Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 204 What happened in Big Peak 50 years ago?

Eve, the young leader of the Snow Rabbit Tribe, was furious and launched a sneak attack at night to counterattack.

However, it was so weak that it almost turned into a rabbit fur coat.

The people in the group saw that it could speak human language and was an intelligent creature, so they let it go.

However, it refused to admit defeat and continued its sneak attacks and counterattacks the next night.

Not surprisingly, it was caught again.

After repeated 10 times of sneak attack-caught-release, it developed a mutual sympathy with Kenzio, the most handsome man in the group.

It believes that Kentio is very powerful, powerful enough to solve the dilemma of the Snow Rabbit clan - the weakening of the cold-releasing treasure.

After much thought, it decided to lead Kenzio back to its lair. When it reached the entrance of the cave, two bolts of lightning fell from the sky.

One of them struck the boulder on the mountainside, creating a deep crack.

One strike struck Kenzio, breaking his eyes, but allowing him to awaken the talent of 'second vision' (second vision means that even if the eyes are closed/blind, one can still be aware of everything around him), and for a short time prophetic ability.

In Kenzio's prophecy, the clan leader will die of a heart attack three days later. The treasure will have to be in the world for 50 years and then sent back by a black-haired boy to solve the Snow Rabbit clan's plight.

In Eve's mind, 'treasure entering the world' is equivalent to 'treasure being stolen', so she sternly retorted, saying that Kenzio must have seen it wrong.

What happened later forced him to believe Kenzio. The date and circumstances of his mother's death were exactly as predicted.

After it succeeded to the position of patriarch, it agreed with Kenzio to take away the treasure.

Yes, the reason why the Snow Rabbit Clan's nest remains unchanged for thousands of years is because of the cold air continuously released by the treasure.

So, Kenzio decided to build a thing in the lair to temporarily replace the treasure.

After the team was rescued and won the consolation award, he returned with a bunch of guys and set up a cooling system in the deepest part of the lair.

The power of the system is Eve's magic power. When Kenzio left, he placed a restriction at the entrance of the cave. Only when the treasure returns to the nest and the cold air is released again can the restriction be broken.

Eve looked 'crispy', but the 'meat' was very thick, and the magic power contained in its body was as majestic as the ocean.

At first, it would get three days of vacation by lying on the ice bed and inputting 12 hours of magic power.

10 years ago, the system failed.

The ice bed no longer has the function of storing magic power and controlling the speed of cold flow. Eve has no freedom and is forced to be locked with the ice bed. As a result, her resentment against Kenzio becomes deeper and deeper.

"Oh, I've been trapped for 10 years, and I haven't even had a chance to touch my lover. Handsome guy, please give me your treasure." Eve said with a wink.

"Since the treasure came out from here, it should be returned to you."

Luo Bin put away the chair and tray, and took out the gray box and bronze mirror from the Consciousness Sea Space.

Eve stood up suddenly. She shook her long hair a few times, and the white steam stopped coming out of her body.

It jumped up to Luo Bin in twos and twos, and with one paw, it slapped the gray box and the bronze mirror onto the ice bed.

Luo Bin: (°ー°〃), vent your anger, properly vent your anger.

The gray box and the bronze mirror flew over the ice bed and suddenly started spinning in a circle.

Turning around, two sinking green mist surged from the bottom.

As soon as the ice bed touched the green mist, it cracked open.

After all the broken ice cubes fell onto the ice, a slowly blooming snowdrop bud was revealed.

When the snowdrops fully bloomed, the gray box and the bronze mirror fell into the brown stamens and disappeared.

Then, the white and green petals danced, shooting out waves of cold air.

The temperature around him became cold rapidly, which made Luo Bin sneeze. He wrapped a long, thick woolen coat around his body to feel more comfortable.


Luo Bin looked up at the roof of the cave, "Is it thundering?"

"No, it's to suppress the automatic destruction sound."


The ice door opened, and Virla jumped in with twitching ears, followed by a cold-faced black rabbit that was even bigger than Eve.

"Mom, give me a hug. I need a hug."

Black Rabbit turned around suddenly, raised his strong hind legs, and kicked Vila away.

"Who taught you to speak in a crying voice? Get out and don't say it's my son."

The big black rabbit had cold eyes, and when Eve came up to rub its ears, her eyes turned lustful again? ? ?

"Lala, you're a big kid, don't stick to me all the time. Go out and play, Dad You and I have some 'business' to do."

After saying that, the couple shrunk down to the size of a small low table, hugged each other and walked away.

"Virla, Snow Rabbit knows the shrinking technique, why are you still stuck in a hole?"

Verla stopped crying, and her eyes were still darting guiltily, "That, I'm underage and can't do that, it's normal."

"That's it~" Luo Bin drawled.


Vila coughed a few times, then her expression suddenly changed, and she asked curiously: "Tell me, what is the serious thing in mother's mouth, is it 'making a sister'? I heard from Dora that a male rabbit can have cubs if it rides on a female rabbit. , but I always feel like it’s lying to me. How about we catch up and take a look?”

White Rabbit: (^o^), perfect plan, even if mom catches her, she will not punish Lala for the sake of her benefactor.

"You're still too gentle. Let's go and lead me to the exit of the lair."

"Oh, take a look, just take a look, it won't take long."

After Verla was kicked, she no longer mentioned the matter of 'stealing and making cubs'.

When they were about to walk out, there was suddenly a noise like thunder and the clicking sound of tens of thousands of paws stepping on the ice.

It's a tide of beasts, and the rabbits are squeezing toward the exit of the nest.

After about half an hour, the sound gradually became quieter and disappeared, and Vierla led Luo Bin to the main exit of the lair.

Luo Bin looked at the big round fur ball blocking the entrance of the hole and asked, "Is it stuck again?"

"No, no, my legs are a little weak. Just kick me out."

Luo Bin rolled up his trousers - started running - took off - kicked violently, all in one movement, and Viela fell out of the hole with a plop.

"Blue and white, the sky is blue and the clouds are white. Daddy, you didn't lie to me."

After Verla got up, she ran wildly on the snowy slope. Finally, using her hind legs, she jumped into the air and threw herself at Luo Bin.

Luo Bin moved a few steps to the right and hid, "Don't be too arrogant, or you may cause an avalanche and cause your parents to stop their 'business' and come out to dig at you."

"No, the ancestors of snow rabbits are snow elves. No matter how thick the snow is, it is as light as ferret hair on my body. Moreover, I can still breathe in the snow, hehe."

"Then you have fun. Remember to go back to the lair before dark. I'm leaving."

Vila suddenly stopped, and the tips of her ears drooped on the snow, "Okay! Mom said that a kind-hearted wizard is willing to help with anything. Can you help me bring a message to Kenzio?"

"Just say: Eve misses him very much and wants to invite him to Big Peak for a birthday party on September 20."

"no problem."

After saying that, Luo Bin activated the 'Flying Dragon in the Sky' skill, and flew towards the Co River Valley under Vierla's surprised and adoring gaze.

Big Peak, foot of the mountain!

As soon as Luo Bin's feet landed on the soft grass, he saw a fat owl in the air, holding a moss-green cloth bag and flying towards him.



The cloth bag was accurately thrown into Luo Bin's arms, and the big fat man flew low against the grass, as if he was hunting for today's lunch.

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