Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 299 The unknown side of Hermione

New teaching building.




"Who is it?" Chen Bin held the dumplings and opened the door.

Anastasia stood in the corridor and said angrily: "Professor Granger is looking for you."

Chen Bin looked at his watch. It was already eleven o'clock.

A man and a woman alone came to my door late at night...

ヾ(oω): "Yo~Kate, Hermione is looking for you again. Go out and see her."

"Professor Granger is looking for you by name." Anastasia rolled her eyes at Chen Bin and returned to her dormitory with a look of gloating.

(`)**: "Dear, why did she come to you late at night?"

щ(゜ロ゜щ): “Dear, I said I don’t even know, do you believe it?”

(`)**: "Well, I said I will always believe you. Do you mind taking me with you?"

Σ(°△°|||): "Kate, your smile is very weird..."

(`)**: "Dear, let's go together."

Chen Bin saw the wand in her hand and shrank her eggs decisively.

Arriving at Activity Room No. 1, which was still lighted, Hermione jumped up and hugged Caitlina, and said aggrievedly like a kitten: "I have never slept alone in a castle. The atmosphere is too gloomy. I Can't sleep."

Kate and Chen Bin looked at each other and felt that they were wrong.

"No way? Haven't you lived in Hogwarts for five years?" Chen Bin said in disbelief.

Hermione revealed a small head from the side of Kate's neck and said awkwardly: "Of course it's different. There are Lavender and the others in the dormitory. Even if they don't get along with each other, they still sleep in the same room. Except for the house where I grew up, I have never been Never slept alone!”

(╯°Д°)╯┳━┳: "..."

When Chen Bin was about to flip the table, she suddenly remembered that she had been to Naama Castle and the Chen family's old house.

"That's not right! When you come to my house, you have the same room as my hometown."

Kate also cast a puzzled look at Hermione after hearing this.

"Because..." Hermione blushed, buried her head in Kate's chest, and whispered: "Because Isha's mother will sleep with me quietly..."

Chen Bin: (△;)

Kate: Σ(°△°|||)

The two finally understood that Isabel's love was indeed unlimited, and they might have developed some kind of unexplainable childish complex.

However, thinking of Chen Weiguo who was alone in the empty room during that time, Chen Bin and Kate immediately looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Why do you nod..." Before Hermione could finish speaking, Kate had already conjured a magic rope to tie her up tightly, even her mouth was sealed.

Chen Bin used the levitation spell to lift the rice dumpling and ran straight to the principal's office to wake up Lao Deng.

As a result, the next morning, Lavender found Professor Granger lying on the bed that was supposed to be vacant.

In order to live a harmonious life at night, Chen Bin and Kate would never let Hermione stay in their dormitory, otherwise their planned sofa battle would be ruined.

Ahem, that last one is not the point. The point is that Hermione probably not only wants to live in the vacant bedroom next door, but also wants to sleep there with Kate in her arms.

Therefore, Chen Bin woke up Lao Deng, and Lao Deng woke up McGonagall, and finally wrote an impromptu announcement - appointing Professor Granger as the disciplinary tutor of Gryffindor House, and staying in the tower to supervise student life style.

That bullshit Discipline Instructor was Chen Bin's nonsense position, used to cover up Hermione's excuse for not sleeping alone.

Ron immediately burst into laughter when he saw the announcement about the lounge. "This year's homework has been completed."

"Humph——" A dissatisfied protest came from behind him. Ron looked back and saw that it was his sister Ginny.

Harry glanced at Ginny's back as she emerged from the portrait and asked in a low voice, "Have they not reconciled yet?"

Ron shook his head and said, "Unless you break up with Hermione, this will be an unending feud."

Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛:“How do you know?”

ヽ(ー_ー)ノ: "She told me."

There was no way Harry would break up because of Ginny's feelings, so the topic was quickly ended.

When she arrived at the auditorium, Hermione was already sitting at the teacher's chair, preparing lessons with a seventh-grade textbook in one hand and eating toast in the other.

"Oh, there's no point in thinking about something in a hurry." Don't ask Chen Bin how to translate this sentence in English. Hermione has learned Chinese.

"Don't bother me." Hermione swallowed the toast, stared at Chen Bin with murderous eyes, and said nervously: "I have to teach seventh graders in my first class, and I haven't even studied in sixth grade. Pass!"

┐(~)┌: "What's there to be afraid of? I took Lupin's place three years ago, and those seventh graders are cowards when it comes to professors."

(ω): "Wait, it seems like you never have to teach, right? Kate, you don't seem to have any classes in the first period, right?"

At 9 o'clock in the morning, on the second floor of the castle, "Fighting Dark Magic" classroom.

The Ravenclaw and Slytherin seventh-year students looked at the three professors standing on the other side of the chair with strange expressions.

Hogwarts has always had strong teaching staff, but the teaching quality of "Defense Against the Dark Arts" often fluctuates. Sometimes it invites parallel importers, sometimes it invites powerful wizards, and it even tried to invite Death Eaters pretending to be Umbridge, a retired Auror who fought against the fifth scum last year, teaches together with the new graduates.

Now, this class is being taught by Professor Granger, who has not taken any sixth- or seventh-grade courses, for the graduating class. Wouldn’t the students who have long accepted the one-year appointment have strong doubts about her?

No student can question the strength of the three professors on the stage, but they all graduated without taking the N.E.W.T.s course. Can they teach students the key points of this course?

"Everyone, it's morning." Hermione said with a smile, but she was so nervous that she was about to explode. Even Chen Bin and Kate heard her thumping heartbeat.

"Professor Granger, morning." The students answered in unison.

Chen Bin was the first to be unable to hold it any longer, and slapped the table and said: "Wow hahaha... Oh my god! How does this answer sound like Umbridge? Hahaha... kill me... hahaha..."

"Chen——Bin——!" Hermione took out her wand and shouted while biting her back molars.

"Stop -" Chen Bin raised his hand in a pretentious manner to stop Hermione from threatening him, but in fact, this guy secretly filled his body with transparent Qi, otherwise he might have been hit by an angry Hermione at this shoulder-to-shoulder distance. If he falls down in a coma, it will really be a big embarrassment.

"Everyone, listen to me first." Chen Bin put away his smile, looked at the students seriously, and asked calmly: "Anyone who questions our actual combat capabilities, please raise your hand."

No one raised their hands.

This is the result Chen Bin expected, because all the teachers and students in the school know that this guy is very insignificant, but his combat power is definitely the strongest among the younger generation.

"Very good. Anyone who questions our teaching ability, please raise your hand."

Still no students raised their hands.

Well, actually, it turned out that there was one, a seventh-grade Chinese female student in Ravenclaw, but before her right hand could be fully raised, it was pressed down by a group of girls around her.

"Qiu, don't seek death." The girl beside her whispered, but Chen Bin heard it.

This is a problem caused by the relationship between men and women.

Chen Bin knew that Qiu Zhang took the initiative to pursue Harry last school year, but the stupid young protagonist clearly stated that he only liked Hermione. Now, Qiu Zhang's doubts about Hermione were obviously from the perspective of a love rival rather than an objective view.

Chen Bin ignored this prime-time plot in the evening and continued: "Very good, I won't beat around the bush. As professors who graduate early, we often have to teach students older than ourselves, so I am used to speaking with strength, that is, It's about showing off your strength to intimidate the prickly head, and then this year's teaching will go very smoothly."

After saying that, Chen Bin turned the teaching desk into a velociraptor, and the dragon's mouth spurted "blazing flames". The flames were blocked by six or seven transparent shields, exploded, and were blocked again until they sprayed out in front of the students in the front row before disappearing. not see.

Then, he withdrew his wand, and the velociraptor quickly turned back into a teaching desk, as if nothing happened just now.

Kate is already used to this, and Chen Bin will do even more terrifying mixed magic during his daily practice.

However, almost all the students had dislocated jaws and dull faces. Even Hermione was shocked by this powerful and profound magic combination.

"However, Professor Granger rejected my suggestion." Chen Bin turned to Hermione with a kind smile, and then said to the students: "She believes that the professor's responsibility is to teach students how to behave within their age group. The magic she learned, and believed that using super-class techniques or transcendent magic would only hurt students. I respected her opinion, so I promised to only use this teaching method in the clubs I tutored, and she used it in her own Maintain your own style in the classroom.”

The students were all in a state of silence, not daring to say a word.

Chen Bin smiled with satisfaction and continued: "I dare say that graduates who can get 12 E (good) or above in the N.E.W.T.s exam definitely have their own unique skills, and a little bit of experience leaked from their fingers can improve them. Students’ grades. However, you also know that knowledge is wealth. As professors, we only need to teach you the knowledge within the scope of the course. Whether you can learn them all will not affect our professional titles and salaries, it will only affect your grades."

The students continued to be in a state of silence. Even if they had thousands of words in their hearts, they would not say them out in front of Chen Bin.

"I believe that Professor Granger will not hide his secrets and will do his best to impart the knowledge of the course." Chen Bin glanced at the few students and said calmly: "But whether you understand or not depends on whether you pay attention. Study. If anyone's homework is not up to standard, we invite them to join the "Tutorial Club" to first experience how much knowledge they have missed. If anyone questions the professor's ability, I welcome them to join the "Duel Club", although there are almost no students in it. The last thing I want to say is that whoever dares to sneer must first prove that he has the qualifications to sneer in this field. There are also past test questions from the past one hundred years hidden in the extracurricular activity room. Who can brush through the sea of ​​questions and still be able to do it? If he gets an O rating, I will admit that this person has the qualifications to comment. Otherwise, I don't mind being the professor of this class temporarily."

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