"No, I can't leave you here alone. I'll open the door, let's go together, and then lock the door, yes, lock it, and lock the troll inside. The professors have ways to control it."

After saying that, there was a smile on Hermione's face. She let go of Robin's hand, struggled to step over the broken pieces of wood one after another, and walked towards the door.

The troll seemed to have a special liking for Hermione's long brown hair. It dragged the stick and was about to chase her. Robin picked up a metal pipe and knocked it in the pool.

"Hey, big guy, your opponent is here!"

Bang bang! Bang bang!

After knocking ten times, the giant monster was attracted by the sound.

It turned around awkwardly, staring at the metal pipe with its stupid dead fish eyes.

"Come here, you idiot!"

As he spoke, Luo Bin raised the metal pipe high.



The pipe accurately hit the troll's nose, causing it to roar toward the ceiling in pain.

It waved its wooden stick and huffed, walking towards Luo Bin.

Suddenly, Hermione appeared behind it, "Robin, no, the door lock is broken and can't be opened."

"That's not right! The troll squeezed through the crack in the door and got in. With its underdeveloped cerebellum, it looks like it can close the door at will!"

Luo Bin: →_→, I seem to have guessed who can close the door. However, the original book said it was locked from the inside. Now, how come the door lock is broken?

Delicious dessert VS venting anger

In the troll's silly mind, eating was the first priority. It turned around again and walked towards the delicious dessert.

"Ah! Don't come here!"

Hermione stepped back step by step, until her back was pressed against the copper door. The moment the troll caught up and raised the club, she huddled up in fear and sobbed.


As soon as the spell was uttered, the fragments of wooden boards, metal pipes, ceramic tiles, toilet fragments, wooden sticks, and even the giant monster in the room slowly floated upward and were suspended in mid-air.

"Hey, stop crying, the troll is under control!"

The expected 'blood-stained stick' did not happen. Hermione quietly wiped away her tears with her witch robe, stood up holding the copper door and said: "Don't guess, I didn't cry! The book said, Mountain Troll You weigh up to 2 tons, Luo Bin, the magic power in your body won’t last long!”

After saying that, she turned around and locked the door.

"Hermione, don't worry about the door lock, come here and help me knock the tiles."


Hermione turned her head and saw that Robin had knocked down four or five broken tiles. Moreover, the broken surfaces of each tile were very sharp, which reminded them of the troll's pitifully small head. She immediately realized the opponent's plan.

"Okay, let me help you!"

Hermione walked to the steps of the cubicle. She didn't mind it being dirty, so she pulled out a brick and knocked on the tile.

Five minutes later, the floor 1 meter away from the copper door was filled with sharp broken tiles. Robin pulled Hermione and hid under the pool, and then waved his wand.

Bang bang! Bang bang!

The objects that were originally suspended in the air fell down at a very fast speed. The objects hit the floor and splashed dust, making people cough.

There was a loud bang, and Luo Bin felt that the pool above his head and the floor beneath his feet were shaking violently.

When there was no movement outside, he pulled Hermione out.

"Is it dead?" Hermione said, looking at the troll lying motionless on the ground with blood under its head.

If it is dead, the Rubik's Cube Totem will not generate heat.

"No, it must have fainted. Without ten days and a half of recovery, it would never have picked up the stick again."

"We're safe!"

Hermione hugged Robin excitedly and kept mumbling: It's great, she's alive, and she doesn't have to worry about turning into a giant daddy.

Troll daddy?

Most people really can't understand the brain circuit of Little Pepper.

Now, with Hermione's back turned to the troll, it was the time to put it into the Rubik's Cube, otherwise, damn, it might be painful to death!

Robin endured the severe pain in his collarbone and hugged Hermione's shoulders tightly to ensure that she would not turn around suddenly. Then, he silently recited a spell in his heart: Contain everything!

In an instant, the 7-meter-tall guy disappeared out of thin air, and Luo Bin also used his superb acting skills. He pointed at the floor and said in shock: "The giant monster is gone!"


Hermione turned and looked at the floor. There was no gravel-like monster there. If it weren't for the blood on the broken pieces of porcelain, the thick wooden stick next to it, and the mess all over the floor, she would have thought that what just happened was a dream.

"Will it have the magical ability to grow bigger and smaller?"

When Hermione wanted to go forward to check, a white light suddenly appeared from the crack of the toilet door. Then, the brass door crashed to the floor with a bang, just covering the blood of the troll.

Snape waved his witch sleeves and rushed out of the gray mist splashed by the falling copper door. Behind him were McGonagall, Quirrell, Harry and Ron.

As soon as they entered the toilet, Harry and Ron rushed to the two of them and asked them if they were injured.

Quirrell huddled at the door, clutching the clothes on his chest tightly with his hands, as if he was frightened by the sight in front of him.

Professor McGonagall pursed her pale lips tightly, and behind her square spectacles, there was a lot of anger.

Snape waved the edge of his wizarding robes and walked around the room.

"Where is it?" Snape asked sharply after searching to no avail.


"Don't be pretentious, where is the troll?"

"It disappeared. There, at the brass door, the troll was lying there just now, and then, with a sudden movement, it disappeared out of thin air."

Luo Bin pointed at the brass door and said.

"What kind of trick are you two playing?"

His voice was cold and filled with anger. Apparently, Professor McGonagall didn't quite believe what Robin said.

Snape also stared at Robin sharply, as if he would not stop until he saw through him. Even Quirrell, who was huddled at the door and maintained his timid and cowardly persona, looked at Robin with a look of confusion mixed with inquiry.

Hermione thought that if she had not hid in the women's room, what happened later would not have happened. She pursed her lips and said, "Professor, it's true. Robin didn't lie."

"I read about trolls in books. Although they are as strong as cattle, they are stupid and stupid. I thought I could deal with them alone. If Luo Bin hadn't found me, I would have been eaten by the trolls by now."

"Robin knocked the metal water pipe against the stone wall to attract the troll and buy me time to escape. But for some reason, the door lock was broken."

When Harry and Ron heard this, their expressions became unnatural. Hermione didn't notice their little movements. After moistening her throat, she continued: "When the troll held up the wooden stick and swung at me, Ron Bin used a floating spell to make the troll and its stick float into the air. We put some sharp broken pieces of porcelain underneath. When the troll fell down, his head hit the fragments and he fainted, and then he disappeared. ”

"Professor, if you move the brass door, you can see the porcelain pieces that Luo Bin and I placed, as well as the blood shed by the troll. Professor, what Luo Bin and I said are true!"

Minerva McGonagall waved her wand, and bang, the brass door flipped to one side, and the scene under the door was exactly as Hermione said.

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