Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 162 Go back to the past and meet familiar people


Hermione sighed deeply, Ron complained about Riddle's inhumanity, and Harry thought about how to persuade Riddle to tell the truth.

When several people were distressed, another line of elegant words leaked out of the paper:

[But, I can take you into my memory, let me take you back to 50 years ago. 】

After this paragraph of text disappeared, the pages of the diary started to turn in a windless state.

Finally, it stopped at the page with the date 'June 13th' printed in the lower right corner.

"Look at the yellow light there."

Hermione pointed at the small grid where the date was located and said in shock.

The four people crowded their heads and slowly moved closer to the date frame. Before they could see clearly what the light and shadow were, the frame quickly turned into a large gap, sucking several people in.

Luo Bin spun for a moment in an unknown space filled with swirling colors, light and shadows like a washing machine spinner, and then his feet landed on the hard floor.

He swayed several times before regaining his footing, as did Hermione, Harry and Ron.

At this time, they were standing in a circular room.

A stone wall in the room is covered with living portraits of the school's past principals. They are all in their own photo frames, snoring with their eyes closed.

It's undoubtedly the Hogwarts Headmaster's Office!

However, there was no silverware of all kinds in this room, and there was no Qizhi or Fawkes, and the person sitting behind the big table was not Dumbledore.

Instead, he was an old wizard with a shriveled body, only a few tufts of white hair on his head, and a slightly heavy breathing sound. He was reading an application letter for summer stay at school by the faint candlelight.

"Hello, sorry to bother you, we didn't barge in on purpose. Excuse me."

Robin cut off Harry's apologetic words, "You forgot, Riddle said he would take us into his memory. What we see now are virtual images in his memory. That old wizard can't see us. , can’t hear our shouting, and we can’t change what has happened.”

"I was so dizzy just now that I forgot about this."

Ron wanted to step up the stone steps and take a closer look at the principal from 50 years ago, but Luo Bin stopped him because at this time, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Please come in!"

The old wizard put the letter on the table and said weakly.


After the oak door was pushed open, a male student about 16 years old walked in. He was handsome, tall, and walked with an aristocratic air. He also had a shiny silver prefect badge on his chest.

"Principal Dippet, do you want to see me?" the male student asked.

"Well, Riddle, I have read the application letter you submitted. However, under the current circumstances, I cannot approve your application to stay in school during the summer vacation."

"Sir, does the situation of coercion refer to those attacks caused by monsters in the secret room?"

"I'm a half-blood, my father is a Muggle and my mother is a wizard."

"My mother died right after giving birth to me. When she was dying, she named me: Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Tom Riddle is after my father, and Marvolo is after my grandfather."

"As for my father I've never met him, I was raised in a Muggle orphanage and I don't want to go back there for the summer."

"Sir, are you worried that if I stay in school for the summer vacation, I might become a target of a monster in the secret room?"

The old wizard clapped his tongue sympathetically and sighed: "Yes, that's right. That unfortunate little girl died tragically in the castle. You should understand that it is safer to stay in an orphanage during the summer vacation than in school. .”

"Well, to tell you the truth, the Ministry of Magic and the school board are currently discussing whether to close the school. And as for the root cause of all the attacks, the staff and I still don't have a clue."

"Sir, if the murderer is caught and the attack is resolved, will my application be approved?"


Dippet stood up from his chair and asked in shock: "What do you mean by this? Do you know something about those attacks?"

"No, I don't know, sir."


Dippet fell back on his stool in disappointment and muttered: "Riddle, you can go."

"Okay, sir."

Riddle opened the oak door. Robin and the others looked at each other and followed Riddle out of the principal's office.

They passed the owl sculpture spiral staircase and went down to the floor where Finlay had an accident.

At this time, Riddle had been standing in front of the owl sculpture for a few minutes.

He lowered his eyes and bit his lip, two wrinkles appeared on his forehead. Finally, he let out a heavy gasp, and then, as if he had decided on something, he hurried downstairs.

Luo Bin and the others, carrying the witch robes, trotted behind Riddle. When they reached the foyer on the first floor, a tall wizard broke into their sight.

The wizard had blue eyes, long auburn hair, and a long flowing beard. He was Dumbledore 50 years ago.

"Tom, what are you doing here? It's not good to be hanging out so late."

Dumbledore stared at Tom Riddle with inquiring, penetrating eyes.

"Professor, just now Principal Armando Dippet came to see me for something."

Riddle replied neither humble nor haughty.

"Okay, go back to the dormitory and go to bed. Stop wandering around in the corridor."

"Good night, sir."

After Dumbledore walked up the stairs and out of sight, Riddle quickly turned around and walked into the doorway leading to the basement.

After Luo Bin and the others expressed their admiration for how handsome the principal from the previous version was, they also trotted after him.

Then, Riddle's tall figure walked back and forth in the basement, sometimes turning left, sometimes turning right, sometimes opening a certain room, standing at the door and looking inside, sometimes stepping on the stairs to go down, sometimes stepping on the stairs. go down

Just when several people were about to think that Riddle was playing the 'walking' game, Riddle suddenly stopped and stopped in front of a wooden door that was ajar. There were also voices inside the door that were very familiar to them.

"Come on out, come on over to me, then climb a few steps forward and climb into the box."

Riddle took out his wand and pushed open the wooden door.

There was a big boy who was twice the size of a normal person inside the door. He was squatting in a large box and talking into the box with his head stuck out.

"Good evening, Hagrid."

Riddle said sternly.

Hagrid closed the big box, stood up and asked, "Tom, what are you doing here?"

"I have to report you. I know you didn't kill someone intentionally, but"

"No, you don't understand"

Riddle took a step forward and cut off Hagrid's words, "Hagrid, the dead female student, her parents will come to school tomorrow. Hogwarts must ensure that the monster who killed their daughter is brought to justice."

Luo Bin and the others also walked a little further in, and the four of them heard the sound of scratching on the wooden board and the clicking of teeth in the big box next to Hagrid.

When Hagrid heard the word 'Dharma', he suddenly panicked. He yelled and explained: "It's not it, it will never be it. Aragog has never killed anyone, never."

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