Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 236 Cooperation with the Twins

Soon, Harry and Hermione also told them all the preset questions and improvised flaws. It's a pity that Isha can answer them one by one easily.

At the end, Yisha looked at his watch and said anxiously: "It's almost time to pick up Weiguo from get off work. You continue to chat, I'll leave first. Bye."

Isha left, and Harry and Hermione were silent.

After a long time, Harry said: "I think Bin is really a policeman from China. He was forcibly summoned to Hogwarts as an undercover agent by Isha on the grounds of family mission. Now I feel that he was the one who caused all kinds of mischief before. camouflage."

Hermione nodded, then shook her head and said, "Everything can be explained, but I just feel that something is unreasonable."

"What's unreasonable?"

"Women's intuition."

"..."Σ(°△°|||): "You are Hermione Granger, not Luna Lovegood. Also, you are a girl, not a woman."

"I used a time turner when I was in third grade." Hermione rolled her eyes at Harry and said calmly: "So, strictly speaking, both my mind and body have reached the age of seventeen, and I am an adult witch. Ask the Ministry of Magic to establish this fact legally."

Harry was speechless again.

After a moment, Harry asked helplessly: "Bin's identity may be important to you, but I only care about whether I married Ginny as my wife. Do you have any inferences?"

"False." Hermione said while thinking deeply: "When Isha talked about our future partner, she was obviously very unconfident and even wanted to change the subject. Moreover, she once hinted during the summer vacation that I could continue to stay in Bin. By my side. With so many flaws put together, my original fate is likely to be like that of Professor McGonagall. I found my significant other very late, and even before we got together for a few years, we were separated forever, and I was not very happy in this life. "

"Isn't this too arbitrary?" Harry didn't believe it.

"So I have to search for more evidence." Hermione stood up and added: "But the goal this year is to pass N.E.W.T.s. Everything else can be put aside for now."

Then, they returned to Ron's room and read the rest of the prophecy together.

Chen Bin returned to Naama Castle and slept for a day to catch jet lag. The next day, he made an appointment with Fred and George to have lunch alone in a restaurant in Diagon Alley.

"Tsk, tsk, the corrupt life of the rich." George didn't blink when he saw Chen Bin ordering a large number of dishes, and immediately made a weird joke.

"I am a magic knight from China, and I need to take in a lot of nutrients." Chen Bin returned to the appearance he had in this life. The reason was not a secret, but Kate was still not used to the person sleeping next to him having a different face.

"What good thing do you want to ask us out for?" Fred asked curiously as he took a sip of butterbeer.

"You're going to open a joke shop, right?"

The twins were startled at first, and then said in unison: "Damn prophet!"

"Don't think of prophecy in everything." Chen Bin arranged the soundproofing magic and said disdainfully: "You have inquired about the prices of many stores this week, and it happened that three of my stores were vacant. The staff found that the contact person was You two Mr. Weasleys, don’t you need me to elaborate further?”

"Damn capitalists!" George said with contempt.

Fred took another sip of butterbeer and said straight to the point: "Tell me, what do you want?"

"It's refreshing." Chen Bin actually doesn't know much about business. He has hired professional managers to manage daily operations since he was a child, so he doesn't go around in circles with the twins. "You saw the largest store four days ago... Well, I can rent it to you for one gold galleon..."

"No." Fred interrupted and looked at George.

George continued: "That store is in the most prosperous area of ​​Diagon Alley and very close to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. It is the most suitable business for children. However, you have already funded us too much."

"So, are you planning to drive in Knockturn Alley?"

"How do you know?" the twins asked again in unison.

Chen Bin took out Lucius's letter and smiled: "Percy mentioned your problem to his Secretary General, so the Financial Secretary wrote to ask for my mother's opinion. You also know that your father He is very prejudiced against the Malfoy family. If he finds out that you have rented the Malfoy family's shop, there will definitely be a family dispute."

The twins wanted to take the letter, but Chen Bin took it back into his arms. Are you kidding me? How could the private letters between the elders be shown to these two troublemakers? He only showed it to prove the source of the information.

At this moment, the waiter brought a huge amount of food.

After the three of them had eaten, Chen Bin continued the unfinished topic: "I'm here to tell you not to hate Percy anymore. His ideal is to lead the entire magical world to a brighter future, but he is too young and has no politics for the time being. It's just a matter of skill. Like you, he is also moving towards his dream, and he also cares about this family very much in his heart."

"We just didn't get along," Fred said.

"And he's too rigid," George added.

"Has he been protecting you since childhood?" Chen Bin asked.

The two nodded.

"Has he been cleaning up the consequences of your pranks?" Chen Bin continued to ask.

The two looked at each other and continued to nod.

"Does he always threaten you, but never punish or report you?"

"He can't beat us." The two brothers replied at the same time.

"Yes, he can't beat you two alone, but he has never found those who can single-handedly deal with you to torture you." Chen Bin knew what the two brothers were thinking, and sighed: "Percy has the responsibility to take care of you. Really? If so, as brothers, have you taken good care of Ron and Ginny?"

As soon as these words came out, the twins became dumbfounded at the same time. The two looked at each other, then at Chen Bin, and both lowered their heads.

"I know everyone's personality and habits are different." Chen Bin knew that they were reflecting and could finally get to the point. "I don't want you to imitate Percy, and I know you can't be Ron and Ginny's nanny. I just hope that you can unite the Weasley family and try to ease the relationship between your father and Percy when they conflict. You. You know that Percy likes order, and will even abide by and maintain some unpopular orders, or lose his own opinion for the sake of order. Therefore, you will subjectively exclude him. But is this fair to him? He has never hurt you, and has even been Offer honest advice from his perspective, or find ways to help you from someone he trusts."

George opened his mouth to retort, but Fred pulled his sleeve in time.

Chen Bin saw the two people's little moves and knew that Fred seemed to be enlightened.

"You don't have to agree with his point of view, because I don't like this way of doing things either. If this person were my colleague, there would be constant quarrels at work on weekdays. Okay, it's time for you to express your opinions."

"You mean, you can express your disagreement in a gentler way?" George tried.

"It's not about guessing Bin's thoughts, but telling us what we think." Fred shook his head and explained: "Let me tell you first. We have grown up. In addition to developing our careers, we also have to maintain family harmony. Percy He has given a lot since childhood, but we only see his shortcomings.”

George fell into deep thought after hearing this, a behavior that rarely appeared in him.

The two of them didn't bother him. About five minutes later, George tentatively said: "I think after opening a store, there will be different customers and troubles every day. If we only follow our own preferences, we are bound to have problems. Percy has many opinions and us, Or there is a conflict with my father, but his method is usually the best to solve complex problems, but we deal with problems according to our preferences. Work is work, and feelings are feelings. Don't let your feelings be affected by work, nor by the way you do things. And it affects the feelings of the family.”

There is actually no standard answer to Chen Bin's question. He just wants to analyze the two people's opinions from their answers. Generally speaking, the twins also know that they have grown up and cannot just care about themselves, but also need to take on some responsibilities.

"Well, you have matured, and this topic ends here." Chen Bin did not come here for Percy today, the real purpose was business. "I rent that store to you at a low price, but your store has to sell some magic items for us. In Muggle terms, it is the exclusive agent in the UK. You are not my employees, you are just obliged to come forward. The salespeople sell our products, and you won’t get a penny less of the profit you deserve.”

"Why choose us?" Fred asked puzzled.

"Is it because we are acquaintances?" George asked tentatively.

"Acquaintance is the main reason." Chen Bin nodded and said: "And your Weasley family has a strong background. No need to be surprised, you are the largest magic family in the UK, but Uncle Arthur did not inherit the previous generation's family property. I am in China. We have produced a lot of civilian versions of protective items. If we sell them by ourselves, Fudge will soon make things difficult for us, so I need a family to share the pressure for us."

"Well, I'm sorry. I have to go home and ask my father before I can reply to you." Fred didn't dare to take over everything after hearing this.

"Of course." Chen Bin nodded and said: "However, I also have conditions. You must study "Charms" in the remaining semester and obtain an O grade in "Charms" in N.E.W.T.s. Yours The magic talent is very high, and a mature joke product must be supported by strong magic skills, otherwise it will definitely go bankrupt if something goes wrong."

The twins both turned pale, one because of the exam, and the other because of defects in the product.

"Also, after graduation, you still need to learn some knowledge about potions and transfiguration on your own." Chen Bin said in a serious tone: "Running a business is not just playing house. If there is a problem with the product, someone may die. You are already the owner of a physical store, and the users are not as tolerant as those students at Hogwarts. When you have time, you can take a serious look at Zuko's Magic Joke Shop. Their research and development cycle is also very fast, and their products are very safe. You also have considerable attainments in Potions, Transfiguration and Charms. If you don’t have enough knowledge, you can easily fall into a research and development bottleneck or have safety issues..."

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