Robin, who was evil-minded, bent down and said in a bewitching tone: "Yes, Ron Weasley has become a hero that everyone admires. Lavender Brown, who is so sweet, made three of them with his own hands A big box of rainbow-colored macarons. Seeing that her idol was unwilling to accept it, she opened Ron's mouth with force and stuffed the macarons into his mouth one after another, regardless of his struggle."

Ron She opened his eyes suddenly and shouted in horror: "No, I don't eat macarons, stop, stop!"

Only after he yelled did he realize that the horrific scene of being 'forcibly fed' was just a dream.

"What time is it?" he asked hoarsely.

"Twenty-five past four."

"Hey, we've been here for four and a half hours. What did Filch ask you to do?"

Robin, Harry and Hermione briefly recounted what happened in the woods. Ron, as the audience, was so shocked that his jaw did not close the whole time.

"In summary, Quirrell became a Death Eater. He wanted to get the Sorcerer's Stone and help Voldemort make a comeback." Luo Bin concluded.

"Robin, don't say that name."

Ron looked around in horror, as if he was worried that the village bully would follow him to the lounge.

"Voldemort and his followers have infiltrated Hogwarts, but we can't even tell him his name?"

Harry couldn't control his emotions when he thought that the person who brutally murdered his parents was hiding in the Forbidden Forest, and there were some words that he couldn't hold back when he spoke in the forest.

"What are you yelling at me for? I'm not the only one who doesn't dare to say or hear 'that person's' name."

"So we can only sit back and wait, waiting for Quirrell to steal the Philosopher's Stone, waiting for Voldemort to drink the elixir of immortality, waiting for him to lead the Death Eaters to come back, and then kill me first. Yes, he wanted to do it more than ten years ago. Kill me."

Harry said emotionally.

"Harry, everyone says that 'that man' is afraid of Albus Dumbledore. As long as the principal is here, he will not attack you." Hermione persuaded.

"Don't forget, Dumbledore has to deal with many things every day, and he cannot focus on one person all the time."

Harry paced up and down in front of the fire, his body trembling with excitement and excitement.

Robin speculated that he was excited to find his destined enemy and have the opportunity to avenge his parents, but he was also afraid of Voldemort's ability and ferocious appearance.

"Robin, do you agree to feed Harry some soothing potion?" Hermione asked.

"No, I have other ideas."

Robin poured a cup of warm water and threw three hard candies into the water. After the candies melted, he handed the cup to Harry.

"First drink a glass of warm water to calm down the shock, and then we can discuss other things."

"I'm not scared, okay, I'll drink."

After Harry drank it in one breath, he felt a warm current flowing from his stomach to his lungs. After that, the warm current flowed out of his pores with excitement, excitement, uneasiness, fear and other emotions.

His heart suddenly calmed down, and he realized how rude his behavior just now was.

"Ron, Hermione, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used that tone to talk to you."

"I didn't take your words to heart."

"If I can eat two more chicken legs tomorrow morning, I will forgive you."

Several people looked at each other and smiled. What happened just now is over. Luo Bin couldn't help but sigh: He is indeed a unicorn. Once his skills are used, the effect is amazing.

"Okay, it's almost five o'clock, that's it for today. Let's recuperate for two days before facing the exam week. After the exam, accompany me to the hunting lodge. I have some doubts and want to ask Hai grid."

"What doubts?" Harry asked.

"It's a bit confusing. I'll tell you when I clear my thoughts. Let's go back to the dormitory and sleep."

"Okay, I'm so sleepy that my eyelids are fighting."

Hermione muttered.

Afterwards, the four of them packed up their things and quietly left the lounge.

At the beginning of June, exam week comes.

In the stuffy big classroom, Luo Bin and the others were holding quill pens issued by the school and cast with an anti-cheating charm, and were writing answers to each test question.

It can be seen from the numerous daily classroom experiments that Hogwarts not only values ​​theoretical teaching, but also practical training. The same goes for exams. In addition to written exams, there are also practical exams.

The content of the practical exam in the Charms class is to make a green pineapple grow legs and dance a cheerful tap dance across a desk.

The content of the practical examination of the Transfiguration class is to turn a white mouse into a snuff box. The candidate's score is linked to the exquisiteness of the box. If someone's box has a mouse tail or beard, then he / She will be deducted basic points.

The content of the practical exam in the Potions class was to prepare a bottle of oblivion potion. During the exam, Snape, dressed in black, strode up and down the corridors. Sometimes he would stop behind the students, staring at people with his cold and empty eyes. Hairy.

The content of the practical examination in the herbal medicine class is to deworm cabbage and harvest mugwort spore powder. The candidate's score is linked to the strength of the vegetable leaves closing, whether the insects are removed, and the purity of the spore powder.

For the top students Robin and Hermione, whether it is a written test or a practical test, they are just small cassettes. They just follow the instructions from the teachers in the book and just write and do them.

However, for Harry, Ron and Neville, every exam is like climbing a big mountain.

During the Charms class practical exam, Ron's green pineapple sprouted three legs and two arms, stood upright on one leg, and danced a weird ballet on the table.

During the Transfiguration practical test, Neville's snuff box turned out to have four rat claws. After it rolled down from the desk, it ran around the classroom, causing screams.

Neville chased it for a long time but couldn't catch it. In the end, it was Luo Bin who stepped on it quickly and accurately, preventing the sword master from getting zero points.

Friday afternoon, the last exam, in a large classroom.

Robin frowned and quickly wrote down the achievements and personal charm of the inventor of the automatic stirring crucible, Gaspard Singleton, on the History of Magic paper.


After writing, he put the cleaned quill into the pencil case, then rubbed his sore wrist and waited quietly for the rewinding bell to ring.

Thirty minutes later, a tinkling bell rang in the corridor outside. Professor Binns asked the students to put down their quills, roll up the parchment, tie it with a red string and hand it over.

The classroom suddenly burst into joy. Everyone celebrated that the exam that caused headaches and hair loss was finally over. They celebrated that they were free and could play happily for more than two months.

After Robin and his friends came out of the classroom, Hermione started her daily routine - reviewing the exam content.

"Alas, I overestimated the difficulty of the exam. I memorized the werewolf code of conduct and the experience of the elf rebellion in the 17th and 18th centuries, but I failed the exam."

"Hermione, the textbook is 3cm thick, and the parchment is only as thick as the parchment. It is impossible to pass every knowledge point on the test, but there is no harm in storing more knowledge in your mind." Luo Bin said with relief.

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