Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 15 Arriving at Hogwarts

"Freshmen, freshmen, follow me!"

A rough and hoarse voice sounded from behind the light, and people realized that it was not a street lamp, but an oil lamp being carried by a half-giant!

When the crowd surged, Hagrid, the half-giant with a big beard, said with a smile, "Come on, follow, don't worry about the old students, they go another way, oh, be careful where you step, protect your personal belongings, the night is very dark , it’s hard to find if you lose it.”

As soon as Hagrid finished speaking, miserable, aggrieved, and worried wails could be heard from the crowd.

"Toad toad, my toad, my toad!"

"Child, don't cry. Speak clearly. What is missing?"

Neville was so out of breath from crying that he couldn't form complete sentences through sobs.

Suddenly, a raised arm appeared in the crowd and waved, signaling the half-giant to look towards her.

"You lost something too, little girl?"

"No, I didn't. It was Neville who threw the thing. He lost a toad. I told him no less than three times not to believe the divination prophecies of the 'bad guy', but he just didn't listen. A toad can't do it on its own. You have to look for him when he comes back!"

A little girl with thick, fluffy brown hair and brown eyes said with her chin held high.

Luo Bin, who likes to call himself the "bad guy": Woman, I advise you not to push yourself, otherwise you will be slapped in the face!

Gugua! Gugua!

At this moment, the toad's cry was particularly loud!

Hermione's face turned red. She never expected that for the first time, she would

Hagrid bent down and grabbed the toad that was trying to jump downhill, squeezed through the crowd, and handed it to Neville, "Hey, kid, stop crying. Look, is this your toad?"

"Yes it is, that's it, thank you!"

Neville took the toad and said happily and excitedly.

"Keep a close eye on it. If you lose it, it won't be easy to find. After all, there are many areas in Hogwarts that have not yet been explored!"


After the interlude, Hagrid walked to the front of the crowd again, waved his thick arms and said: "Come on, follow me, follow me!"

Everyone followed Hagrid as they slid down the slope. At the end of the slope, there was a black lake. There were more than a dozen small wooden boats parked on the shore of the lake. On the hillside on the other side of the lake, there was a towering spire castle with fan-shaped windows and glowing lights. Warm yellow light.

"Are you all here? Let's take a boat to the other side. A maximum of four people can fit in a boat. Children, get on the boat quickly!"

Robin, Ron, and Harry got on a boat, and Hermione followed.

After the magic wooden boat started, Hermione stared at Harry's forehead hesitantly. She wanted to strike up a conversation and ask, but the lake was dark, the surroundings were quiet, and everyone had to lower their heads to avoid the cliff from time to time. She sighed and turned around Gaze at the huge castle towering into the sky.

The wooden boat carried everyone away from a cliff, passed through a curtain made of hanging ivy, entered a secret but extremely open entrance, and then passed through a dark tunnel before arriving at the underground dock!

"We're at the pier. Everyone, please get off the boat and grab your luggage. Don't leave anything behind!"

After all the freshmen got off the boat, Hagrid checked the empty boat to confirm that no one had left any personal belongings, and then led everyone uphill.

After a while, they reached a flat and open grassland, climbed up some stone steps, and came to a huge, heavy, oak door!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The half-giant Hagrid raised his big fist and knocked on the wooden door three times!

Luo Bin speculated that this was the method of knocking on the door that he and the people in the castle had agreed on early in the morning.

Squeak! Squeak!

After the oak door opened, a tall witch walked out. She was wearing an emerald green robe, with a wide hat tilted over her black hair. The corners of her eyes were droopy, and her lips were pursed tightly. , which made her look extremely serious.

Many people in the crowd felt that the tall witch in front of them was difficult to get along with, including Harry.

However, Luo Bin doesn’t think so!

It is true that Professor Minerva McGonagall is very strict and will not be merciful in punishing house points, but she is fair and responsible. She is happy to teach what she has learned throughout her life to students who are hungry for knowledge.

Moreover, although she is stern on the face, she is soft at heart.

"Professor McGonagall, the first years are all here!"

"Hagrid, thank you, leave the rest to me, you can go in and take a seat!"

"Okay, I'll go in after the kids go in!"

Professor McGonagall opened the oak door wide, and then led the freshmen into the castle.

The foyer of the castle is very large, with burning torches hanging on the stone walls on both sides just like Gringotts!

Luo Bin heard noisy laughter and laughter coming from the door on the right. He guessed that it was the auditorium on the first floor, where daily meals and various parties and banquets were held.

Professor McGonagall did not lead the freshmen into the auditorium, but instead led them into a small empty room. She stood in the center of the room, pursed her lips tightly, and said seriously:

"Welcome to Hogwarts. The opening party is about to begin. However, before enjoying the sumptuous dinner, a sorting ceremony must be held to determine which house you will enter!"

"The school has four houses, namely: Gryffindor House, Hufflepuff House, Ravenclaw House, and Slytherin House. Each house has created a glorious history and cultivated The great wizard who is known throughout the magical world."

"So, no matter which academy you are assigned to, you can learn top magic knowledge."

"During your studies at school, if you perform well, your college will earn extra points. Similarly, if you are naughty and violate school rules, your college will lose points."

"At the end of the year, the one with the highest score among the four colleges will win the College Cup. This is a very high honor!"

"Now, line up in three lines and get dressed. I'll pick you up in 5 minutes!"

After Professor McGonagall left, the new students were like ducks in water, chattering non-stop!

Some are worried about whether the school will set up more difficult levels for the purpose of sorting into different houses. Some have made it clear that they do not want to go to Slytherin House, which specializes in dark wizards. Some are just memorizing the knowledge in the textbook.

Five minutes passed quickly, and Professor McGonagall returned to the small room again. She asked the first row of students to go first, and then asked the second row to follow the end of the first row.

The auditorium on the first floor is far more magnificent than the foyer!

As soon as Luo Bin stepped into the auditorium, he was shocked by the ceiling of the auditorium. In the dark top space, there were dots of stars twinkling, which were no different from the night sky outside. Obviously, it was enchanted.

Countless candles were floating in the air above the four long dining tables, and the candlelight illuminated the auditorium brightly.

There was also a long table on the stage in front of the auditorium, which was the seat of the faculty and staff. Professor McGonagall led the freshmen to the seat of the faculty and asked them to stand in a long row facing the old students!

Hundreds of pairs of eyes were staring at the new students. A dozen gray-white, translucent ghosts floated above the four long dining tables, making whistle-like sounds from time to time to tease the new students.

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