Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 100 Knight Bus

"You really don't choose to use Floo powder?" Horace asked again worriedly, his expression was almost like that of Chronos' old mother.

"No need, I don't want to get out of someone else's fireplace in disgrace again." Kronos struggled to move his suitcase downstairs.

"Remember, you just need to stand on the side of the road and stretch out your hand holding the wand. He will automatically appear by your side." Horace ordered again.

Yes, Horace was talking about the Knight Bus, and Chronos chose to take the Knight Bus to Diagon Alley this time. Coming to the world of Harry Potter, it is natural to experience everything!

The Knight Bus is a relatively modern invention in wizarding society and (though rarely admitted) takes some inspiration from Muggle society. There has been a need for some time in the wizarding world for vehicles that can be used safely and discreetly by the underage or infirm, and there have been plenty of suggestions (e.g. taxi-style broomsticks, baskets hanging from under thestrals) , but all were rejected by the Ministry of Magic. Eventually, the then Minister for Magic, Duggard MacPhail, came up with the idea of ​​imitating the then relatively new Muggle "bus service". And so, the Knight Bus hit the road in 1865.

Although some wizards (mostly pure-blood fanatics) wrote to the Letters Column of the Daily Prophet declaring their boycott of this "Muggle insult", the Knight Bus was still popular with most wizards, and still is. very busy.

After dragging the heavy box through several streets, Chronos stood on a relatively wide street. The dark streets around and the cold night made Kronos shrink his neck unconsciously.

"Okay, here it is!" Kronos looked around. After confirming that there were no Muggles, Chronos stretched forward his right hand holding the wand.

"Hmm~" After waiting for a while, there was a deafening sound from Kronos' left side, and a bright light shot from Kronos' left side.

A second later, with a creak, a pair of huge wheels and headlights appeared in front of Chronos. The Knight Bus is a three-story, bright purple bus with the words "Knight Bus" written on its windshield in large gold letters.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, the emergency passenger transport for witches or wizards in distress. Just hold out your wand and step on board, and we'll take you wherever you want. My My name is Stan Thornpark, and I'm your conductor tonight." - Stan Thornpark.

Stan Sampak, who looked to be about eighteen years old, wore a purple uniform, had big fan ears, and a few small pimples on his face.

Kronos looked at the salute under his feet, and Stan immediately said: "Put it here! Guest, I will help you get them up."

Chronos nodded, and after boarding the car, he began to look at the interior of the car. The driver and conductor sat in armchairs at the front of the car, and there were no other chairs but six brass-framed beds on each floor. Lighting comes from candles on racks on the wall, and a small wooden staircase leads to the upper floors.

He glanced again at the driver in the cab ahead. An elderly wizard with thick glasses.

"Ah, that's Ern Pullan, our Knight Bus driver. He's been here since I first got here," said Stan behind him.

"Okay, honored guest. Where are you going?" Stan fiddled with a small answering machine on his chest, which looked like a billing machine.

"London, Diagon Alley!" Kronos said sparingly.

"Eleven Sickles." Stan held out five fingers of his own, "But if you pay fourteen, you get chocolate,

Pay fifteen, and you can get a hot water bottle and a toothbrush, the color of your choice. "

Kronos directly took out a Gold Galleon and threw it to him, "Just give me a cup of hot cocoa, I don't need a hot water bottle and a toothbrush."

"Okay, honorable guest." Stan issued a ticket and handed it to Chronos and then led him to the car.

"Guest, you sleep in this bed! I'll bring you your hot cocoa later." Stan whispered in Kronos' ear. This made Kronos very uncomfortable, obviously there was no one here.

Stan goes down. "Go ahead, Ern," Chronos heard him say.

With a bang, Kronos felt a push back. The car jerked a bit when it started, rumbling forward at an astonishing speed, and Kronos noticed through the window that it was always hitting the sidewalk, but it couldn't hit anything, rows of lampposts, Letterboxes and trash cans jumped out of the way as the car approached, and returned to their original positions when it passed. With a huge bang, it jumped forward a hundred or two miles in one fell swoop, so fast that Muggles didn't notice its sound or look.

After a while, Stan came up. He is dragging a tray in his left hand. There was a cup of hot cocoa still steaming on the tray, and Kronos didn't know how he did it. To be able to walk so steadily in such a wobbly bike.

"Okay! Guest, you ordered a cup of hot cocoa." Stan put it on Chronos' bedside.

"Wait a minute!" Chronos called to Stan who was about to go down.

"Can you show me that newspaper!" Kronos pointed to a copy of the Daily Prophet in Stan's bag.

"Of course! Guest. It's just that it was half a month ago." Stan handed the newspaper to Chronos.

Chronos didn't answer him, he just opened the newspaper. A huge headline appeared on it: Ministry of Magic staff wins huge prize

The head of the Ministry of Magic won the grand prize. Arthur Weasley, the head of the Ministry of Magic office, won the "Daily Prophet"'s annual grand prize, a Spanish sailing gold coin made by the Mages. Weasley also happily told the Daily Prophet

The Weasleys would stay in Egypt for a month, returning at the start of Hogwarts school, as five of the Weasley children attended school there.

Below is a photo of the Weasley family. The nine members of their family are standing in front of a huge pyramid and waving vigorously. And Kronos' eyes fell on the mouse "Scattered" in Ron's hand!

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