Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 61 You are not a beautiful girl!

Fifty minutes later, the tunnel changed from flat to upwardly sloping. Luo Bin wiped the sweat from his forehead and crawled upward.

The entrance to the cave seemed to be blocked by tree roots, preventing any light from entering.

When Luo Bin climbed to a position more than one meter away from the cave entrance, a tree root as thick as a chopstick stretched out and pressed against his eyebrows to prevent him from climbing forward.

Luo Bin slowed down his breathing, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the emotions conveyed by Xiao Lu.

Worry, nervousness, fear, and a little excitement at eavesdropping on No. 1’s secret.


Luo Bin raised his ears and vaguely heard mumbling, but the sound that came through was too weak to be heard clearly.

He pushed aside the roots of the tree and climbed forward one meter. He put his ear against the hole and heard clearly what the people under the tree were saying.

"I feel that it has been destroyed, and the link between it and me is gone, but I can still smell its breath. Ask me what he did to the crown!" A hoarse and angry voice sounded.

"Master, that kid is too vigilant. He has avoided all the traps I set." A man with a high-pitched voice and vibrato said.

"Idiot, has your brain been eaten by a dung rat? What is the difference between what you are doing and playing house with a child?"

"Master, Holy Christmas is coming soon. I will tie him to the Forbidden Forest and feed him the truth potion. I am not afraid that he will not tell."

"Idiot, if you do this, you will attract that old immortal!"

"Master, after you get the things, tie him up to Albania and feed him the truth potion?"

"That's a good idea, Quirrell. You know, you don't have much time left to get the things."

"Master, don't abandon me. I am your most loyal follower. Master, I will complete the mission you assigned me!"

After a rustling sound, there was no more movement outside. Xiao Lu happily poked his owner's chest, indicating that it was safe outside.

Luo Bin: ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭, so, Qi Luo and Braised Egg, are you staring at me, is it because of Xiao Hui? Are you still planning to kidnap me and feed me drugs? It's because I didn't fight back for half a month. You're living so comfortably, right?

Luo Bin pulled out the tree root that was stuck in his shirt, rolled his eyes and complained: "You are not a young and beautiful girl, why are you groping blindly?"

The little green pup had to retract all the tree roots at once, as if it was aggrieved to be scolded for being autistic, but when Luo Bin dug into the tree hole, it still poked and touched it secretly several times.

After Luo Bin got out of the tree hole, he patted the mud on the witch's robe and pondered whether the Whomping Willow was a male or a female, and finally came to the conclusion - female!

Food ~ color ~ sex ~ also ~

These days, even a willow tree can learn to wipe oil, but what can I do with my eleven-year-old body?

Luo Bin dusted off the dirt, straightened his clothes, turned around and walked towards the castle.

He found an empty classroom without windows, locked the door, took out the Murphy Eli potion scroll, and read the preparation process carefully.

Deployment process (first deputy):

1. Place ice cubes around it to cool down the tin crucible and keep it at 1 to 3 degrees Celsius.

2. Add the extract of Kupo grass, two-eared grass and lovage rhizome, stir clockwise for 24 times, and then cook in cold water for 3 days.

3. Add fire bugs, red spider eggs, and king butterfly scale powder, stir counterclockwise for 36 turns, and cook cold for 6 days.

4. Add the unicorn tail feathers, stir in a + sign 12 times, and cook cold for 5 days.

Deployment process (Part 2):

1. Light the alcohol pot and heat the tin crucible to keep it at 97 to 100 degrees Celsius.

2. Add Prunella vulgaris extract, Cao Ling insect juice, and canopy grass, stir counterclockwise for 24 times, and simmer for another 3 days.

3. Add salamander ointment, toad brain, and fire ash snake egg powder, stir clockwise 36 times, and cook for another 6 days.

4. Add the devil's net rattan wire, stir 12 times in an X shape, and cook for another 5 days.

Note: The potion after filtering out the residue needs to be refrigerated. Pour the upper and lower potions into a beaker at a ratio of 1:2, stir and fuse with the Lestrange family symbol, and prepare the Murphy Eli potion.

3+6+5=14, half a month, okay, Hermione mixed the polyjuice potion, but it took a full month.

However, it is a bit unrealistic to prepare medicine alone.

Classes, training, homework, eating and sleeping left him little private free time.

However, he has Grant!

Luo Bin manipulated the giant Rubik's Cube with his mind and dropped Grant into the empty classroom.

"What did you do to me?" Grant noticed the changes in his body and asked with his hands on his hips.

Compared with before, Grant's head jumped up by 5cm, and his muscle lines changed from convex and concave to smooth and smooth, but his explosive power doubled. Of course, the unique big feet and big head of the garden gnome were not given. It changes.

"What? You want to change back to a bastard, but you've been out of breath all day after peeling potatoes. You're a kidney-deficient gnome. I don't mind changing you back."

"Nonsense, my size and strength rank first in the village of Autry St. Catchpol."

Grant pouted his chin and said in disbelief.

"Being number one in the village, what is there to be proud of? If you were number one in the entire circle of gnomes in the English Garden, would you believe that Lilissa Roland would be chasing you to make little gnomes?"

"Really?" Grant asked doubtfully.

Luo Bin did not answer, but raised his eyebrows and looked at him up and down. Grant immediately turned into a bitch, grabbed the edge of his master's robe and said with tears in his face: "Oh, master, my most respected master, you are so kind, kind, and philanthropic."

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, here it comes again, sooner or later your ears and eyes will be howled out of their cocoons.

"Stop howling and let's talk business!"

"What's the matter?" Grant asked blankly as he put away his tears.

"Help me look at two medical pots, one with ice at 1 to 3 degrees Celsius, and one with heat at 97 to 100 degrees Celsius. Stir the medicine from time to time to prevent it from sticking to the pot. It will take about half a month."

The work is relatively easy, but a little time consuming.

"Master, did you find that secret book? Hehe!"

Grant rubbed his fingers and asked with a vulgar expression and a mean tone.


Luo Bin took out his paper and pen, and drew an extremely explicit yellow simple drawing using the Jiangjiang Niangniang he saw in the teahouse as the material.

When he finished drawing, he gave the page to the garden gnome with a squeaking sound.

Grant only took a cursory glance, then his eyes flashed green and his nose bleeds, "Master, you have a good secret book. When will you start looking at the pot?"

"Right now!"

With that said, Luo Bin rolled up his witch sleeves, moved out all the materials, and started mixing the potion on the spot.

Grant climbed onto the desk, his eyes wide open as if they were shot. In order to quickly practice the postures in the stick figures with Lilissa, he secretly decided to put in twice as much energy to complete the tasks assigned by his master.

Two weeks later, an empty classroom with no windows!

After Luo Bin cleaned up the mess, he gave Grant two simple drawings of the lotus position and put them into the Rubik's Cube before his nosebleed.

Then, carrying a bottle of Murphys, a bottle of Ellis, and a bottle of Murphy's Eli, he walked out of the empty classroom.

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