Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 169 The Enthusiastic Prospective Son-in-law

Now, Katerina is in trouble! If her parents refuse to leave home, can she force them? Will parents be happy if they get it by force?

Xiao Nizi has insomnia. If Katerina is unhappy, Chen Bin will be unhappy; if Chen Bin is unhappy, Katerina will be happy. There is nothing wrong with this logic to Chen Bin, and no refutation is allowed.

So he contacted family wizards and their families in Eastern Europe, and in one fell swoop he acquired the business where Kate's parents, neighbors, and friends worked.

When everything was done, Chen Bin took Katerina to her hometown to surprise her.

Chen Bin knew how to communicate with his father-in-law and mother-in-law in his previous life, so the 200% enthusiasm he used in this life really shocked the two elders and Kate's sister.

Then, he took out a series of documents to prove how much property he had invested in the place of settlement as Caitlina's betrothal gift. However, Caitlina did not understand the operation of Muggle enterprises and needed trustworthy people to run them, so she wanted to ask her father-in-law and mother-in-law to serve as legal representatives, and also use a series of former acquaintances as trustworthy managers, that is, their colleagues , friends and relatives.

Of course they knew this was Chen Bin's plan, and they didn't expect it to be so grand. However, Chen Bin did not allow them a chance to think. He took many photos and videos to show them, proving that there were many Russians or Ukrainians in the area.

At this time, the father-in-law and mother-in-law were finally moved, and at the same time, Kate's sister no longer objected.

Kate doesn't value material things, but she is grateful that Chen Bin arranged everything for her behind the scenes.

At noon on the second day, the father-in-law and mother-in-law finally agreed.

The matter was resolved at once, and their relatives and friends also received 2% of the shares, five times the monthly salary here, a house of no less than 100 square meters, a complete set of furniture, etc., and the condition was to move to I have worked there for at least ten years.

Chen Bin didn't believe that they would still miss this small city ten years later.

They took more than 20 people to the resettlement area and handed over the new house to them in advance.

There is heating, new decoration, new furniture and appliances, there are also cars in the garage for transportation, there are other Eastern Europeans in the community, and the environment is very quiet.

The most important thing is that Chen Bin also bought Kate a house in this community and plans to come here to visit his parents-in-law and sister-in-law during the holidays.

Everyone was satisfied, and the next day they rushed to various construction sites to inspect, and the results were amazing. Who will do the construction in the middle of winter? This is Chen Bin's routine. After they can rest here until spring before they can really work, they will get together and adapt during this time.

The love in Kate's eyes was too strong to be melted away.

"Bin, haven't you ever studied the combination of magic and martial arts? I tried this method and it really improved my strength instantly. Why is there no more information?" Kate lowered her head and read the notes Chen Bin had written since childhood, and found that it mentioned magic and martial arts. Cultivation Qi fusion is only at the theoretical stage, with little progress.

(д): "Don't mention it. I was still in the first grade at that time. I spent a lot of free time thinking about it, but my energy was not as big as a soybean. When my energy increased, I had to study Lao Deng's magic experience. , and I have to learn Taiye’s martial arts skills. The most important thing is that this combination of magic and martial arts requires a lot of preliminary preparation, and it is easy to get stiff when using it. This is not worth spending time on improving. Spending this time is better than working hard to increase the output."

(ω`): "I'm free. Do you mind if I take over the research?"

(): "Take it, but don't spend too much effort, otherwise it will be easy to lose more than you gain."

That night, Chen Bin talked all night and finally described the key points clearly. Kate tried for a whole night and finally understood why Chen Bin gave up. The early preparation time was enough to kill him ten times in the battle.

After more than a week of socializing with her parents-in-law, Kate also studied the combination of magic and martial arts for a week, but as expected there was no progress at all.

My sister-in-law was arranged to live in the school dormitory, so Chen Bin and Kate only had dinner with her once near the school.

Next, of course Chen Bin, the strongest mama's boy, couldn't favor one over the other, so he took Kate with him to travel with Li Xiuhui.

After settling in the monk's inn, he took Kate to Li Xiuhui's room to chat, waiting to go out to eat ramen together later.

Basically, they have stayed in so many inns, almost all of which maintained the ancient style. Even the windows maintained the paper style. Of course, this layer of paper was also blessed by magic. Guests can see it by tapping it with their knuckles. The view from the window.

The inn here is officially written as Monk Inn, with the door open for business, and the waiter drinking at the door.

However, within five meters of the store, spells such as the Exorcist Curse, the Mantra of Confusion, the Mirage Technique, and the Phantom Apparition were laid out. In short, they were monks' spells that Chen Bin would never learn. Their effects were compared to those of St. Mungo's and the Ministry of Magic. Disguise is much better.

A mortal would look at the store and think it was a rock wall. When he got closer, he would remember that he had other things to do. If he thought about coming over, he would think that this place is not pretty at all. He could neither hear nor see the inn. A monk suddenly disappeared nearby, and he couldn't even notice someone in ancient costume walking nearby.

Chen Bin sat at the wooden table in Li Xiuhui's room. While brewing the most famous Longjing tea for her and Kate, he asked Li Xiuhui, the living fossil of the magic world, why the quality and quantity of the extraordinary worlds in the East and West were so great. difference.

Lao Deng did not regard Chen Bin as an outsider. He directly said that there were about 50,000 registered wizards in Europe, while there were 3,864 registered wizards in the British magic world. This population of less than four thousand already includes the wave of births after the end of the First Wizarding War. Harry and Ginny were the fewest freshmen to enroll because Voldemort was not dead when they were born. Only in the next class will there be more newly admitted wizards, and in the next class will the peak period begin.

Why postpone it for two more terms? Being pregnant in ten months, and enrolling in school on September 1st, some people want to be sure that Voldemort is really gone before they dare to have children.

Before the war, Britain had a registered population of more than 4,800; after the war, only a little over 3,000 remained. Not all of them died, but some immigrated permanently. Some families, like the original Naama family, cut off all communication with the magic world and did not know whether they were alive or dead.

In other words, there were really only 3,000 people left in the British wizarding world, excluding black families, immigrants and wizards under the age of 11. Especially for the last item, before they are 11 years old, the Ministry of Magic has no way to detect whether they can become wizards, because they may suddenly become Squibs, Obscurals, or their magic power is too low to cause fluctuations.

With a population of 58 million, there are only 3864 registered wizards, which is a rate of 0.0066%. Even in its heyday, there were 4,800 wizards, which accounted for 0.0086% of the population at that time.

190,000 monks, the ratio is at least 0.0158%! This is the minimum guaranteed number that Chen Bin found out! But this lowest rate is scary enough, right? The rate of extraordinary beings born in the East is more than 1.8 times that of Britain in its heyday, and even more than 2.3 times now!

Both in terms of quality and quantity, the Eastern supernatural world also completely beats the Western magical world including Europe, North America and Oceania.

To put it simply, Asia accounts for more than two-thirds of the world's extraordinary power, and countries outside Asia are also scumbag in terms of extraordinary combat power!

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