Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 222 Jellyfish under the moon, a disturbing thing

Everyone put away their belongings and left the staff lounge while excitedly discussing the situation just now.

"I really don't understand. The thing that Professor Lupin is most afraid of is the crystal ball?" Ron said thoughtfully.

"I don't understand either. Why doesn't he let me fight the Boggart alone?" Harry asked confused.

Robin: (°ー°〃), that’s not a crystal ball, it’s a full moon. As for rushing to Harry, it was purely an instinctive reaction.

"Harry, at least you stood in front of the Boggart. I didn't even have a chance to deal with it."

"When you step forward, what will it become? Is it a test paper with a zero score, or is it said by a professor that you have no magical talent?"

Ron's complaint earned a look from Hermione.

After this lesson, Lupine hit the ground running.

The novel and interesting practical + theoretical teaching method made the students excited. Within a few weeks, the Defense Against the Dark Arts course became most people's favorite elective course.

Snape's mood became particularly bad after he learned that the Boggart had turned into him and was dressed in a 'grandma suit' by Neville.

He would glare at anyone who mentioned Professor Lupin's name around him, and would make up various excuses to deduct people's college points.

However, since Hagrid considered 'Raising Philobic Caterpillars' as a part of his teaching for the entire school year, his Care of Magical Creatures class has topped the list of 'boring classes'.

However, Hagrid gave Robin and the others some privileges, such as a spare key to Buckbeak's shack, so that they could come to the hunting ground to see Buckbeak during their free time (except at night).

On this day, Robin disobeyed Hagrid's instruction not to leave the castle at night and took Hermione on Buckbeak and ran wildly in the woods.

When riding into an open area, Hermione would open her arms and shout excitedly, and the hair flying behind her would tickle the tip of Robin's nose.

When they reached the bush area, Hermione turned around and threw herself into Robin's arms. She dug her nails into the flesh of his sides, causing him to grin and groan.

After a long time, Buckbeak jumped up, climbed over a tall and thick bush, and landed in a clearing.

Robin jumped off the horse, raised his hands, grasped Hermione's slim waist, hugged her down, patted the horse's back again, and Buckbeak immediately rushed into the bushes and left.

"Why did you bring me here?"

The moonlight fell on Hermione, making her look particularly beautiful.

"Look at the purple fireworks!"

Last Monday, before going to Big Peak for an appointment, Kenzio asked Big Fat to bring him a customized fireworks tube.

Luo Bin took out a firework tube with a diameter of 16 holes from the consciousness sea space, placed it in the center of the open space, took out his wand and lit it.


(The lead is ignited)


(Gunpowder sprays upward)


(Gunpowder explodes)

16 bunches of gunpowder exploded - hundreds of purple glowing jellyfish.

The crystal clear jellyfish have mushroom-shaped shells that retract and retract, and their long tentacles are as elegant and flexible as ribbons tied on branches.

Wherever the jellyfish floats, they will leave fluorescent lights like stars. After the fluorescent lights flicker for a moment, they will turn into purple bell flowers. The magnificent and fantastic scenery is so beautiful that you can't take your eyes away.

"Wow, this is the best birthday I've ever had."

Hermione excitedly threw herself into Robin's arms, and Robin hugged her back, secretly stroking her butterfly bones with his fingertips.

The outline was clear, the size was moderate, and the curves were graceful. When it touched the seam of her shoulder blades, Hermione shuddered and her breathing became rapid.

She raised her head and stared at Luo Bin with dark eyes.

Under the bright moonlight, the man is handsome and handsome, and the woman is bright and moving. Coupled with the dreamy jellyfish dance background, it would be a bit unreasonable if nothing happens.

Robin's throat slid up and down, and he slowly leaned down. Hermione clenched her fists and closed her eyes nervously.


(sound of broken branches)

Robin turned his head away angrily and saw Buckbeak with his eyes wandering with guilt, Harry with an awkward smile on his face, and Ron with his mouth wide enough to hold an orange.

"Sneaking out of the castle in the middle of the night just to see the jellyfish fireworks?" Ron complained as he looked at the jellyfish in the open space.

"Why are you two here?"

Hermione let go of her hand and said unnaturally.

Harry jumped off the horse, stretched out his hand to try to catch the jellyfish tentacles, and explained: "When I got up at night, I found that Robin was not in the dormitory. I walked to the window and saw the lights of the hunting shack were on. Considering that today is September 19th, It's Hermione's birthday."

"I guess you rode Buckbeak and took Hermione to play."

"I woke up Ron, sneaked out of the castle, and met Buckbeak at the edge of the woods. However, you two only had one invisibility bead, how could you avoid Filch and the prefects?"

Hermione took out a small box, and after opening it, there was a small purple marble inside, "Dangdang, my birthday gift - an invisible bead, the kind with no time limit or limit on the number of times."

Hermione said happily.

"Robin, my birthday is March 1st, remember it." Ron said with greedy eyes.

Harry put his hand into his pocket and took out a long packaging box, "Hermione, you have been busy during the day, so I didn't find a chance to give it away. This is the 'Shorthand Quill'. I picked it out for a long time. , that’s why I chose this one.”

"Great, I'm thinking of buying a new one."

Hermione happily tore open the colored paper and opened the lid of the box. Inside the box lay a shining golden quill with smooth arcs. There was also a piece of golden hot writing on the inside of the lid.

[Put the tip of the pen in your mouth and suck it deliciously for a while. The quill will enter the 'working' state, automatically stand upright on the paper, and write colorful and outward-expanding words. 】

Luo Bin: →_→, colorful! expand! Isn't it just flashy?

Reporter Rita Skeeter of the Daily Prophet, the illegal Animagus who could turn into a beetle and eavesdrop on all kinds of news, didn’t use this kind of quill to write exaggerated and false articles. Eye-catching reporting.

Later, Hermione caught it, put it in a glass jar, and didn't let it out until the end of the term.

"Harry, have you opened the box?" Hermione asked.

"No, I only chose the style. The box was packed by the store. Is there something wrong?"

"No problem." Hermione closed the lid of the box and put it into the magic cloth bag.

Ron stepped forward and handed Hermione a backpack, "It's three-layered canvas and has a large capacity. It can hold more than thirty books, so it won't be a problem."

Hermione tugged on the strap and found that it was indeed strong and durable, "Thanks!"

At this time, the color of the jellyfish and bell flowers flying in the air slowly faded. When the purple light completely dissipated, four people and one horse walked towards the edge of the woods. After tying Buckbeak, Harry and Ron squeezed into the invisibility cloak, Robin and Hermione took the invisibility beads in their mouths and slipped back to the dormitory quietly.

Before I knew it, the whole month of September had passed.

At the beginning of October, captain Wood once again carried forward the spirit of involution and trained frequently, from three nights a week to four nights a week, and all day on Saturday, regardless of wind or rain.

Moreover, before every training, Wood will open a regular meeting and give some "stimulating" speeches.

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