Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 216 Trelawney, an ominous omen

Trelawney had no energy to pay attention to Neville. She was clutching her chest and looking at the overturned teacup on Ron's table with an almost horrified look.

"My dear, child, that is an ominous sign." Trelawney said with chattering teeth.

Everyone left the armchairs and slowly gathered around Harry and Ron's round table, fearfully but curiously looking at the shape of the tea foam in the teacups.

"Like an acorn." Lavender said, pressing Ron's shoulder.

"The fruit won't have ears. It should be an animal. Could it be a hippopotamus?" Parvati clenched her little hands and asked.

"The hippopotamus is very fat, and the pattern is long and thin, maybe it is a sheep." Dean said.

As everyone speculated, Trelawney's mood gradually calmed down.

She pushed her way through the crowd and said, "That's a huge ghost dog, the darkest omen of the wizarding world, a harbinger of death."

In an instant, panic, worry, curiosity, and surprise all focused on the owner of the cup, Harry.

Harry's heart clenched tightly.

He couldn't help but think of the black dog he saw in the shadow of the alley the night Aunt Maggie left the Dursleys' house.

"Professor, there is no need for you to deliberately exaggerate the results of pattern analysis in order to establish yourself as a divination prophet. One will be trapped forever, and the other will die. I don't think a pile of tea leaves can determine a person's future, or even life or death." Hermione stood. He stood up and said calmly.

Trelawney looked at Hermione, a look of hatred slowly igniting in his dark gray eyes, "My child, I'm sorry, I have to say that I can't see a trace of 'sight' in you. Obviously, You have no sense of the future."

"Neville, clean up the broken porcelain. I think today's class will end here. Everyone pack their belongings and go to the next class. This place is not very close to the main castle."

Everyone returned to their original positions, cleaned the teacups, and put them back on the iron shelf. Then, they packed up their textbooks, closed their schoolbags, and climbed down the silver ladder one by one.

When going down the spiral staircase, Robin found that Hermione, who was one meter away from him, suddenly disappeared.

The next second, he appeared on the hanging platform of the next staircase.

A similar situation occurred when passing by the main castle foyer.

No need to think too hard, just use the time turner to reverse time and go to Divination, Arithmetic and Muggle Studies.

As soon as the group entered the Transfiguration classroom, the class bell rang in the corridor outside. Professor McGonagall walked in, said a few words briefly, and then began to explain - Animagus!

(Animagus refers to a wizard who can transform into animals while retaining magic)

Halfway through Professor McGonagall's lecture, he discovered that except for a few students who were listening carefully and taking notes, the rest of the students were in a fugue state.


She closed the textbook and asked sternly: "Why are my classes so boring?"

After hearing this, everyone looked at Harry instead of looking at the podium.

"Professor, the last class was a divination class. Teacher Trelawney asked us to interpret tea leaves, and the result was"

Professor McGonagall frowned, "Lestrange, tell me, which one of you is predicted to die this year?"

The classroom was in an uproar, and everyone looked at the podium in astonishment.

"Me." Harry raised his hand.

Professor McGonagall nodded understandingly, "You may not know yet, using a foreshadowing of death to welcome new students is an old trick of Sybill Trelawney."

"Every year at the beginning of the school year, she predicts that one student will die, but as of today, the students are all alive and well."

"To tell you the truth, among all branches of magic, divination is the least rigorous subject. I don't have much patience for ethereal things. In my opinion, your bodies are all very healthy."

"So, if I don't exempt you from your after-school paper, I guarantee you that you won't have to turn in your homework if you really die."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and laughed heartily.

"But I saw a black dog on Privet Drive during the holidays."

"Black dogs are not an ominous existence in the eyes of Muggles. They raise dogs and regard dogs as companions and even emotional sustenance."

"So, Potter, it's nothing unusual for you to see a black dog in a Muggle area."

Professor McGonagall said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Professor McGonagall's words reminded Harry of Aunt Maggie, a master dog breeder. He bet that there must be a black bulldog in the kennel.

If the black dog was a bad omen, then that mouth that loves to humiliate people would have been sealed in the coffin long ago.

Harry felt more relaxed and laughed with everyone, but his deskmate Ron was still worried.

"The black dog's prophecy ends here. I ask everyone's attention to be on the 'Animagus'."

Professor McGonagall said sternly. She opened the textbook and explained loudly why animagus could not transform into magical creatures.

After the get out of class bell rang, several people followed the noisy crowd down to the auditorium on the first floor.

While they were happily enjoying fried chicken steak and beef and potato stew, Ron suddenly said something in a serious tone that was embarrassing to the scene.

"My uncle Biliers saw a black dog in the suburban woods, and twenty-four hours later he left forever."

"Ron, the date I saw the black dog was not yesterday. Moreover, as Professor McGonagall said, the dog was not a ghost dog, but a pet kept by a family on Privet Drive, or a stray dog. dog."

Ron shook his head in disapproval, and then turned his face to the left, "Robin, you are afraid of the dark, right? Several times when I got up at night, I saw a weak light seeping through the curtains by your bedside. , how would you feel if you were trapped in a dark cage?"


Hermione threw the iron spoon into the copper pot and looked at Ron angrily, "That's enough, Professor McGonagall said, the omen is ominous, it's Trelawney's usual trick."

"You will die if you see a black dog. The British population must be 1/10 less. I don't believe that you can judge a person's future by drinking a cup of tea and shaking the tea foam."

"According to me, the divination class is just a ball of paste."

Ron got angry and said excitedly: "You don't know what you are talking about at all. You are just used to being strong. You want to be appreciated by the teacher in everything you do."

"But Trelawny said that you don't have the aura of 'sight' and that you don't have the talent to predict the future. You are so angry that you would slander the divination class like this."

Qiang Qiang~

Hermione's fork penetrated the sausage and made a sharp sound with the porcelain plate.

"If learning the divination class well means pretending to see 'Black Prisoner' and 'Unknown' in a pile of tea foam, then I will never appear on the roof of the North Tower again. Compared with the arithmetic divination class, the divination class is a pile of rubbish. .”

Ron was silent as he looked at the sausage that had been cut into pieces. The other three were able to enjoy the fried chicken steak again. Robin handed Hermione a can of lily-of-the-valley shaped fruit candies, and her face slowly slowly With a smile.

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