Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 159 Representatives from the two schools also want to play mock battles

Kate kept outputting the petrification spell for five seconds, nearly consuming 1.6 times the magic power of an adult wizard. Then, in the two or three seconds when the fire dragon became sluggish, she aimed at the fire dragon's eyes and shot out all her true energy twenty meters away.

Although the beam is small, its power is definitely greater than Lao Deng's full blow. Not to mention Lao Deng or Voldemort, even Sirius could easily dodge this beam, and even killed Kate before she took action, but Kate's opponent was a bulky melee fire dragon.

Killing the fire dragon directly at a distance where it cannot attack was the tactic discussed by Chen Bin and Kate. As long as the target misses the mark, he will immediately raise his hands and give up. He will never engage in dangerous physical combat.

However, no one knew that she didn't even have a drop of magic power or energy left, and even caused the students to shout "Goddess of Dragon-Slaying"!

The goddess trotted up to Chen Bin and handed him a golden egg to ask for credit. The male students were so angry that they shouted that flowers should be placed on cow dung. Then Teacher Chen photographed their faces, and everyone instantly withered.

The whole process from entering the stage to taking out the golden egg takes less than two minutes, which is considered to have broken the previous record.

The body of the Swedish Brachysaurus was removed, and five judges sitting on golden chairs began to score.

Madame Maxime used her wand to spray out ribbons in a pretentious manner, twisting them into a big "8".

Barty Crouch Sr. spray-painted the word "10", which is a perfect score.

Dumbledore gave it 10 points

Ludo Bagman also scored 10 points.

But Karkaroff spit out the word "0".

The whole audience booed!

Chen Bin and Katerina knew what this thing was, so they were not angry, and their goal was not to win the student championship.

The curses on the stage got louder and louder, and finally, under the command of an unknown genius using a loud curse, they merged into a single loop: "Death Eater Karkaroff cannot see the rise of the forces of justice!"

If this is the case, Chen Bin has reason to believe that the twins came up with it.

Karkaroff couldn't stand this tone, so he explained through a loud curse: "Katrina Naama used Eastern witchcraft to break through, which is not in line with the concept of holding the Triwizard Tournament."

He was one of the five judges, and no one had the power to ask him to change the score, but the students' scoldings became more and more unpleasant. In addition to swear words, every expletive was used on him, the most popular one being "The lackeys of black magic can't tolerate white magic."

Who told Kate that her move was white?

The cursing continued for five minutes before Dumbledore calmly used a loud curse to silence everyone. Chen Bin saw that the old man was also unhappy with Karkarov's rating.

Order was restored, and the Wells green dragon was lifted over by the levitation spell cast by multiple people, and a golden egg was stuffed into the dragon egg under its butt.

When Furong came out, her face was pale, her legs were weak, and the hand holding the staff was trembling.

However, she still used magic to hypnotize the Green Dragon of Wales, but when she stole the golden egg, her skirt was licked by the flames from the green dragon's nose, which caused all the drivers on the stage to cheer enthusiastically, until she used "Clear Water" "Spring" turned into a water column to extinguish the fire, and became the well-known "water hibiscus".

There's nothing wrong with it, the water was conjured by Hibiscus.

Next up is Krum. He used a magic spell to blind the Fireball Dragon's eyes, causing the Fireball Dragon to crush many real eggs under its pain. Therefore, although he passed the test, he was deducted a lot of points.

Finally, Harry, the kid, used the Flying Charm to summon a Firebolt, mounted his broom and hovered in the air while looking for opportunities, then swooped down in front of the Horntail Dragon and then rose up, flashing through a ball of dragon flames.

He turned around on the dragon's head several times and finally made the fire dragon dizzy.

Moments before snatching away the golden egg, he was hit by the sharp spike of the hornet dragon's tail. If the whole tail had hit him, Lao Deng might have killed the fire dragon Avada first.

Even an adult wizard can't handle this trick, let alone a 14-year-old boy?

However, he still passed the test and was sent to receive praise in front of a group of professors and commentators, and then walked to Madam Pomfrey's medical tent for simple wound treatment.

Hermione and Ron rushed into the tent to reconcile with Harry, but Chen Bin saw that Harry's eyes seemed to really like Hermione.

Ron was so horrified at the first level that he finally believed that Harry had been framed, so he took the initiative to apologize to Harry, but Harry graciously stopped him.

The final ranking came out, Harry and Krum tied for first place, Caitlina was dragged down to third place by Karkaroff's 0 points, and Fleur was last.

After Harry's game, he still had to walk back to the tent. Fleur, Caitlina and Krum came in together.

"Well done, Harry." Krum admired the little wizard's flying skills.

"You too." Harry smiled back at him.

Ludo Bagman praised the four warriors, and then announced that the next project will be held at 9:30 am on February 24 next year, and the clue is in the golden egg.

Of course Kate knew how to extract the clues, so she was the first to say goodbye to everyone, walked outside the tent and took Chen Bin's hand back to the dormitory.

Harry took a step slower and was stopped by Rita Skeeter, but he didn't know her kindness, so he snarled the reporter and ran back to the castle with Ron.

That night, Harry, Ron and Hermione were invited to the activity room by Sirius to celebrate and once again revealed that Karkaroff was a Death Eater.

This time Harry finally listened.

When the trio returned to the common room, another celebration awaited him. The Gryffindors burst into cheers and commotion, piling large amounts of cake, pumpkin juice, and butterbeer on the tables and chairs.

Everyone was reveling, but Lee Jordan and Hermione encouraged Harry to open the golden egg now and take a look.

He dug his nails into the grooves in the egg and pried it open.

There was nothing inside, but there was a huge, high-pitched scream. After Harry closed the golden egg, everyone lost interest in the strange egg.

While eating and drinking, Hermione picked up a piece of jam tart and asked Fred, "Did you get these things from the kitchen?"

She then pried out the way into the kitchen from the unsuspecting Fred.

The next morning, Dumbledore announced that club activities and mock battles would continue, which suddenly aroused the enthusiasm of the students in the audience.

The representatives from the two schools didn't understand why they were so happy, and then many familiar Hogwarts students explained it to them carefully.

Each school also has a large number of club activities, which will not attract the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Instead, the three simulated battles will make them feel fresh.

Therefore, after their principals approved participation in mock battles and club activities, students from both schools also received protective gear and goggles, and enthusiastic students explained the rules to them.

Now, their nightmare begins.

According to the regulations, in addition to Fleur's sister "Gabriel", students sent by these two schools are also candidates to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, that is, senior students who are over 17 years old. Therefore, they thought that these three types of simulated battles would definitely not be difficult for them. Then Chen Bin used his strength to slap them in the face, especially against Karkaroff and Madam Maxim.

Abbot Chen's level of grudge has exceeded the ability of Hogwarts school history to record, because Dumbledore planned to conceal the historical records of this period in the school history. This request was made by the principals of the two schools, which is really disgraceful!

By the way, the students and principals of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, in addition to eating and drinking, also go to class and sleep in their respective vehicles on weekdays. The interior of the carriage and wooden boat has also been enchanted to expand the area, so it is still very comfortable to live in. Moreover, almost all of these students are top students in the upper grades. They can study by themselves without the two principals attending classes every day. There should be no classes to attend.

Let’s talk about the classroom assault defense first.

When the air raid siren sounded, representatives of the two schools (including the principals) were dumbfounded and didn't know what was going on. They sent a student to open the door of the transportation vehicle, but they were blocked by the professor who pretended to be an intruder. The door opened, and then the whole army was wiped out.

Deeply unhappy? Let’s do it again.

Durmstrang's students, led by Karkaroff, rushed out, jumped to the lakeside, and were killed by the dense green light.

Karkaroff complained that this was a disguised door blocking, let’s do it again!

The students landed on the lake from different angles and with different magics, and then divided into two groups and rushed to the yellow circle (safety point) in the open space on the side of the castle.

Karkaroff led six students towards the yellow circle in the nearest straight line, only to be surrounded by an army of ten baby bears halfway.

Under the cover of the Illusion Charm, Chen Bin sat on a pony under the tree and took pictures of them being tortured.

The baby bear is not what it used to be, but was transformed by Chen Bin through Lao Deng's secret. It not only has the magic resistance of magical animals, but can also be engraved with iron armor curse runes. For such high-end items, it took Chen Bin fifteen minutes to fill them with three times the magical power of an adult wizard.

This army with both iron armor and magic resistance also uses a magic source three times that of an adult wizard. Not to mention chasing elite students, even ordinary Aurors will capsize in the gutter without preparation.

The students suddenly panicked when they saw that the magic spells they used didn't work on them.

End them with the Unforgivable Curse? Not to mention that these three spells are not effective on inanimate objects. As long as you use them, you have to go to the British Ministry of Magic.

Unspell them with a transfiguration spell? The students' magic power is not as strong as that of Xiong Baobao, and they will kill them instantly before they can solve the curse.

Use a binding or disruptive spell? This is the best way for students to deal with Bao Xiong, but if the legging spell is shot here, Bao Xiong will stand on his hands and run towards him. He turns over and gives the student a bear hug, hugging the student until he can hardly breathe.

The Hanging Curse? Being trapped for two seconds is pretty good.

Obstacle spell? It might be useful for wizards, but Bao Xiong has the magic resistance of magical animals, and its magic source is three times that of an adult wizard, so a knee strike can break through the obstacle spell.

In less than half a minute, all six students were knocked down.

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