Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 117 Xiaosi is still at home waiting for your favor

Luo Bin looked at the prosperous scene in the grid and couldn't help feeling that he had come to the right place in the Crooked Forest.

Gee, I wonder if Harry, who is far away at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, has used the gadgets in the box to fight back against his best relatives, the Dursleys.

After Luo Bin's consciousness pulled out of the consciousness sea space, he smashed the jade bottle and returned to the black and white hemispherical room.

"Hey, let me go, have you taken diet pills?"

Luo Bin said in shock to the big stupid fox at the table who looked wilted, had dull eyes, and was three times thinner.

When the white fox saw the young man suddenly appearing, he blinked three or four times in confusion. After confirming that it was not an illusion, he walked forward tremblingly, took four or five steps, and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Hungry, hungry, thirsty, so thirsty"

Luo Bin: (°ο°), are you addicted to drama again? Or is he really so weak that he can't walk steadily?

Emm, regardless of whether it is true or false, just ask, who can resist the teary eye attack of the big fur ball?

Luo Bin stepped forward, took out a bottle of water from the Consciousness Sea Space, fed the big stupid fox half a bottle, and then took out a roast chicken. Unexpectedly, the big stupid fox was so weak that his fangs could not tear it apart. He couldn't touch the chicken, so he had to tear the chicken into strips and then break it into pieces and feed it to it.

After the white fox regained some energy, he rested his head on Luo Bin's thigh, licked the fox's lips and asked lazily: "Did you get the treasure?"

"Of course, I not only got the treasure, I also got this."

Luo Bin held the tether on the parchment and dangled it on the tip of the big stupid fox's nose.

The white fox's blue eyes followed the parchment and turned left and right. Finally, he grabbed the paper roll with a squeak, chewed it a few times before the boy could react, and then swallowed the shredded paper into his stomach.

Luo Bin: (╬◣д◢), stupid fox, don’t force me to beat you up on your happiest day.

"Big stupid fox, you" Luo Bin said angrily.

"Shh, don't make any noise, I'm sensing the information on the paper."

The white fox squatted on the ground, its blue eyes glowing with red light, and its neck was raised high. Five minutes later, the red light disappeared, and it lay on the ground, with a sincere attitude and a serious expression: "Ya is willing to follow Robin Lai Strange, meanwhile, takes it upon himself to reshape the Crooked Forest."

"You and the fox split?"

"You won't accept me?"

After the white fox jumped three feet high, he licked his mouth and boasted: "I'm very powerful. I ran around the bending forest without being out of breath. I can breathe fox fire and bend objects." , can build illusions and transform."

The white fox said something, but when he saw that the boy didn't respond, he turned his eyes slyly and started to take the route of "poor little cabbage" again.

It frowned and said pitifully: "Wow, Ya is so pitiful. When Ya was three months old, her parents were killed by a wizard. Ya gnawed tree bark when she was hungry, and drank muddy water when she was thirsty. Ya didn't want to Who are you going against? However, all the animals in the forest bully Ya. The bee Zhiya’s nose, the fried bird Zia Ya’s ears, and even the fish in the pit will bite her, woo woo.”

"Big stupid fox, your acting skills are great, your expressions and tone of voice are perfect, but you screamed for a long time and didn't even squeeze out a single tear!"

The white fox was startled for a moment, then rolled around on the ground with his belly in the air, and said playfully: "Take it, just take it from me. If you don't take it, I won't get up, ow~"

If the teasing continues, the 'big stupid fox' will turn into a 'crazy fox', and the totem under the left collarbone will steadily increase in pain.

After Luo Bin picked up the fox's tail a few times, he silently recited a spell to put it into the Rubik's Cube. At the same time, his consciousness also dived into the space of the sea of ​​​​consciousness. After finding where the big stupid fox was, he moved his fingers and attracted a free cutter. Black square?

Inside the grid is an endless cinder-grey crooked forest. The only touch of green in the forest is the pine tree next to the cave.

Luo Bin was surprised to find that a second young leaf appeared on a branch of the side branch of the pine tree, and the stupid fox was staring at that young leaf and doing a tap dance?

Tsk, my dancing skills are so much better than my acting skills.

After Luo Bin admired the dance, he bent down and poked the three-tailed white fox totem at the bottom of the square, then turned to look at the light screen in the sky.

Name: Ya

Species: Nine-tailed Demon Fox

Level: SS level

Personality: Out-of-temperate, loves to tease people, flexible and flexible, lustful, especially greedy for people's bodies

Physical status: healthy


Demon Fox Strange Fire (can cast blue flames with a temperature of 3-4 thousand, note: the flame has the ability to bend objects)

Charming eyes and good gaze (can confuse the opponent for 3-5 seconds. Note: The side effect of this skill is that the opponent may classify "absence" as "heartbeat")

Seize the soul (can build an illusion and defeat the enemy's mental power)

Magic value: 10000

Combat power: 4000

The charming eyes are good at gazing, and the heart becomes excited when you are absent-minded?

If the other party is a beautiful girl, I can still accept it, but if the other party is a bad old man, what should I do?

So, Luo Bin was immediately blacklisted with the skill of charming eyes.

He waved his hand to let the white grid float back to its original position, and then his consciousness pulled out of the sea of ​​consciousness and returned to the black and white grid space.


A copper door appeared out of thin air and slammed down next to the square table. Luo Bin stood up, opened the door and walked in.

The next second, the scene changed, and he returned to the meadow swamp, and the black stone with the teleportation array engraved on it was one meter away from his feet. When he stepped forward and bent to pick it up, the stone It turned into powder and dispersed in the wind.

After brushing off the stone powder on his body, he silently recited a spell and summoned the big stupid fox.

"Ah, why did you let me out? I haven't appreciated Hou Si yet!"

It pawed at the fox's ears and said impatiently.


"Yes, isn't the fourth green leaf of the Crooked Forest called Xiaosi? Come on, take me back quickly."

"Well, okay, I'll take you back and grill the fish later. I can eat a few more."

The fish soup is delicious and the meat is tender, and the roasted chicken is crispy and soft. Among the three original transaction conditions, Baihu has never tasted the taste of grilled fish.

"It's not impossible to come back later." The white fox's eyes showed greed, but he pretended to be reserved.

"No, Xiaosi is still at home, waiting for your favor."

Luo Bin raised his hand and pretended to cast a spell. The white fox twisted its body and wrapped its tail around the opponent's big hand, "I know which meadow has the most fish and which pit has the biggest fish. My appetite is very small and I can't eat a few. Bring me." Come on me."

Luo Bin: →_→, small? Who are you bluffing? However, the fluffy and silky touch of the pointed fox tail is really addictive.

After he had enough of stroking the fox's tail, he said lightly, "Let's go!"

Then, the white fox swung its downy fox tail and followed its owner back to the tent excitedly.

Within a few hours, a layer of ash fell on the tent. As soon as Luo Bin opened the curtain, he smelled a musty smell.

Then, he saw half a piece of hamburger covered with green mold. Thinking of the white fox's pitiful appearance, which was so weak that he could not walk steadily, he suddenly made a bold guess in his mind.

"Big stupid fox, how long have you been waiting for me in the black and white room?"

"It's been a month, what's wrong?"

Sure enough, the time flow rate in each section of the secret realm is different.


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