Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 11 Life at Hogwarts (2)

"You're amazing, Chronos. We don't even know how to do that difficult homework." Draco sat next to Chronos, taking a piece of it as he said this. What about the grilled chicken legs that just surfaced?

"I just made a proper suggestion. Fortunately, Professor McGonagall is a reasonable person." Kronos replied.

"Chronos Slughorn... sir?"

"What's the matter? Draco, why did you suddenly call me by my full name?" Kronos was still wondering one second, and realized he was wrong the next second.

The speaker was a girl, but the voice of an eleven-year-old child was really indistinguishable from male to female.

"Are you? Ang... I remember you. You are Miss Hermione Granger from Gryffindor. What's the matter?" Chronos looked Hermione up and down when he said this. It is undeniable that she is not as unbearable as in the original book. Perhaps it was because Chronos was a time traveler, he naturally brought Hermione into the movie actor in the previous life.

"Do you think you're smart?" Hermione raised her head high when she said this, almost pointing her nostrils at Chronos. It's so arrogant and arrogant.

Chronos' eyes turned cold, he hated the way Hermione Granger spoke to him. And he took back the idea that he thought she was beautiful just now, Hermione Granger really has a pair of big front teeth. When she opened her mouth to speak, she directly brought down her appearance.

"I don't understand what you mean, Ms. Granger. I don't know where I messed with you. If you think you are a genius wizard in Gryffindor, you can bully Slytherin students at will..."

Dealing with a little girl is not easy, Kronos' simple words made Hermione Granger the target of public criticism. Sure enough, the Slytherin students who hadn't left the dining table stopped the spoons in their hands after hearing Chronos' words, and turned their gazes to Hermione Granger.

But Hermione Granger obviously didn't care, and instead continued to increase her tone.

"I mean, why did you make that suggestion in Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class? You can't drag everyone's learning progress because you are behind."

"I don't think you're talking about me, Miss Granger." Chronos also stood up from the chair. He was half a head taller than Hermione, which made Hermione have to raise her head slightly to face Chronos. See.

"I just made a small suggestion to Professor McGonagall, but you are forcing your own rules on others. Don't you think you are the one who makes everyone uncomfortable, Miss Hermione Granger?"

Draco had already seen the purpose of Hermione Granger's visit, and when Chronos finished his last sentence, he shouted: "Mudblood of Gryffindor, get the hell out of here!" You are here, and even my favorite cheese and licorice rice smells foul."

After he finished speaking, he and the Slytherin students behind him laughed.

Hermione Granger left the Slytherin table without looking back, Chronos felt very uncomfortable looking at her back.

That feeling is like the caring little padded jacket of the middle school teacher in his previous life. Always ask others to do better.

Kronos has always believed in a principle, that is, "individual differences exist".

An episode during lunch that came and went quickly. Soon everyone was discussing other things!

The afternoon was a Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Ravenclaw students. Many young wizards have been looking forward to this class for a long time, after all, black magic is a very magical term. "Black magic" represents power, destruction, mystery and death.

It's just that Professor Quirrell who teaches this course is very disappointing. First of all, the classroom where he taught was filled with a smell of garlic, which everyone said was to drive away a vampire he met in Romania,

Afraid that vampire would turn around and catch him.

Secondly, his intermittent speech is really uninteresting. Often a short sentence can last 30 seconds. If Chronos hadn't known Voldemort under his hood, Chronos would have almost ignored his existence.

"Kronos...Mr. Chronos Slughorn. May I call you that?" Professor Quirrell came to Kronos at some point.

"Oh, of course you can, professor." Kronos responded.

"Then...then...then, Mr. Chronos Slughorn, please answer what should we do if we encounter black magic?" Professor Quirrell raised his question.

"Hmm...run?" Kronos thought for a moment and gave an answer that didn't fit the magic worldview. The students of Ravenclaw burst into laughter.

"Re... The answer is correct! Slytheringa ten points!" Professor Quirrell waved his hand to signal Chronos to sit down. The wanton laughter stopped abruptly.

"Running is... is... human instinct, any... any spell is not tracking. So... so if you see the opponent's movements in advance, yes... you can completely avoid it by running away. "

"When...of course, most wizards choose to cancel the spell. Later...Professor Flitwick will teach you that all spells can be resisted by matter."

Chronos found an interesting phenomenon. The seemingly stuttering Professor Quirrell only stuttered when he said the first few words.

"This... here is divided into physical defense and magic defense. Physical defense is easy to understand. Things like... like... like stones and trees are good physical defense objects."

"And...and the magic power defense varies from person to person. For example...if two wizards release magic spells at each other at the same time, their magic will not leave the carrier of the wand, but...it will be continuously drawn from the wizard's body The magical power. (You can refer to the situation where Harry Potter used the disarming spell and Voldemort to deal with the wave at the end.)”

The more Professor Quirrell spoke, the more excited he became, but the more Chronos listened, the more sleepy he became. In this way, Professor Quirrell gave a half-hour lecture, and this class passed.

"Beautiful... good times always pass so quickly, so let's dismiss get out of class!" Professor Quirrell said, and the students rushed out.

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