Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 101 Suddenly I feel like I’ve been tricked

Dumbledore looked at the scene of Viper relying on the boy's favor and smiled comfortingly, "I thought she would hide in some isolated valley or dense forest and live like a wild beast. But I didn't expect that she would live like a beast. I met her again underground at Hogwarts. Robin, you raised her well."

After saying that, he waved his wand and turned out six red apples. When Nagini saw the red apples, her eyes widened and she stopped rubbing her master's chest. She swung her tail and swam towards Dumbledore.

It swam a meter away, but stopped and looked back at its owner, so Robin had to follow. When it swam in front of Dumbledore, instead of biting the red apple, it gently scratched its owner's shoulder with its head.

"Sir, give me the apple and I'll feed it."

Seeing Dumbledore nodding in agreement, Robin stretched out his hand and held six apples in his arms. He threw one upward, and the green viper pounced and bit one. After feeding the six apples, he took out the cotton handkerchief and wiped the viper clean. Apple juice on the palate.

The green viper enjoyed the meal, wrapping around its owner in circles, and finally rested its head on his shoulder, squinting its eyes in contentment.

"She needs to rest for a while to recover the energy consumed in the fight just now."

Robin heard what he meant, so he waved his wand and recited a (pretended) spell, making the Green Viper disappear out of thin air.

"Sir, the Philosopher's Stone, it"

"It has been destroyed. A few days ago, Nico Flamel and I exchanged letters. We both agreed that the Philosopher's Stone should no longer exist in the world."

"Nico and I don't care in whose hands it was destroyed or under what circumstances. We only focus on the result of 'it was destroyed'. However, the world is too curious, so we have to unify our voices. Just say”

After Dumbledore looked around for a week, he nodded and said: "Let's just say it was destroyed by the Mirror of Erised. Well, that's a good idea. Many people firmly believe that in addition to reflecting the most urgent and longing things in people's hearts, Dumbledore also It has other magical functions. No one discovered it because the magic mirror hid those functions very well."


"There is nothing more. Nico and his wife Perenal have long been prepared to face death. They have obtained many things in their lives that others can only dream of. But only death, they have not Got it, so they are ready for a great adventure."

After saying that, Dumbledore walked around the rubble and walked to Harry. He lifted up his witch robe and squatted down to carefully check Harry's injuries. "Fortunately, it didn't hurt any vital parts. I want him to wake up early." , we need Madam Pomfrey’s help. But it’s not easy to move him from here to the first floor, ahem.”

Seeing someone coughing lightly, reaching out to hug Harry, Robin quickly said, "I'll do it, sir."

"That's good work." Dumbledore smiled happily.

Luo Bin: (;一_一), I suddenly feel like I’ve been tricked. What’s going on?

Robin walked to the magic mirror, carried Harry on his back, and then followed Dumbledore back. When he returned to the level of the Silver Key, he grabbed two broomsticks and rushed out of the hole in the living plank.

When Lu Wei saw that Dumbledore was among the people rushing out, he not only did not yell, but also waggled his tail. When he sent Harry to Madam Pomfrey, he saw Hermione and Ron in the next ward.

"Ms. Pomfrey checked Ron and said he was fine and in good health. However, he complained loudly about foot pain, back pain, headaches, etc. The school doctor was so frustrated that she had no choice but to arrange a private ward for him. If he is placed in a public ward, he will make so much noise that others will not be able to rest."

Hermione said hoarsely.

"I didn't lie, I really feel pain, Luo Bin, do you believe me?"

Ron grabbed the sheets and said angrily. Come to think of it, the school nurse and Hermione were staring at him with suspicion and inquiry.

"I believe."

"Look, Robin believes me. I didn't lie at all." Ron shouted, patting the quilt hard.

Luo Bin: Emm, can you not believe it? The broken ankle, the injury on the back hitting the wall, and the injury on the head were all treated by me myself. However, after Ron recovered from his injury, he still felt pain in the injured area. Is it a psychological reason, or is there a bug in Jasmine's 'Super Healing' skill?

Psychological troubles VS skill bugs, which one is the cause of pain? You will know after giving it a try.

Robin stood up and poured a cup of warm water, then threw a depth bomb into the cup. After the sugar rolled and dissolved, he handed the water to Ron.

"Drink, I added some painkiller powder to the water (Jasmine's mental soothing skill)."

"Robin, Madam Pomfrey said that Ron is fine. The medicine is three parts poisonous and he cannot drink it."

After Hermione finished speaking, she reached out to grab the cup. When Ron saw this, he turned around and opened his mouth. After drinking it in one breath, he burped, "Well, it tastes like lime-flavored soda. Robin, you must have poured the wrong medicine powder." Hey, it doesn’t hurt anymore, it really doesn’t hurt anymore, I’m fine?!”

Ron happily lifted the quilt and jumped up and down on the bed. Robin walked to Hermione and whispered: "I didn't add painkiller powder to the water. I added lime-flavored explosive candy. His pain is psychological." It's causing trouble."

"Ms. Pomfrey thinks so too. Ron doesn't believe it and refuses to drink the calming potion." Hermione replied softly.

After Ron was tired from dancing, he sat down cross-legged and asked Robin what happened behind him. Hermione diligently moved two four-legged stools, her brown eyes full of curiosity.

After Luo Bin finished drafting the manuscript, he sat down and told the two of them about Black Fire, Quirrell, the Mirror of Erised, the Red Dot Philosopher's Stone, Voldemort with Two Faces, the battle with Quirrell, etc.

Of course, the part involving the secret of the Rubik's Cube was automatically erased by him.

Hermione and Ron had their eyes wide open the whole time and listened very carefully. Every time they heard the thrilling and dangerous parts, they were so nervous that they couldn't breathe, especially when they heard Quirrell took off his purple turban and turned around to reveal Voldemort's hideous face. He screamed directly.

"The Philosopher's Stone was destroyed, so that means 'that person' can never regain his energy and make a comeback?"

Ron said in shock after hearing the entire fight (abridged version).

Luo Bin shook his head, "Without the Sorcerer's Stone, Voldemort's plan will only be postponed for a while. I have an intuition that he will come back here to wreak havoc. Oh, by the way, from the potion puzzle Did you two encounter anything else after going back to that level?"

Hermione nodded, "Yes, but it's very small. The smelly troll body is gone. I guess Quirrell cast a delayed apparation spell on the giant monster. I kept pulling. Ron shouted in pain and rushed out of the hole in the living plank. In order not to be bitten by Lou Wei, my voice became hoarse. Then, Ron and I split up. He went to the school hospital and I went to the owl loft. Later, Ron Bin, guess what?"

"Then you bumped into the principal somewhere."

Hermione looked shocked after hearing this, "Yes, you guessed it right. Before I could say anything, he said, 'Lestrange and Potter, go keep an eye on Quirrell, right?'" ?', without waiting for me to nod, he walked straight upstairs, walking faster than when Snape caught Harry's mistake."

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