Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 145 Why are you, a batsman, joining in the fun?

"Robin, do you want to use that out-of-control ball to knock Malfoy and the others off the broom?"

Harry looked at it for a long time and saw something. He asked in shock.

"No, it's not that violent. I just want to disturb the other party."

Now, the Slytherin team was 50 points ahead, and the Golden Snitch refused to show up again. After thinking twice, Harry nodded.

"Let's go, fly a dozen meters south, where Flint and Pousse are." Luo Bin suggested.


Then, Harry fixed the spot and Robin hit the ball hard.

The out-of-control Bludger successively grazed the hair, shoulders, elbows, fingers and other parts of the Slytherin players, making them unable to catch the Quaffle. Angelina and Aria also managed to score a goal each. ball.

Marcus Flint, captain of the Slytherin team, couldn't sit still. He ducked sideways to avoid the whizzing Bludgers, grabbed the broom, and rushed to Robin and Harry.

"Hey, that black ball is coming back again, aiming directly at the back of your head." Luo Bin kindly reminded.

Flint was so shocked that he quickly turned his head and looked behind him. After realizing that the ball was hit far by his own batter, he turned around and roared: "Cheating, you two should be kicked out of the team and permanently disqualified from recruitment."

Robin's eyes crossed Flint's shoulder, and then his pupils dilated with a look of horror, as if he had seen a terrible sight.

"That ball is on fire, get out of the way quickly." Luo Bin shouted anxiously.

Flint hurriedly swung the broom and moved one meter to the right in panic. Then, he realized that he had been fooled again.

The ball was hit by George, more than a hundred meters away from here.

"You committed a cheating foul. After you hit the Bludger, it was directed at the Slytherin players."

Flint scolded through clenched teeth.

"Flint, Lucien and Derek hit the Bludger 10 times and the ball went towards me and Harry 8 times."

"According to your opinion, it is the Slytherin team who committed the cheating and fouling, okay?" Robin raised his eyebrows and said sarcastically.

"You fart, Professor Snape," Flint gasped in anger.

At this time, Robin straightened up suddenly and looked behind Flint in surprise, "Hey, that ball really flew back."

"Do you think I will still believe you?"

"I'm not kidding you this time, the ball is really going this way."

After Harry finished speaking, he pulled Robin and moved one meter to the right.


After Flint snorted, he suddenly heard a whooshing sound behind him.


The ball is really coming.

He bent down hastily, praying in his heart that he could escape.


The Bludger hit Flint in the back.

The huge impact caused him to perform a 'horizontal bar spin'. Like a green beetle, he hugged the broom tightly and spun in the air for 7 and a half times before he could stabilize his body.

As soon as the dizziness subsided a little, he panicked and controlled the broom, swaying left and right and flying away from the danger zone.

Luo Bin: ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍, I’m kindly reminding you, but you don’t believe me. You deserve to be hit.

"Robin, the score has been tied, let's go find the Golden Snitch?"

Harry said after glancing at the scoreboard.


Robin and Harry flew for a while before Malfoy rushed over to intercept them.

"Hey Scarhead, Lestrange, you two are glued together, right?"

After finishing his sarcasm, Malfoy turned down the corners of his mouth and made a face.

Just as Luo Bin was about to open his mouth to reply, he saw a small golden ball with wings as big as a walnut, flying slowly this way.

It flew slower and slower, and finally hovered 5cm above Malfoy's left ear.

Malfoy was so busy making faces and laughing at people that he didn't even notice there was something above his ears.

Harry also saw the Golden Snitch. After swallowing, he held his breath and rushed forward.

"What do you want to do?"

Malfoy said with a horrified look on his face, he thought Harry was going to hit him.

Harry ignored Malfoy. He leaned forward and stretched out his arms, struggling to catch the Golden Snitch.


The golden ball moved like a rabbit, dodging and avoiding Harry's hand. Then, it flapped its wings and flew towards the other end of the court.

"The Golden Snitch?! No one can steal mine from me."

After Malfoy finished speaking, he clamped the Nimbus 2001 and rushed forward. Robin and Harry also flew towards the other end of the stadium.

After the three of them rushed to the other end of the court, they chased the golden ball and flew against the wall of the court. Malfoy, relying on his powerful equipment, was two meters ahead of Robin and Harry.

"Scarhead, Lestrange, you two can't catch me, haha!"

Malfoy turned his head and mocked, and the next second, his upper body was wrapped in a huge flag hanging from the wall.

Then, he was spinning around like a headless fly.

Harry brushed the tip of Malfoy's broom and rushed forward. Robin caught up with him and swung his arm to knock away the Bludger that came to cause trouble.

A moment later, Malfoy approached Harry again, and the three of them flew around the wall side by side.

"Lestrange, catching the Golden Snitch is the job of the Seeker. Why are you, a batter, here to join in the fun? Scarhead, you coward who only dares to hide behind others."

While Malfoy was quarreling, he hit Harry with his broom to prevent Harry from speeding up and rushing in front of him.


After Robin knocked away the Bludger, he happened to see Harry's fingers about to reach the Golden Snitch. Malfoy hit someone with a broomstick, and after the collision, he showed a proud smirk.

Hiss, if this continues, sooner or later the golden ball will be thrown away. You have to think of a way to get Malfoy away.


In the rain curtain, the Bludger was rolling in black smoke and rushing towards this direction at high speed. Luo Bin rolled his eyes and had a good idea in his mind.

When the black ball was only one meter away from the person, Luo Bin shouted: "Harry, stop quickly."

Harry complied, and the two quickly rose one meter.

When Malfoy heard Robin's shout, he subconsciously stopped where he was. When he saw the Bludger charging forward with black smoke, he was so frightened that his body became stiff and unable to move.


The Bludger struck Malfoy on the elbow.


The bones were broken, and Malfoy's arm was bent outward at a strange 45°, hanging at his side.


The huge impact caused Malfoy to hit the wall, and then he fell to the ground with his broom.

Luo Bin: ヾ(. ̄□ ̄)ツ, the code word that Juan Wang Wood came up with is quite easy to use. 'Stop quickly' corresponds to 'fly up one meter', and every time you add the word 'quick' , the rising height will be increased by one meter.

"Harry, let's go chase the golden ball."


Then, Harry chased the Snitch, and Robin hit the ball hard. The two flew around and around the wall. When they flew around the fifth circle, Harry accelerated suddenly and stretched out his arms again to reach the Snitch.

Luo Bin violently waved his arm from right to left, and bang, he knocked the out-of-control Bludger away. Just as he was about to stretch his aching wrist, he saw another Bludger rushing forward with black smoke, leaving Ha. There is only half a meter left between the sharp elbows.

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), the other one was also cursed? Dobby, you don’t have martial ethics!

He rushed forward and swung his arms to knock the ball away, but it was obviously too late.

Had to

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