Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 51 The old bat made up the school rules

"I specially saved eight kinds of fruit-flavored macarons. Robin, do you want to come with me?"

Lavender jumped on her feet and invited excitedly.

Robin secretly used clever force to pull away Lavender's hand that was holding his neck, "Well, Miss Brown, you don't need to thank me too much. Even if Filch is in danger, I will cast a spell to help."

Lavender Brown is a lively little girl with good looks, hot figure.

Argus Filch was an annoyingly stubborn old man with a stooped back and bald eyes.

Comparing the two together is tantamount to rubbing Lavender's self-esteem to the ground.

Sure enough, Lavender took half a step back, his expression changed from gratitude to anger, "Ron, do you want to eat macarons?"

"Well, I want to eat chicken drumsticks, but I don't want to eat macarons that are so sweet that they are so sweet."

"No, you want to."

Lavender dragged Ron to the sofa chair, forced his mouth open, picked up a pink and white sandwich macaron, and stuffed it into his mouth. Before the first one was bitten and swallowed, she Start stuffing the second one inside.

"Robin, I didn't understand why you mentioned Filch at first, but now I think I understand."

"Are you going to save Ron?"

Seeing Lavender being so 'cruel', Harry felt his cheeks hurt, "No, I want to go back to the dormitory and change clothes first."

"Tacit understanding, I think so too."

Under Ron's horrified and shocked eyes, the two figures disappeared through the door of the boys' dormitory.

So, at this Halloween party, Ron didn't get the feast he was longing for. Instead, he was force-fed a large box of macarons. He brushed his teeth five times, but he couldn't suppress the sweet smell.

At night, when he burped unconsciously while sleeping, the breath he burped still smelled like fruit.


Robin: →_→, here we go again. Fortunately, I was smart enough to throw out the Argus Filch guard card in a hurry. Otherwise, it would have been me who had the fruity burp. By the way, will the injuries sustained by the troll affect his intelligence?

After Luo Bin repeatedly confirmed that both his roommates were fast asleep, his consciousness slipped into the consciousness sea space. He glanced at the giant Rubik's Cube for a while, and found the mountain giant lying dead in a purple square.

Following his thoughts, the purple square slowly floated over. He reached out and poked the troll totem, carefully reading the content on the light screen emitted by the totem.

Name: None

Species: Mountain troll

Grade: Grade A

Personality: Likes to eat raw meat, has a dull brain, is irritable and irritable

Physical condition: Weak, fractured brain bones, subcutaneous bleeding in the head (treatment period: 4 months)

Skill: Landslide and Earth Splitting (step on the ground 3 times to send out powerful shock waves within a radius of 5 meters, disrupting the enemy's balance and attack speed)

Giant stick swing (hold the wooden stick tightly, use this skill, swing strength +10 times)

Pull up mountains and resist tripods (can lift objects 3 times more than one's own weight)

Magic value: 3500

Combat power: 1000

Tsk, the troll’s skills are all physical attacks!

However, the giant stick swinging skill is quite practical. According to Wood, the Saturday of the second week of November is the day for acceptance training. This skill can be used to hit bludgers.

But the premise is that the substitute players can board the air court.

After Luo Bin named the mountain monster Dasha, his consciousness pulled out of the sea of ​​​​consciousness space, and along with Ron's hiccups, he slowly entered Mengxiang.

After Hogwarts entered November, the weather began to be unfavorable. It snowed lightly every three days and snowed heavily every five days.

Even if it's a sunny day, the thick ice on the black lake will not melt. Even the mountains around the school are always shrouded in gray and gloomy fog.

Every morning, Hagrid, wearing a moleskin coat, would take a big bamboo broom and sweep the snow from the court and broom shed.

In such weather, the team captain, Oliver Wood, not only refused to give the players a day off, but also changed the training from three times a week to five times a week. He is indeed the first person to be involved in Quidditch.

Wood originally wanted to hide the news about the introduction of new students to the team, but there is no airtight wall in the world. Although everyone has never seen Robin and Harry play Quidditch with their own eyes, they secretly made bets on who of the two would start first. He fell off the broom and broke his butt into three pieces.

In this regard, Luo Bin said that the world is crazy, why can't you get along with it?

During this period, Harry lamented more than once that without Hermione's help, he would never have been able to complete so much homework.

Of course, the homework assignments assigned by professors such as writing poems, memorizing the history of magic, copying spells, and recording snake jelly were just a drop in the bucket for Luo Bin, who had been swimming in the sea of ​​suffering for 16 years.

Time passed and it came to the day before the Quidditch match.

There was no class this afternoon. After lunch, Hermione carried a big cloth bag and pulled the three of them to the yard.

"Guess what's inside?" Hermione asked, shaking her bag.

Luo Bin stuffed the manuscript into his sleeve casually, "Bottle, a glass bottle containing blue flames."

"Robin, you"

Like a deflated rubber ball, Hermione wilted and took out four cans from her pocket. Sure enough, as Robin said, the bottles contained flames.

"I learned this from a book in the library. Come on, let's stand in a circle with our backs to the flames to keep warm. By the way, cheer for the two players.

"Wrong, it's one. I'm a substitute player. Unless there are special circumstances, I will stay down there until the end of the game."

"Although you are a substitute, you have not missed any training. Shouldn't I cheer you on?"

Hermione said, releasing bright flames and pulling Robin's back to the flames to keep warm. Harry and Ron looked at each other and did the same.

The four of them warmed themselves by the fire while talking about interesting things that happened recently.

For example, Seamus was skating on the Black Lake and fell into the mud. Neville's toad Lyford jumped into the basement and made the cupboard full of toad excrement. Fred and George smashed snowballs to tease Quirrell. Quirrell was so frightened that he covered his turban tightly and ran into the castle.

While they were talking, a gust of wind suddenly blew beside them. The wind picked up the snow on the ground and made the four of them unable to open their eyes.

When the cold wind stopped and the fine sand-like white snow fell back to the ground, Luo Bin suddenly spotted an old bat in black robes walking towards him.

"Hermione, is there any school rule that says students are not allowed to light fires for warmth?" Harry asked nervously.

"No, but Professor Snape is not sure whether there is such a regulation or not."

Hermione said, pulling the three of them back, trying to block the flames with her body.

Unfortunately, Snape did not change his walking route. His leg seemed to be seriously injured and he was walking with a limp. He stopped next to the four people and glanced back and forth at the four people with his cold and empty eyes.

"Potter, what is that in your hand?" Snape said coldly.

"Professor, it's "The Magic of Quidditch."" Harry said, holding the book tightly.

"Potter, don't you know that books in the library are not allowed to be taken out of the castle? Because of your ignorance, Gryffindor has been deducted 5 points. Give it to me!"

Luo Bin: →_→, old bat, it has to be you. In order to win the Academy Cup, you used this trick of making up school rules.

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