Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 124 A dragon, dreaming of becoming a dragon slaying knight

September 1st, afternoon, on the edge of Hogsmeade village, there is a three-story house with a courtyard and a study on the second floor.

Luo Bin tapped a book with his fingers and looked at the desk irritably and speechlessly.

On the table, a black dragon as big as a diary was poking its tail at the bamboo pen holder and making a bleating sound like a lamb.

“Comfortable, so comfortable~”

"Norbert, you are a girl, you have to pay attention to your image!"

The black dragon grunted and replied: "Norbert is not a girl, Norbert is a female dragon. It is Norbert's nature to rub his buttocks to leave scent. In the wild, we dragons rely on this to mark our territory, make friends, and Record your mood, um, so comfortable~"


After the black dragon made a series of bleating sounds, he turned around and sniffed the pen holder. Finally, he smashed his mouth and said: "Today's smell diary entry is 'The afternoon class is so boring', emm, let's have some fun. Let’s have some fun~”

The black dragon took a few steps back, knocked down the pen holder with a fierce dash, and chewed the pencil into pieces while yelling. After chewing, he used his tail as a broom to remove the teacups, plates, pen holders, books, etc. on the table. The objects were all swept to the ground.

After causing harm to the desk, it flapped its wings and flew to the window. It grabbed the curtain with its claws and played on the swing. While swinging, it shouted: "Come on, knight! Pull out the holy sword, slay the dragon, rescue the princess, and get the bounty and crown." , Come on, Norbert Knight~"

Luo Bin: ←_←, a dragon, dreams of becoming a dragon-slaying knight, Norbert, you are great!

He picked up the remains of the pencil on the page and slammed it against the bamboo basket next to the potted money tree.


(Sounds of clinking pieces of wood and bamboo basket)

"You stupid fox, stop telling Norbert such nonsense."

Luo Bin originally thought that the 'diversified communication' function was only for his own use, but he accidentally discovered that the creatures in the Rubik's Cube can also communicate across languages ​​without any barriers, and what's more, the big stupid fox always gives way to the ignorant little black dragon. Instill bad thoughts.

The white fox spit out the fried bird stuffed animal, put its head on the edge of the bamboo basket, and said in a sinister tone: "Oh, it's the nature of animals to leave a smell. It doesn't poop around, so you can enjoy it secretly." And , as far as fire dragons are concerned, the Ridgeback is a warlike breed, and your good baby has no intention of reading it. You have to write a story that is passionate, ups and downs, and has fierce fighting elements."


Luo Bin closed the book, imitated Big Stupid Fox, put his chin on the top of the book, and asked in a calm tone: "Big Stupid Fox, foxes belong to the canine family. Compared with your nose, whose nose is better than that of a dog?"

"What's the meaning?"

Bai Hu asked with a frown.

"Hey, don't you think you can smell the smell of Norbert's daddy on the fried bird stuffed animal?"

"Oh, by the way, what was written in the Black Dragon's smell diary that day was: The canned herring in the morning smelled so bad~"

Luo Bin tapped his fingers on the cover of the cub teaching book and said in a long voice.

The six characters on the cover of the textbook, "I can do it when it comes to hygiene," made the white fox's eyes hurt.

Bah, bah, bah~

It spat out the bird feathers in its mouth, ran to the fish tank, gargled its mouth, and finally, with its scarlet eyes staring, rushed towards the black dragon on the curtain.

The next second, two cubs, one black and one white, rolled down to the floor and started fighting.

The white fox's special moves: baring its teeth and biting, scratching with its front paws, and kicking with its hind legs!

The black dragon's unique skills: bite with a long mouth, lock the throat with its claws, and clank with its tail!

Luo Bin took some paper and pen from the bookcase and leisurely drew a simple sketch of cubs fighting.

The reasons why he didn't step forward to start a fight were, firstly, that the white fox and black dragon did not use magic, secondly, they both controlled their strength and would not kill them, and thirdly, they really deserved a beating.

When Luo Bin drew the seventh picture, "The white fox bites the horns and the black dragon knocks the fox's tail," Nagini suddenly knocked on the door and came in.

She said that an old man with pupils the size of mung beans and the whites of his eyes were green came to visit with gifts.

Pupils as big as mung beans? The whites of your eyes are still blue?

He was undoubtedly the owner of Skunk and Cattail Magic Shop (a junk shop not far from the Pig’s Head Bar).

After Luo Bin went down to the first floor, he asked the old man in black knowingly: "Who are you?"

The old man replied calmly: "Don't pretend it's the first time we meet. I'm not blind. You come to my store every two or three weeks to look for treasures. To be honest, you pretend every time. It’s very good, but it comes too many times that I can’t stand it!”

After hearing this, Luo Bin rubbed the tip of his nose awkwardly, "What do you want from me?"

"You come to the store 11 times a year and spend a total of 2113 Galleons, 15 Sicos and 20 Knuts. You are a big customer of the magic shop. The big customer has moved into the village, so I should come and give you a housewarming gift."

With that said, he handed Luo Bin a box.

The box was about the size of two palms, with frilly rainbow-colored ribbons tied on it. The box body was covered with gray scales the size of fingernails one after another. The handle was made of bronze, and the rust color on it had already faded away. The handles are combined into one.

It can be seen that this box is very old.

"Why don't you open it and take a look?" Kenzio asked.

Luo Bin opened the lid of the box in response. There was a sponge pad similar to an egg tray placed at the bottom of the box. There were 100 cashew nut-shaped, light green things inserted on the pad. He picked one up and looked carefully. The texture was like jade and could transmit light. It feels warm and smooth to the touch.

"What's this?"

"I don't know. About 50 years ago, when I was climbing Buachai Erti Big Peak, I encountered a big avalanche. I was knocked into the ice crevice by the snow. Deep in the ice crevice, I saw When I got to the box, I struggled to get it out of the ice."

"However, I have been studying it for a long time, but I still can't figure out its properties. I was so angry that I threw it in the warehouse. I saw that you like to find strange things, so I went to the warehouse and took it out."

This packaging, this appearance method, and the unclear attributes, aren't they all necessary attributes of a treasure?

Luo Bin activated the 'Magic Scan' skill and wanted to find out how much magic value the green cashew nuts contained.

The moment the magic value icon appeared, his jaw almost dropped!

He has seen those with a bid of 1, has seen a bid with a bid of 100, and has also seen a bid with a bid of 500, but, "?" ? ? ’ This is the first time I’ve seen him.

"Don't like it? You shouldn't. I have lived for more than a hundred years and I have never heard of anyone not liking it."

"I like it. I like this gift very much."

Mark ‘? ? ? ’ is better than no mark at all.

"As long as you like it, I have something to do in the shop. A strange old man ordered a strange mirror. I have to go back and draw the design."

After hearing this, Luo Bin put down the box and sent him out.

However, after Kenzio stepped out of the courtyard, he turned around and stared at Luo Bin, without any sign of going to the village road.

"Do you have anything else?"

"You haven't paid yet."


"Ribbons of different colors have different meanings. I searched for a long time before I found a rainbow-colored ribbon, and then I paired it with something that is harder to find."

"Wait, you mean the ribbon is a gift, but the box is not."

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), uh, is this a new door-to-door sales (fraud) routine?

Kenzio nodded happily, "Yes, the ribbon is a gift, but the box is not. Robin Lestrange, if you want to keep the box, you have to pay me 200 Galleons."

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