And sweets are bad for your teeth.

I just want to take it to my room first.

You know, I didn't eat much last night and I'm a little hungry now."

""Okay, but you have to promise me not to forget to brush your teeth."

Patting her daughter's head,

Mrs. Granger said gently.

"Of course, Mom, I will." Hermione breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her mother leave. She took out the nut cake and sandwiches left over from last night from the refrigerator downstairs. Then she hurried back to the house.

""You must be impatient!"

Hermione said as she picked the nuts off the nut cake and placed them in front of Kama. She opened the sandwich and took out the bacon.

""Take your time to eat! I'll go brush my teeth.

But don't leave yet! I have to write a letter to Brown later."

She waved to Kama. After receiving a reply,

Hermione hurried downstairs to wash up.

"Good morning, sweetheart!"

"Good morning, Dad!"

"What happened today? Why are you so happy?"

Mr. Granger asked with interest.

"Nothing, a friend of mine gave me a Christmas present.

I'm done with it, dad, see you later."

"Friends? My daughter has new friends?"

Mr. Granger couldn't help but wonder.

But his daughter knew very well that she had never had many friends at school.

If it weren't for the fact that he and the school teacher were classmates, he was even afraid that his daughter would be bullied at school.

After washing up,

Hermione hurried upstairs.

"Not having breakfast?"

"I'll eat in the bedroom!"

Mr. Granger looked at his daughter and shook his head helplessly.

Back in the bedroom,

Hermione saw Kama still eating nuts with relish.

She couldn't help but feel a little hungry.

She took a pen and paper.

While writing a letter to Brown, she ate the nut cake without nuts and the bacon sandwich without bacon.

"Dear Braun, Hello.

I am very happy about your Christmas gift to me.

At the same time, I am amazed by the magic.


Finally, I hope you get well soon.

Your Hermione."

After writing the letter, Hermione thought about what gift to give.

After all, she didn't know what wizards like.

After thinking about it, she finally found a simple golden pen from her drawer.

This was bought when she and her parents were traveling in France.

Braun happened to give her a book, so she gave him a pen in return.

She wrapped the pen tightly and tied it carefully to Kama's body. Kama was only busy eating nuts.

After Hermione tied everything on it, it had finished eating the nuts.

It combed its feathers with its mouth.

Then, without waiting for Hermione to speak, it cleverly opened the window with its claws and disappeared.

"What a clever owl!"


"Scabies potion: slugs with tentacles, porcupine quills, snake fangs.

It is a potion for treating wizard scabies.

It is powerful and has no side effects. The only drawback is that it tastes bad.

First, put 6 portions of snake fangs into a mortar and grind them."

Braun recited while putting the prepared snake fangs into a glass mortar and began to grind them.

It took almost ten minutes for the snake fangs to be ground into fine bone powder.

"Then divide the snake fang into four portions and pour them into the crucible. The note here is to pour one portion every ten seconds."

"Heat for 5 minutes.

Wait for the snake tooth powder in the cauldron to turn slightly yellow."

"Put 4 slugs and 2 porcupine quills into the crucible.

Stir clockwise with the tin rod for 5 turns.

Wait for the materials in the potion to be fully mixed and emit a faint green light."

Seeing that the materials in the crucible have finally changed.

Braun suppressed his joy. He silently said in his heart:

""Wave your wand, done!"

As Braun waved his wand, the potion began to undergo magical changes.

A light green smoke began to appear on the crucible.

This represented the success of the potion.

Seeing that the potion was successful,

Braun did not delay.

He quickly waved his wand to extinguish the flame under the crucible.

Then he silently waited for the potion in the crucible to slowly cool down.

After testing it with a tin rod and finding that the potion was a little sticky, he nodded.

Poured it into a special potion bottle and plugged the bottle.

This potion was considered a success.

"Very good, Braun. But you have forgotten the most important step."

Mr. Fry stood opposite Braun and said seriously

"What is it, Dad?"

He was sure that his steps were correct and he followed the steps in the book.

Mr. Foley did not answer. He first carefully observed the potion of Braun.

Then he opened the lid and smelled it.

"You forgot to taste the potion. A potion master usually tastes the first batch of potion after making it to make sure it is OK."

After saying that, he drank the potion in one gulp.

"Phew! It still smells the same.

A pig smell that is still slippery.

But it's good, son.

The potion is of good quality. If I sell it, I'll have to pay at least twenty copper knuts."

"So expensive? Wouldn't it pay for itself after two bottles?"

Braun was surprised.

As the simplest beginner potion, the price of acne potion is not high.

The cost is even pitifully low.

The only expensive one is the snake's fang.

Six pairs cost about fifteen copper knuts.

The other two together cost only twenty copper knuts.

This adds up to only thirty-five copper knuts, which is one silver Sickle and four copper knuts.

There are five bottles in this pot.

After deducting the cost, I can make a net profit of two silver Sickles.

The only drawback is that the potion takes a little longer to make.

At least half an hour

"Otherwise, why do you think the potion master is so popular?

Okay, stop talking and continue making.

Your task today is to make 100 bottles of acne potion.

Come on, young man! After saying that, he left with a smile."

"One hundred bottles? Five bottles per pot, half an hour at a time. Wouldn't it take me ten hours to make it? No, it would take me eleven hours including the time to clean up."

While cursing his father as a Zhou Paopi in his heart, he kept cleaning up.

Crucibles and other utensils used to make potions must be cleaned up in time.

One reason for doing this is to avoid affecting the efficacy of the new potion.

Another reason is to prevent the potion from corroding the crucible and reducing the life of the crucible.

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