Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 111: When engaging in foreign aid, you don’t have martial ethics!

After the corner of Luo Bin's mouth twitched three or four times, he squatted down and looked at the white fox at eye level, discussing: "You do me a favor. I will cook you ten pots of fish soup, plus twenty meals of grilled fish. What do you think?"

The white fox twisted its triangular ears and fell into deep thought.

Luo Bin increased his chips and said, "Add twenty more roast chickens. Little fox, don't you want to taste the rumored roast chicken that is salty, fat but not greasy, and rotten but not falling apart?"

Luo Bin caught a glimpse of the longing look on the white fox's face, with bright liquid flowing from the corner of his mouth. He coaxed in a low voice: "As long as you tell me where the treasure is hidden, fish soup, grilled fish, and roasted chicken, I will make sure you eat enough."

When Bai Hu heard the word 'treasure', his expression changed instantly.

It arches its body and explodes the fluff. Without waiting for the other person to react, it opens its mouth and spits out a ball of blue fire at the person.

Luo Bin hurriedly turned sideways to avoid the blue fire. The blue fire continued to rush forward for a moment and hit a pine tree.

Then, the blue fire was sucked into the main trunk of the pine tree, and a light blue halo lingered around the tree body, and the curvature of the main trunk also increased.

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), this is how the word ‘Bent’ in the Crooked Forest came about!

Luo Bin saw three more balls of blue fire as big as bowling balls flying towards him, and quickly activated the 'Bright Red Flame' and 'Blazing Flame' skills to deal with them.

The red fire and the blue fire collided, causing a splash of purple lightning. The purple lightning crackled for a moment, and then the red fire and the blue fire gradually extinguished.

The same reaction occurs when yellow fire and blue fire collide, except that the small lightning they produce is green.

After the three balls of blue fire were melted and extinguished by the small lightning, the white fox clawed the ground with its right front paw, opened its mouth and spit out more than a dozen balls of blue fire.

Luo Bin raised his palm and turned his wrist slightly, throwing out more than a dozen balls of red and yellow fire to deal with it.

For a time, five colors of red, yellow, blue, purple, and green light reflected each other around one person and one fox.

1 hour later!

Luo Bin had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead and his wrists were sore.

Every time the white fox spits out a string of blue fire, it has to cough several times, and the coughing sound has already changed from a "throat throat" to a "duck throat".

However, none of them had any intention of bowing their heads and admitting defeat, so the pine trees growing on the edge of the clearing had to continue to bend north.

Two hours later, the white fox was so tired that he coughed up blood, and his ears and tail drooped downward.

Luo Bin was so tired that he was sweating profusely. His hands were shaking like they were tied to a massage device. He looked at the miserable appearance of the white fox and thought to himself: It's time to enter the next process.

Robin silently recited a spell and summoned Norbert.

The moment the black dragon appeared out of thin air, the white fox was so shocked that he almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

White Fox: ⊙▽⊙, 1V1 also involves foreign aid, you don’t have martial ethics.

"Noble, go try your new snack. Is it delicious?"

Luo Bin pointed at a ball of blue fire and said.

After hearing this, Norbert rushed forward, swallowed the blue fire in one gulp, and after spraying a few blue sparks with satisfaction, he looked at Luo Bin eagerly.

"Don't look at me. I can't cast blue fire. Go and find that big white fox. It's the one who caused the blue fire."

After hearing this, Norbert ran towards the white fox excitedly.

The white fox lowered his body and blasted his fur, and spat out more than twenty balls of blue fire with great force. However, Noble's mouth was like a big bowl that could move instantaneously, catching all the blue fire.


Norbert hiccupped and blew out a string of blue smoke rings.

"Norbert, it's time to get down to business."

Norbert spread his wings wide, swung his long tail, and sprayed bright yellow flames, slowly forcing the white fox into the forest.

It's not that the white fox has never counterattacked, but the blue fire it spit out was either swallowed by the black dragon or melted and extinguished by the yellow flame.

As for hand-to-hand combat, it didn't consider it at all. First, the black dragon's physique was more than ten times bigger than it. Second, the few hours of fighting with the boy had long since left it with little energy left.

When the white fox was forced to retreat between two pine trees, laughter suddenly sounded from the sky. Then, a big net fell from the sky to cover it. The big net was also enchanted. The more it struggled, the tighter the rope became. .

When the white fox was tied up with a net rope into an oversized fur ball, Luo Bin slowly descended from the top of the pine tree to the ground.

"Bai Hu, the conditions I mentioned before are still in effect. Have you thought carefully about whether you want to help me find the treasure?"

"Don't even think about it!"

A roar like a broken gong came from Dahu's mouth.

Luo Bin: Hey, my throat changed from a drake voice to a broken gong voice. Will I become mute in the next step?

"If you can speak human language, it will be easy. Tell me, how can you help me find the treasure?"

"Don't even think about it, ow~"

After the white fox roared several times, its eyes turned from blue to scarlet, and long sharp claws suddenly appeared from the gaps between its claws.


After it scratched through the spider silk, it turned around and fled to the right rear. It escaped seven or eight meters away and fell into the trap with a plop.

Luo Bin: ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭, stupid fox, I gave you a chance, but you didn’t cherish it. The pine trees, the big net, the position, and the traps were all decided upon by me after thinking about them for a long time.

"Don't move. The stingers stuck in the pit are all poisonous." Luo Bin shouted as he ran towards the trap.

When he ran to the edge of the trap, he was shocked to find that the white fox had shrunk in size, its eyes had returned to blue, and its sharp claws were gone. It was still squatting in the center of the pit, looking at people calmly.


Not normal, very abnormal! !

"Are you divided?"

"You defeated me three times. According to the ancestral training of the fox clan, I must take you to hunt for treasures."

Bai Hu said calmly.

"I beat you three times?"

The white fox nodded, "Well, that time in the grass swamp, you forced me to pretend to be dead to escape. That time in the tent, you broke my charm. Today, I fell into your trap."

"Do you want fish soup, grilled fish, or roasted chicken?"

Luo Bin was lying beside the hole, his smile brighter than the sunflower.

The white fox twisted the tips of its ears with a slightly displeased expression. Luo Bin put on his dragon leather protective gloves and pulled out the poisonous stinger while saying, "I'm just teasing you! Fish soup, grilled fish, roasted chicken, I'll take care of it until you get tired of it." "

After hearing this, Bai Hu's face became slightly better.

Luo Bin pulled out the poisonous needle, put the tools and Norbert, who was grinding his teeth on the tree, into the Rubik's Cube, and said, "Okay, you can jump out now."

The white fox kicked off its hind legs and jumped out of the pit. After landing, it rushed forward and threw Luo Bin, who was distracted for a moment, to the ground.

"Are you going to violate the teachings of your ancestors?"

Luo Bin clenched his right hand into a fist. He planned to activate the Whomping Willow's 'punch attack' skill as long as the white fox showed its teeth and bit.

The white fox squinted his eyes and said slyly: "The ancestral precepts don't say that I can't attack you to death, I can't beat you to death, I can't bite you to death, and I can't sleep you to death!"

Luo Bin: (;一_一), the sleep it talks about, I am 100% sure, is the word "big" slumped on the quilt, and there is absolutely no element of yellow.

"My name is Robin, Robin Lestrange, do you have a name? I can't keep calling you White Fox!"

"Ya, my name is Ya. Get up quickly and I will lead you to find the treasure."

Luo Bin looked at the white fox's cunning eyes and guessed that it was holding back bad tricks again. However, it still relied on it to guide the treasure hunt, so he had to be careful first.

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