battle.

As a result, within five minutes, Dumbledore answered three questions, and Taylor agreed on behalf of the royal family.

That's right, it was the representatives of the royal family and Lao Deng who were fighting from the beginning to the end.

Some distant relatives of the royal family also have wizard blood and have accounts in Gringotts. Otherwise, how could they pay the last arms sales bill?

It's just that these wizards are not accepted by the magic world because their ancestors supported the secular coalition to kill wizards during the witch-hunting war.

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