Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 131 Fish, there is no dragon gate for you to jump here!

"Harry, I have something very important to ask you. Come, let's go aside and talk alone."

Lockhart flashed his big white teeth, pulled Harry aside, and started chattering a lot. Harry's expression changed from initial confusion to shock to confusion. Finally, he nodded at Lockhart in a daze. nodded.

"Why is he looking for you?" Ron asked after Harry came back.

"He asked me to help him write letters back to his admirers."

"You agreed?"

"I also want to refuse."

Harry sighed and followed Robin and the others up the stairs.

At 19:45 in the evening, Harry reluctantly left the lounge.

At 23:40 in the evening, he returned to the dormitory with a tired face.

He told Robin and Ron that when he was writing a reply to Lockhart, he heard a creepy, cold and hoarse whisper, saying: Come here, tear you apart, kill you.

"It's strange that Lockhart said he didn't hear the whisper," Harry wondered.

"Maybe he's lying?" Ron hypothesized.

Robin: (; ̄д ̄), he really didn’t lie about this, because Lockhart is not a Parseltongue and he cannot understand Parseltongue.

"But, he has no reason to lie." Luo Bin said.

"Yeah, he has no reason."

After saying that, Harry leaned back and fell into the curtain. Robin saw this and signaled Ron with his eyes not to disturb Harry's rest.

On Sunday, Luo Bin planned to sneak back to the village, but as soon as it dawned, Wood knocked on the door and called people to get up and go to the stadium.

It's a little unreasonable to skip training yesterday and run away again the next day.

So, Robin simply washed up and then went downstairs to train with Harry. He didn't expect that this training would last all day.

At night, Robin stared at the crimson canopy of the four-poster bed, feeling that Oliver Wood was indeed the king of Gryffindor.

In the new training plan formulated by Wood, players must gather for training in the afternoons and weekends when there are no classes. If the stadium is reserved by other college teams, then they will find an open space to practice riding skills.

At this rate, when can we go back to Hogsmeade~

October 24th, 5 o'clock in the morning, heavy rain, Gryffindor Tower, boys' dormitory.

Raindrops as big as soybeans pattered against the glass on the narrow and tall windows of the dormitory.

Luo Bin took advantage of the sound of rain to put on his clothes, left a note, and quietly left the dormitory with the fish tank in his arms.

He had been looking forward to it for more than a month before Wood finally gave the players a holiday. However, it was raining so hard that he couldn't train even if he wanted to.

It was still dark, and it was raining heavily, making the castle and courtyard empty. Luo Bin held the fish tank and walked unimpeded to the whomping willow tree.

Luo Bin quickly looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around, he pushed aside tree roots and got into the secret passage.

About an hour later, he emerged from the narrow exit and entered the Shrieking Shack.

He walked through the foyer and came to the yard with weeds. He raised his eyes and saw the red sun rising in the distance. After sighing, "The sun rises in the east and rains in the west," he put on his cloak, changed his clothes, and walked towards the west. .


After Luo Bin opened the door and came in, he saw Nagini in a purple dress, lying elegantly on a rocking chair, reading a thick book called "Pattern: The Bottom-level Strategy of Business", and saw Grant holding a large Bundling vegetables and walking towards the living room.

"Grant, what are you doing?" Robin asked.

Grant put down the vegetables, raised his chin, and said proudly: "I am taking the vegetables grown by the beautiful, kind, and capable Lilissa Rubler back to the kitchen!"

"Growing vegetables?"

"Yes!" Nagini closed the thick book, stood up and pointed to the vegetable patch in the yard and said:

"Lilissa is very strong. Grant said that when she was in the village of Autry-St. Catchpole, she only ate the roots of wild plants. Occasionally, she would scatter some seeds by the river to grow some wild vegetables."

"It didn't want to eat and drink for free when it came here, so I gave it a quarter of the open space in the front yard to grow vegetables."

"Well, this piece of green leafy vegetables was planted specially for us by Lilissa, and the piece of yellow leafy vegetables was planted according to her and Grant's preferences."

After hearing this, Luo Bin turned to look at the vegetable field.

The vegetable field is about 20 meters in size, surrounded by a 30cm high wooden fence. 3/4 of the vegetable field is planted with green leafy vegetables. The plants have tall stems and green leaves. There are no pests. The remaining 1/4 is planted with yellow vegetables. The leafy vegetables are less than 5cm tall, and the leaves are wrinkled and shriveled, looking like diseased seedlings that are prone to burping at any time.

"Is this an illness?" Luo Bin asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No. Lilissa, who is so fragrant, said it's called Urozi and that it's a very cunning vegetable."

"Its yellow and wilting leaves can confuse herbivores. The edible parts are tubers. I secretly dug one last week. It's as big as an apple and as sweet and sour as grapes. Beautiful Lily Sa said that when the wuluzi is mature, it will be as big as a bludger and as sweet as honey."

Luo Bin: →_→, the same sentence is "*** Lilissa said", you boy, you are so good at it!

"What's that?"

Luo Bin asked, pointing to the fan-shaped platform in the corner with an awning on top, filled with dust inside, bluestone on the outside, and a hole on the side.

"Oh, that's Grant and Lilissa's home. A strong curing agent is applied to the walls of the cave to keep it warm, moisture-proof, and dust-proof. Lilissa also made a feather bed out of owl feathers."

"Come here so early, you haven't had breakfast yet. Vegetable and egg soup, and fried chicken steak sandwich, okay?"

"That's great. I'll go upstairs to put things away and come back later."

After Luo Bin went up to the second floor, he put the fish tank on the desk, opened the black cloth cover, and while tapping the fish tank with his fingers, he shouted: "Nini, we have moved to a new house. Ya Ya and Ban Ban can fly even if they have wings." Don’t come here.”

After the fish tank was moved back to the boys' dormitory from the hunting lodge, Luo Bin treated Nini quite well, feeding him fish food on time and occasionally playing the game of "chasing the finger" with him.

However, when feeding three days ago, Ron's pet Scabbers ran around on the desk and bared his front teeth at Nini through the thick glass. Nini was so frightened that he hid in the sea anemone and has never come out until now. .

Luo Bin knocked on the fish tank and shouted a few more times, and then an orange-red fish head poked out of the sea anemone.

The clownfish rolled its eyes a few times to confirm that it had left the gray house with the ferocious mouse. Then it slowly swam to its owner's finger and opened its mouth to beg for fish food.

"I haven't eaten for a few days. Isn't it bad?"

Luo Bin opened the paper bag and threw 6 fish food into the tank. After finishing the meal, Nini actually danced excitedly?


Sea water splashed all over the table.

"Nini, you are not a carp, and there is no dragon gate for you to jump in the tank!"

At this time, Nagini knocked on the door and came in to call for breakfast. After she came in, her eyes were fixed on the clown fish dancing in the water.

"There's something weird about this fish," she whispered.

"What's weird?"

"Nini likes to play with people's fingers. Maybe he saw me drawing wavy lines, so he jumped around like this."

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