Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 19 The First Transformation Technique

Luo Bin frowned and looked at the red-headed match on the desk. He was thinking deeply about the connection between the 'match' and the 'iron needle'.

Shape, use, price, material?

Yes, that’s right, it’s the material!

Iron needles, whether iron ore is smelted or fine iron is hammered into shape, are inseparable from fire.

For firewood, if you rub the red head on the side of the firewood box, sparks will fly out, and the entire match can burn.

Fire is the connection point between wood and iron needle!

Luo Bin imagined the image of an iron needle in his mind.

The sharp needle tip has a smooth and round surface, and the needle has an oval-shaped hole!

When the image of the iron needle materialized to the extreme, he injected magic power into the wand, pointed at the match, and recited the spell with firm eyes.


On the desk, the match with a red head and white tail disappeared, replaced by a sharp needle shining with a cold light.

"Oh, my God! Luo Bin, for the first time, you succeeded the first time. You are so terrible!"

Ron's exclamation attracted the attention of Professor McGonagall. She walked to Luo Bin's desk and picked up the iron needle to examine it carefully.

"The lines are beautiful, the texture is hard, the pinhole is lubricated, and the tip is sharp. Well, it's acceptable. Mr. Robin Lestrange, please try to restore this iron needle back to a match."

"Okay, Professor McGonagall!"

As the saying goes, once is new, second is familiar. Luo Bin, who has always been "cared for" by the deans, was not nervous when being stared at by the famously stern Professor McGonagall.

He took the iron needle, placed it on the desk, and recited the spell with firm eyes.

With a click, the sharp needle turned into a match.

The students who poked their heads were amazed and praised Luo Bin for being a genius.

"It's really rare to be able to perform the Transfiguration spell like this for the first time. Therefore, you won 5 house points for Gryffindor."

The whole place was in an uproar!

Everyone was whispering to each other, exchanging tips on how to successfully perform transfiguration. After all, winning the Academy Cup for your college is something to be proud of.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips tightly and used her eyes to show coercion, and the uproar was immediately stopped by her.

"As a wizard, you must learn to be calm and calm, and guard against arrogance and impatience. There will be many opportunities to award Academy points in the future."

"Okay, continue practicing the transformation technique. Remember, you need to find the connection point between objects and imagine the image of the iron needle in your mind. The more specific the image of the iron needle, the higher the chance of successful transformation."

The second half of Professor McGonagall's sentence is almost identical to the key points drawn by lecturers in each class before the university exams.

But even so, except for Robin and Hermione, no one else could make the match change.

After the Transfiguration class, Hermione stopped a few people again, but this time, the person she wanted to make friends with was Luo Bin.

"Lavender Brown said your name is Robin Lestrange. Hey, she knows more about the opposite sex with good looks and good temperament than the "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" textbook. Robin, just in class In the past, only the two of us have successfully performed the transformation spell, which means that the two of us are very suitable to be partners in learning, which means we can learn and progress together."

Luo Bin: If you can’t learn how to be a partner, you can still think about being a partner in bed!

In the depth of winter, and on weekends, it would be nice to cuddle up with a small chili-style heater.


Thinking too far!

"Miss Granger, I like to study, but I don't want one more person to supervise me. Besides, you can play with your roommates and tell me my name, Raven. De Brown, my relationship with you should be pretty good, right?"

“Not bad, but”

not bad?

Not a bad ghost, huh?

In the original book, before they became love rivals, although they had no major conflicts, they just didn't like each other.

"Hey, aren't those Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil? Miss Granger, go and invite them to be your schoolmates!"

Luo Bin said towards the door.

Hermione loves to save face. She doesn't want her roommate to know that she has been rejected, so she quickly adds: "Forget it, there is one more person, and his (her) time has to be considered. I can study alone and get the grade." First, hum!”

She turned around proudly, only to find that the door was empty, not to mention two figures, one white and one black, not even a cat.

Little Pepper immediately realized that she had been tricked, gritted her teeth, glared at Luo Bin, and left the classroom angrily.

"She seems to be angry again!"

As expected of the protagonist, his kindness is unparalleled. At this stage, Hermione and he haven't had much interaction, and he cares about others' moods!

"Angry? She asked for it herself!"

Then he hugged the textbook tightly and walked towards the door, followed closely by Ron and Harry.

Luo Binxiao, with Chili Pepper's character, would definitely find an opportunity to fight back after being angered twice by the same person in one day.

You see, Malfoy made arrogant remarks, claiming that he would make Buckbeak the Hippogriff into a stuffed animal and place it in the Gryffindor lounge. Hermione transformed into a grumpy girl and punched Malfoy until his nose bleeds.

However, he expected Hermione to fight back, but he did not expect that the counterattack would come so quickly.

The next morning, in the first greenhouse, herbal medicine class!

Professor Sprout, who is short, slightly fat and wearing a thick hat full of patches, is explaining the magical herb - Baixian!

"Children, look at this and look at me. Don't whisper, listen carefully, and don't write or draw in the notebook. What I'm about to talk about can be found in textbooks and in the library."

"Bixian is a plant with healing and repair-like magical properties. When eaten raw, it can heal superficial wounds. It only takes a few minutes for the wound to heal. Extracting it into essence will have even greater healing effects. To stand out. If you encounter a patient bitten by a werewolf, you can cut the white meat into thin strips, mix it with extremely pure silver powder, and apply it to the wound. This can prevent the patient from dying due to excessive blood loss in time."

Bai Xian, in 1997, when the three little ones used Apparition to escape from the Ministry of Magic, the unlucky Ron split up. Hermione took out the Bai Xian essence to treat him.

Green smoke curled up, and when it dissipated, the bleeding had stopped.

Moreover, the originally bloody wound was actually covered with a layer of new skin, which shows how powerful the white essence is.

However, such a magical magical plant looks exactly like the succulents that cost 1 yuan a plant in the university town's flower gardens.

Dark purple rhizomes and oval, thick, emerald green leaves grow upward layer by layer. They are cool, fleshy and springy to the touch.

It smells so much like meat, it smells exactly the same.

Among the freshmen who tilted their heads and looked forward, listening to the lecture attentively, Luo Bin's small movements and disgusted expression were particularly eye-catching.

Professor Sprout turned sideways and looked at Robin's chest. This time, he didn't have a book to help him block the engraved sign.

"Mr. Robin Lestrange, what did you want to do with the fresh vegetables in the basin just now?"

Pomona Sprout is a very optimistic, gentle, and kind professor. She is not angry when her students don't listen carefully, but she is very curious about Luo Bin's motives for making small moves.

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