Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 424 Flamel retreats from the enemy

"Portkey?" Voldemort's wounds instantly returned to their original state, and even his black robe returned to its original state.

She looked in the direction where Chen Bin and Harry disappeared, then stared at the air in front of her, and suddenly laughed strangely. "They're just two rats. Can you get rid of them by apparating away without stopping?"

Then, she raised her wand and gathered the black light together, until she shot a black pillar towards the castle at the extreme moment.

Wherever the pillar passed, any enchanted bricks and stones were completely vaporized, and the corpses that poured in front of the castle gate disappeared in vain.

This is like the corrosive magic that destroyed Ilvermorny and Wagadu, but more powerful than before.

However, just when Voldemort was about to turn around, the black pillar was blocked by the transparent shield and was unable to penetrate the castle gate.

Voldemort was lost for a moment and turned to look at the top of the principal's tower in the distance.

There stood a thin old man - Nico Flamel. He threw a fist-sized ruby ​​in one hand and greeted Voldemort with the other.

"Child, if you don't chase them, the wave of apparation will disappear completely." Nico Flamel's tone was like greeting a neighbor, but his voice spread throughout the world. field.

Voldemort gave a mocking smile.

She was about to open her mouth, but Mr. Flamel looked at the ruby ​​in his hand and said calmly: "Or do you really think you can use up all the magic power I have accumulated for 672 years?"

"Hmph." Voldemort waved his robe, followed by two "snaps", and she still stood there.

"Do you think my reinforced rune array can't match your brute strength?" Flamel continued to ask kindly.

Voldemort did not answer this time, flew directly out of the iron gate, and then apparated away.

More than ten seconds later, Nico Flamel was sure that she would not come back, and finally sat on the chair he had conjured, gasping: "Albus, you clearly know that my fighting talent is negative... you almost scared me to death. ”

"Didn't you do a good job just now?" Dumbledore apparated to the top of the tower.

Nico Flamel smiled bitterly and said: "I almost drained this newly created magic stone just now..."

Before he could finish speaking, the magic stone in his hand had lost its last trace of brilliance.

"Well...it's a good thing she didn't launch a second attack, otherwise she would have had to rely entirely on the magic power of the dragon's heart for defense." After leaving these words, Flamel pressed the door key and returned to the auditorium to prepare for the final battle.

In less than ten seconds, Moody's voice resounded throughout the audience: "All soldiers, kill me——"

Countless men in black armor riding broomsticks flew out of various windows, and soon they were fighting in the air with Wagadu's teachers and students.

The tide of corpses on the ground has reached the vicinity of the castle. Hagrid's hut to the east, the new teaching building and headquarters to the south, and the Quidditch pitch to the west have been covered by the corpses.

The magic cannon on the tower first blasted away the corpses in the four stations, and then allowed a small number of black-armored men to regain their position.

Ron followed Diggory and the newcomers back to the main entrance of the castle, and worked together to set up a magic cannon behind the sandbags. Hermione didn't even need to calculate the shooting points, and fired straight at the bridge. The countless corpses on the bridge were immediately burned into charred corpses by the flames.

"Blimey!" Ron sighed with his eyes widened, unable to believe how powerful this blow was.

"Don't make any noise, reload quickly!" Hermione used her wand to move the cannonball, which was heavier than her, and Ron immediately used a descaling spell to clear away the residue in the barrel.

The new friends who had just joined the company immediately worked hard to strengthen this stronghold.

Top of Gryffindor Tower——

"Hey, kids, don't accidentally hurt those cute animals." Newt suddenly became dissatisfied when he saw that after the corpses by the lake were blown away, dozens of injured giant beasts were revealed on the ground.

The twins reloaded the cannon and took aim, but they retorted: "Old sir, do you still have the nerve to criticize us when you command those raptors to fight back against the beasts in the air?"

Newt said dissatisfied: "Of course it's different. I'm just driving them away, but you are targeting their vital points."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of Zouyu suddenly rushed into the lakeside, as if leaping through the air, using their tails to fly away all the corpses and monsters along the way.

Dozens of horse-shaped water monsters (Kelpie) in the big lake transformed into dragons made of water plants, and kept flying away the underwater zombies that were pouring towards the lake. As long as they are hit by their tails, the corpses within a plane area of ​​nearly ten meters will be immediately broken into two pieces, as if they have been harvested by giant scythes.

"Well, if you call that a drive..." George said.

Fred continued, "Then these cannons don't even scratch the itch."

The roof of Ravenclaw Tower——

Snape was adjusting the long barrel of a particularly exaggerated shape, and Percy was aiming at the large stretch of lawn from the Quidditch pitch to the lake.

"Peng——" A large ball of flames sprayed from the tower to the entire lawn. The corpses running in this direction were ignited into flaming people. Within a few seconds, the whole piece fell down, and then they were turned over again. The tide of corpses drowned in the fence.

"Reload—" Snape shouted.

"Yes, sir." Percy replied and immediately cleaned the scorched matter in the barrel.

More than thirty magic cannons bombarded back and forth, countless corpses fell on the charging road, and a new batch of corpses stepped on their corpses, continuing this endless process.

In the night sky, firelight and thunder and lightning kept shining, and colorful beams of light illuminated the sky like dusk.

Thousands of Wagadu's teachers and students, perhaps two thousand, or even three or four thousand, almost exceeding the population of the entire British wizarding world, were chasing the man in black armor riding a broom in the air.

The nearly six hundred international Aurors in black armor were obviously at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, but they were specifically responsible for this war of fighting more with less.

The students of Wagadu dared to launch a fearless charge, and the black-armored Aurors dared to raise their magic rifles and engage in an unequal contest with them.

Countless beams of light were shot towards the Aurors, but the smaller number of Aurors made maneuvers and rushed towards them, shooting a large fire in return.

Before they were truly buried, dozens of students had been swept down by the flames and fell off their brooms.

The students who escaped the flames could not avoid the bayonets of the international Aurors. The blade on the gun tip pierced one person's body, but the Aurors continued to rush forward on their broomsticks.

One, two...five, until the fifth student filled the bayonet.

The bayonet equipped this time was comparable to the length of a flying broomstick, and the Aurors riding on the broomstick were more like knights carrying spears.

Since the collective suicide of the European wizards whose souls were stolen, the international Aurors gradually became relieved and let go of the enemies whose souls were stolen as scheduled. It would be better to give them a relief on the battlefield, otherwise it would be their own fighting strength that would die in the battle.

Some senior Wagadu students and professors launched a surprise attack during the confrontation. Several international Aurors were hit by death spells and other instant death spells, and disappeared as soon as they fell off their brooms.

The next moment, these Aurors would fly up from the castle window again, just put on another breastplate, mount their brooms, and continue to participate in the aerial melee.

In this final battle, no one defeated all the troops.

Dumbledore's side only had a dozen former Grindelwald assistants, all the professors at Hogwarts, and this international Auror army.

Therefore, all the supplies that have been stored in the past three years are open to our own combat power. Whether it is bayonets, armors, magic potions, and magic-replenishing bracelets, they are all top-notch products.

In the air battle, Dumbledore, Rozier and Grindelwald did not wear armor, and led a dozen men in black armor to chase the professor of Wagadu. The three of them besieged the black principal for a moment and subdued him. Then they used local superior forces to round up the professors.

When some attacking magical animals flew into the battle circle, Grindelwald summoned a sheet of blue flame and burned them all into skeletons.

After the deans of the four major colleges wearing battle armor led the professors to suppress the enemy professors, the battle between the two major colleges was basically no suspense with the support of equipment.

Mr. Chen and his uncle returned to the main entrance. After watching "Artillery vs. Zombies" for a while, they lost interest and went straight to the lakeside for evening practice.

Is this kind of opponent worth taking action against?

Okay, a broomstick-riding professor fight in the sky or even a principal fight is worth their while, but Chen Bin's fear of heights is a family inheritance... so, you know.

"Where is Arthur?" Molly rode on the broom and kept asking about her husband's whereabouts on the communication channel.

"Mrs. Weasley, please calm down." Caitlina's comfort came from the communication channel: "He is above, preparing to carry out the next mission."

"What mission?" Molly, who was wearing an oversized armor, looked around. There were basically no people still fighting in the air, only Newt's animal friends and the invading beasts were still fighting.

"I'm up there." As soon as Arthur's voice reached Molly's helmet, a giant object was descending from the clouds.

It is also fifty meters long and wide, and has four propellers on its wings that roar constantly.

Such a huge thing swooping down from high altitude indeed gave the wizards below an unparalleled sense of shock.

"Is this a plane?" Molly was a little incoherent. "Arthur, are you in there?"

"Yes." Arthur replied: "This is called the Tu-95 strategic bomber. Aaron's father just asked me to come over as his assistant."

"Dad, you actually know how to fly a plane?" the twins roared on the channel.

"Well, I drove it once the year before last, but this one is bigger and has more instruments. I'm just here to be the deputy. The driver is Mr. Chen."

(ω): "Weiguo, you actually know how to fly a bomber? Why didn't I hear that you were a pilot when I was pursuing you?" A strange female creature was hiding in the new teaching building watching the live broadcast.

"Uh... I learned it in the past two years. I used to be in the Army..."

The two families chatted for a while on the channel, and Dumbledore finally stopped the meaningless conversation.

Chen Weiguo opened the bomber's external weapons as instructed. The six missile-type external weapons immediately split open the bomb body and threw bottles sealed with red light downwards.

The bottle was thrown into the sea of ​​corpses outside the fence, and flames immediately exploded, spreading in all directions.

The bombers were lowering their altitude little by little, circling around the perimeter of Hogwarts, constantly spreading magical incendiary bottles.

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