"Haha! Brown!

You didn't see your uncle Arthur's expression! It was really wonderful!"

"Albert, why are you telling this to the child?

Mrs. Foley slapped her husband's arm in dissatisfaction.

Mr. Foley snorted:

"You can't blame me for this. Arthur used to show off his child to me, didn't he?"

Millie Foley rolled her eyes at her husband, feeling helpless about his childish behavior.

But to be honest, the amazed look her sister gave her son did satisfy her vanity.

"Mom, here's the money. This is the 100 Galleons I won from Malfoy!"

Brown handed over the money he got from Malfoy.

"Malfoy? Narcissa's child? Great! My son!"

Millie happily took the money handed over by Brown and kissed Brown on the head, making Brown blush.

"Why is it only 90 Galleons? Did Narcissa's child give you less?"

Millie counted the money and frowned.

"Your son gave those ten gold Galleons to Ron."

Mr. Foley said as he sat at the table drinking black tea.

""Thanks to Ron for buying me some time, Mom."

Brown explained.

Ron had automatically hidden the fact that he got the money when he was telling the story just now.

So it was normal that Mrs. Fly didn't know.


Millie's eyes dimmed.

"Ron is a shy kid.

Molly and I always seem to be worried about him when we talk."

"Your sister's family is not doing well. I have told you this many times. But it is no use."

"Don't you know my sister's personality? She's tough and won't give in.

She'll always feel bad if we help her.

But these ten Galleons should be enough for them to have a good Christmas."

"Mom, the matter of the ten galleons……"

"No one knows, right?

Silly boy.

I know where the money is, doesn't your uncle Arthur know?

Ron's money is definitely not safe."

Mr. Foley gloated.

Just as Mr. Foley expected,

Ron's money was not saved. He was reported by Arthur Weasley as soon as he got home.

Then Ron's mother took the money away.

In exchange for an extra portion of barbecue for each person.

However, Arthur Weasley seemed to feel that what he did was indeed a bit unkind.

So he gave Ron three silver Sickles as compensation.

Originally, Ron wanted to refuse it.

But... in the end, he couldn't resist the temptation of silver Sickles.

He happily put the money in his pocket.

He was going to buy more snacks on the train when school started.

Have a big meal.

After the meal, Ron told his brothers about the story of Braun's battle with Malfoy.

The content was so thrilling and ups and downs.

Similarly, as a supporting role, he was beaten to death by Crabbe in one encounter, and became a heroic image who fought Crabbe for three hundred rounds. At last, he was helplessly defeated.

At this moment, Arthur Weasley, who was sitting aside drinking tea, smiled but said nothing.

As if he saw through everything.

"That's it! Braun defeated Malfoy while I managed to hold off Crabbe!

Not only did I win a hundred gold Galleons, but I also got a limited edition Firebolt!

I told you that broom was so……"

However, after hearing the story, everyone no longer had the heart to listen to Ron talking about Quidditch.

Ginny said admiringly:

"Cousin Fly is so awesome!"

"I thought Braun was going to be a squib."

Fred shrugged.

"Fred! Don't say that!"

"Yes, Mom. But I'm George!"

"Hey! I'm George! Don't throw dirty water on me."

George was admiring Ron's poster.

Hearing his twin brother's words, he patted him with some dissatisfaction.

"Ron! How about giving me this poster? We'll split the gold galleons sold in half!"

George encouraged his brother.

Ron was a little tempted.

But in the end, he just shook his head like a rattle:

"No! I won't sell it!

I promised Braun I'd put the poster above my bed."

"Well, that's a pity."

George saw that he couldn't fool his brother and had to hand over the poster in dismay.

As for taking it away and selling it secretly?

Although they like to bully their little brother, it's not to such a bad degree.

"What is this?"

Percy, who had been reading, raised his head.

Ron said with some boasting:

"This is the poster that Brown gave me!

It's a signed poster of Montrose Magpies Seeker Niss Murray!"

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