Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 169 When a fool gets power, he commits even greater sins

Dong Dong~



(The wooden door was suddenly opened from the inside)


Hagrid pointed a huge crossbow at the door and asked the air warily. The mastiff fangs were beside his legs, barking in a low voice.

Robin spit out the invisibility bead, and Harry also took off the invisibility cloak.

"What is this for?" Harry asked, staring at the giant crossbow.

Hagrid put down the giant crossbow and said vaguely: "It's nothing, I thought it was okay. Come in, I just boiled a pot of water to make tea for you."

After entering the room, the four of them sat at the low table while Hagrid went to make tea.

Hagrid seemed a little uneasy.

When he picked up the kettle from the stove, he moved too much, and the water spilled out of the kettle, almost extinguishing the fire.

He took the tea bag out of the jar and stuffed it directly into his mouth, choking and coughing.

When he poured tea for Luo Bin, his hands kept shaking. The tea cup was full and overflowed, so he straightened the kettle.

"Hagrid, are you okay?" Luo Bin asked.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Hagrid brought a rag to wipe the water stains on the table, but accidentally knocked over the kettle with his elbow, spilling tea all over the floor.

"I'll boil another pot for you, soon."

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, don’t, if you hadn’t hid quickly just now, you would definitely have been poured with boiling water.

"Hagrid, have you heard about Crevat and Filch?"

"Oh, I heard that."

Hagrid put the kettle filled with water on the stove and looked nervously at the window.

"Hagrid, we have something to ask you. Some people say that you once opened the secret room and released the monster inside, causing it to harm many people."

"I don't believe you. Can you tell us what happened 50 years ago?" Hermione asked.

Anger lit up in Hagrid's eyes, "Nonsense, not me, them"

Dong Dong~

A loud knock on the door cut off Hagrid's words and disrupted the four people's questioning plans.

Harry, Hermione and Ron put on the invisibility cloak and retreated to the backpack. Robin stood next to the three of them with the invisibility bead in his mouth.

When Hagrid saw that the four people were invisible, he raised the huge crossbow and once again pulled the door open with force.

"Sir, it's you!"

Hagrid put down the crossbow and said in surprise.

"Good evening, Hagrid, can we come in?"

"Of course, come in, sir."

After Hagrid stepped out of the way, Dumbledore walked in, followed by an anxious-looking wizard who was dressed very strangely.

The wizard was short, fat and stocky, with a head of gray hair like a chicken nest and a big, red nose.

He wore purple pointed-toed boots, pinstriped clothes, a red tie around his neck, a long black cloak, and a green hat under his arm.

Robin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, with a short and stocky figure and a hodgepodge of clothes, he is the current Minister of Magic. Cornelius Fudge has not run away.

It is mentioned in the original work that Cornelius Fudge, on the surface, is kind, irritable, and not bad in nature, but deep down he is weak, loves money, and is obsessed with status and power.

In 1990, Millicent resigned as Minister of Magic. Barty Crouch lost the opportunity to be a minister because his son Barty Jr. was accused of being a Death Eater. Dumbledore was concerned about the school and refused to serve as minister.

So, Fudge picked up a big leak.

In the early days of Fudge's tenure as minister, he wrote to Dumbledore every day asking for advice on how to handle various matters.

In the mid-term, he had been living at ease for too long, his self-confidence soared, and he wrote to Dumbledore less and less for advice.

Later, he was bewitched by money and power, and suspected that Dumbledore had usurped the throne.

From 1995 to 1996, Fudge began to slander Dumbledore, saying that his statement that "Voldemort has returned" was a big lie.

He also shaped Harry Potter into a troublesome, mentally ill bad boy, and sent Umbridge the pink toad to interfere with school affairs.

After Fudge saw Voldemort with his own eyes, he changed his face in a Sichuan opera. Not only did he recall the pink toad, he even licked his old face and asked Dumbledore for help.

After that, there was another series of decision-making mistakes. In the end, he was removed from the ministerial post under the attack of impeachment from his own party and political opponents.

Hiss, when a fool gets power, he commits much more serious sins than when a villain gets power.

"Hagrid, things are very bad."

Fudge said in a crisp and fast tone.

Hagrid's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and he looked at Fudge and Dumbledore in panic.

"Hagrid, I must come. There were four attacks in the school. The matter is too big. The Ministry of Magic must take action."

"It's not me sir, you know it has nothing to do with me."

Hagrid looked pleadingly at Dumbledore.

"Cornelly, I have absolute trust in Hagrid." Dumbledore said seriously.

Fudge smashed his mouth and said, "Albus, Hagrid's criminal record is very detrimental to him. To prevent things from getting worse, the Ministry of Magic must take him away."

"Take me away! Take me somewhere, isn't it Azkaban?"

Hagrid asked, his voice hoarse and angry.

"Yes! Hagrid, I have no choice. Imprisoning you is not a punishment for you, but another preventive measure. If the Ministry of Magic catches another person, it will let you go back to school and will sincerely apologize to you. Apologize."

Fudge said briskly while playing with Green Polite.

"Connelly, I still have to remind you that taking Hagrid away will not help. He did not do those things at all."

Dumbledore's blue eyes flashed with a fury that the Invisible Four had never seen before.

"Albus, I'm very stressed"


The wooden door was pushed open, and Lucius, wrapped in a black traveling cloak that reached his ankles, stood at the door with a sneer on his face.

"Fudge, you're already here, great!"

"Lucius, what are you doing here? Get out of my house." Hagrid roared.

"To be honest, I don't want to walk into this at all."

Lucius said sarcastic words while walking around the house and observing the layout of the wooden house.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were afraid of being hit by Lucius and silently backed up against the back wall. Robin did the same. However, as soon as his back touched the solid wall, a black shadow suddenly appeared under his eyes. The toe of the shoe is no longer invisible.

In a messy hut, it’s not surprising that there is a shoe lying randomly against the wall, but this is the toe of a shoe!

Lucius's gaze slowly moved downward from the ceiling, which was filled with aluminum barrels, bamboo baskets, and boxes. When it was about to reach the ground, the mastiff fangs came out.

He sat down on the tip of Robin's shoe, twitching his nose and barking lowly at Lucius.

"Can this be considered a house?"

Lucius turned around and walked quickly to the position closest to the door. Fang lay on the ground, his eyes shining with victory.

"Hagrid, I'm not here to find you. I came to school for something, and someone told me that the principal came to the hunting ground." Lucius said lazily.

"Tell me, why are you looking for me?"

Lucius took out a roll of parchment and said, "The other directors of the school and I agree that it is time for you to step aside. This is a temporary suspension order. It is signed by all 12 directors of Hogwarts."

Dumbledore calmly took the parchment, Fudge leaned over to look at it in panic, and Hagrid glared at Lucius angrily.

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