Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 318 Wizard Investment Bank

There is nothing to worry about in Hogwarts. With McGonagall in the formation, everything is very stable. Chen Bin does not need help at all. The security is also protected by Aurors, and even magical animals cannot break into the castle area.

However, the "International Federation of Wizards" was so noisy that it turned into a vegetable market, and Lao Deng's workload was also very heavy. Every time Chen Bin came to the principal's office, he would see Grindelwald and Granny Rozier sitting aside to correct documents for him.

Chen Bin basically has at least three meetings with the three of them here every week, and everything is based on the indifferent attitude of the European magic community.

European countries also generally believe that the wizarding world in each country should be governed by the local Ministry of Magic. The International Federation of Wizards is just a communication platform and rarely establishes global decrees, and the promulgation will be different in each Ministry of Magic. Degree of distortion.

This time, Voldemort attacked Africa and also mobilized a force of 3,000 tribal wizards. The Federation did open a case and named this force "New Death Eaters".

Everyone also expressed their close concern and would provide all necessary support, and in the end not even a piece of bread was left.

The reason why the All-European United Front started the year before last was so successful was that Lao Deng adopted Chen Bin's blackmail methods and extended them to the entire Europe. The Ministry of Magic in various European countries has obtained sky-high aid from Muggles, and has also blocked the penetration requirements of Muggle society. It is good for you and me, but the result is bad for Muggles.

As a result, Dumbledore's position became more and more secure. The equipment and defense manpower of the European wizarding community had also been improved by several levels and there was still a surplus. Exchanges between the various ministries of magic became more frequent, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

But what the heck is the African wizarding world? European magical representatives suggested that they use the method proposed by Dumbledore two years ago to break the situation, but African representatives said that their Muggle society was extremely poor, and they also wanted to obtain armaments and combat power from the European magical community to relieve the crisis in Africa.

Doesn't the International Federation of Wizards advocate that wizards all over the world are one family?

Shouldn’t everyone be there to help each other?

Wasn't that devil driven out by you in Europe?

The words of the African representative are very reasonable, but no matter which world, it cannot be explained clearly with reason. Europe just has to hold its purse strings.

Dumbledore was very worried. He was leaning toward Europe to help, and at least he would support them with new equipment. However, he is not a fool. If he says it, he will become an enemy of the European magic community, and he may also mess up the current great European cooperation.

Use the financial resources of the British wizarding community to support Africa? Dumbledore doesn't have that much face, and this kind of support is of a drop in the bucket.

Soon, Dumbledore found Chen Bin as his adviser.

Chen Bin listened for a long time and thought it was something. If he was not a reborn person, he would really not be able to think of a way to break the situation.

If you don’t have funds, you can use things as collateral, barter, and set up a wizard bank to give them loans!

Therefore, Chen Bin often locks himself in his study room... maybe two hours a day. Who knows that this person is quite lazy about making money now... and he has come up with a very magical economic cooperation model.

First, the wizarding banks controlled by the various European ministries of magic united into a wizarding bank to lend money to the African ministries of magic to purchase necessary supplies.

Then, after receiving the order, Naama Factory obtained a certain proportion of wizard bank shares based on the preferential discount signed with the European wizarding community, which was converted into finished products as capital for investment, and was supplied to Africa at normal prices. Magical world.

Finally, Uncle Black's wizards came to Europe to receive advanced sergeant training and learn how to use advanced weapons and equipment to fight. The supernatural worlds in the East and West will also send military observers to assist in tactical arrangements. This one is truly free assistance.

Chen Bin's plan was very detailed. After all, he was a serious financial major in his previous life.

However, not many representatives could understand this new thing, and they even hired financial professional squibs from various countries to teach them about the Muggle financial system.

Eventually, the details of the plan were changed beyond recognition, but the overall outline remained the same.

In fact, before Dumbledore even received the Muggle military funds the year before last, Chen Bin had already set his sights on this amount of money that he could get every year.

It's not because he is greedy for money, but because he mainly wants to stabilize prices in the magic world, that is, to kill inflation. For thousands of years, pure-blood families in the magical world have accumulated hundreds of millions of gold galleons, but there is almost no inflation in the magical world. The reason is that these gold coins and inherited treasures are not publicly circulated.

Wealth that is not launched on the market can be regarded as something that does not exist. The annual food and drink of pure blood will not be much higher than that of ordinary wizards, and luxury goods will not be spread among ordinary wizards.

Therefore, prices will always only rise or fall slightly. Even when food prices rise, wizards will use birth-inducing magic to plant or feed poultry in their own yards.

[Note: This is not an allusion to the Weasley family. This is a common self-sufficiency custom in the wizarding world. 】

However, the huge military spending falling from the sky is very likely to disrupt commodity prices, and the European magic world will not be affected in any way, but is this possible?

For example, various countries have more or less misappropriated some military expenditures for non-war purposes, and even recruiting new Aurors has increased the number of high-paying positions. Overall, society has increased the supply of money out of thin air, and these employees have not They are not big aristocrats, they will spend their wages in the market.

They buy more of certain non-luxury goods, such as food, books, wands, etc., and if the supply cannot keep up, prices will naturally rise. If the supply catches up and the store owner makes more money, he may need more raw materials and invest in more branches or land. As long as the supply is insufficient, the price will still increase. If this is still in supply, shopkeepers or workshop owners who earn more and earn enough profits may use their wealth several times more than the market price to purchase high-value items such as luxury goods, inherited items, or manors, to match their status. , then the prices of these things will also increase.

In other words, since foreign property has poured into the magical society, inflation has been inevitable. Chen Bin must minimize this impact and cannot kill it at all.

The Muggle currency obtained by the Ministry of Magic can only be circulated in Muggle society, so it has little impact on the magical world, as long as the exchange limit is strictly controlled.

Gold galleons supplied by Muggle society must be kept in banks, and each use must be certified by the financial department of each country to be used in arms plans to minimize the flow into the market.

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