Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 239 The Lonely Grindelwald

Such a rapid attack cannot be caught by the naked eye. Within this range, the wizard's danger sense has not yet risen, the weapon can penetrate the vital points, and the true energy can already spread throughout the enemy's body. Therefore, martial arts cultivators do not need to use their brains to attack, and they do not rely on their eyes to execute moves. They rely on the sense of energy, and they can predict the danger more quickly before launching each move.

For example, Grindelwald, who is still squatting half-crouched, can't even think of using Apparition to move around. No matter how fast his instantaneous attack speed is, it can't be faster than the Grand Master's shot, at least within the range of three steps.

The two ancestors did not come here to fight. They just maintained this posture for two seconds and then retracted their weapons. Once again, they were so fast that no one could see their moves. The horses and spears were already flat on the ground behind their chairs.

Dumbledore also pretended not to see it the whole time, looking down at the menu with interest. Chen Bin rolled his eyes. The entire street was cleared by the witchcraft decision-making team, and it was difficult to find a waiter.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" With two "papa" sounds, a beautiful woman in a waiter's outfit flashed next to the table.

Chen Bin looked up and almost laughed. This waiter is none other than Holly Taylor, the new deputy leader of the witch decision-making team.

"A cup of cappuccino and a piece of tiramisu." Dumbledore handed the menu to Grindelwald and introduced: "Gellert, this seems pretty good. Would you like to order one to try?"

"Whatever." Grindelwald had already sat down, but his face turned dark, but he didn't even look at the two ancestors of the Chen family.

After Lao Deng placed the order for his friends, Taylor showed a friendly smile and said gently: "Mr. Naama, what do you want to order?"

Chen Bin was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He compared her words three times in his mind and recognized from the extremely distorted pronunciation that she was speaking Chinese with lost tones.

"We want the Mother Tree Dahongpao, do you have any?" Chen Bin gave her a look of contempt, which made the veins in Taylor's temples jump, but he maintained a professional smile. "Sorry, our store cannot provide oriental-style drinks. Would you like to try our signature coffee? We specially select top-quality Blue Mountain coffee beans and use room temperature cold brewing method for fifteen hours..."

"It's not fresh, don't want it." Chen Bin continued to beat him: "Also, don't plan to use your poor Chinese to get information and disappear in front of us immediately after the food is served."

After Taylor turned around, his face was full of cannibalism.

"Okay, okay, stop bullying the little girl." Dumbledore happily ate the cake and pretended to be a good person again.

While waiting for the food to be served, he introduced Grindelwald and himself to the two ancestors. There is no translator here, so the job naturally falls to Chen Bin.

However, after hearing less than three sentences, the two ancestors directly asked Chen Bin to interrupt his introduction and asked him to translate: "No introduction is needed. We are not here to chat with you. We are here to protect my descendants from the evil gangsters." The wizard's threat. If you can't keep him safe, this will be the last time you see each other, because we will take him back."

These words did not mention the names of Chen Bin and Grindelwald, but the five people present also knew this: We cannot trust Grindelwald. Lao Deng does not want to think of the possibility of strangling this guy to attack Chen Bin, so he will shoot two Dispersed, everyone went back to their homes.

Grindelwald's face darkened, but he remained silent.

"Gellert, that's really the only way." Old Deng said gently, but Grindelwald snorted coldly.

Then, while Chen Bin was brewing Longjing, Lao Deng suddenly became a witness, making Grindelwald make an unbreakable vow never to attack the Naama family first, that is, Chen Bin's parents, Chen Bin and Caterina, the goddaughter is not included.

At this time, the two ancestors felt relieved and went to the side to do morning exercises. The long weapons in their hands danced so vigorously that not even the afterimage could be seen.


Chen Bin has never seen them make a serious move since his rebirth. I have finally seen enough today, but I didn’t see anything, not even afterimages, and I couldn’t hear the sound of gas explosions. It was like something on my hand. There was nothing, just a breeze blowing by.

That's it, the two ancestors practiced long weapons all morning, and Dumbledore and Chen Bin talked about the topic all morning.

Finally, it was time for lunch. After Dumbledore pretended to invite the two seniors to lunch but was rejected, the grandfather and uncle also went back very wisely. Well, Isabel drove them back to the castle, and then traveled back to the old house for dinner. It's already eight o'clock in the evening over there, and I'm here just to support my great-grandson.

The reality is not fiction. When the top experts from the East and the West met, they did not fight, or even exchanged a few words. They were just given a blow at an extremely unfair distance.

After achieving their goal, the Chen family ancestors left. If there was a big fight, Chen Bin believed that several nearby streets would be razed to the ground.

"You should cherish your elders who love you." Grindelwald said lonely and disappeared.

Chen Bin had an unreal feeling. Is this the ruthless first-generation Demon King in the legend? His character is ruined!

"He really repented for his rashness and got the punishment he deserved." Dumbledore stared at the place where he disappeared and said with a sad tone.

Now that the hostility between the two parties has been resolved, Dumbledore invited Chen Bin back to Hogwarts. It was his territory, so the old man would only discuss secrets here.

The principal's office remains unchanged for thousands of years, and the table is full of sweet cakes and black tea.

Dumbledore spent the entire morning recounting the events of their youth.

He then said that the International Federation of Wizards would imprison his gay friend until death, but after reading the prophecy, Lao Deng believed that he had changed his mind, so he visited him once last year.

Fifty years later, we met again. The two were no longer young, and they expressed their feelings to each other on the top of the tower of Nurmengard Castle.

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