Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 114 Alchemy

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Kronos lay on the sofa he used to sit on, which was close to the fireplace. This would make Chronos more comfortable in the stuffy Slytherin common room.

Kronos flipped through books about magic circles in his mind, and he was now able to draw non-elemental, elemental (pentagram), combined, decomposed, symbolic, five types of magic circles. And it has been able to draw a magic circle below the fourth level without the need for a formation base.

But Kronos feels that the magic circle is far from simple, and he has more mysteries waiting for Kronos to explore. For example, in the eyes of alchemists, a magic circle is a practiced formation that can be used to practice various things.

And the price required for this type of magic circle is not just magic. Some magic circles need substances (for example, the Philosopher's Stone refined by Nick Flamel, also called the Philosophy Stone), and some magic circles need to absorb vitality Come to make it.

Alchemy is the thought and ancestor of a chemical philosophy in the Middle Ages, and it is the embryonic form of contemporary chemistry.

Its main goal is to convert base metals into precious metals, especially gold. Later, different researches were developed, such as making elixir (such as Azot), finding the Philosopher's Stone, and creating artificial humans.

Alchemists studied alchemy undoubtedly for wealth. Of course, according to the cognition of alchemy by modern people in Kronos's previous life, this obviously does not conform to scientific common sense, but some scientists in the past and modern times even believed in alchemy, including the famous Isaac Newton.

Alchemy continued to exist in Europe until the 19th century, and there are shadows of alchemy in other parts of the world, including China, and the alchemy of ancient China has the shadow of alchemy.

The creation of alchemy in Europe originated from a legendary figure named "Hermes Trismegistus", who is regarded as the originator of alchemy.

In fact, alchemy is a very mysterious and complicated subject, and it is not easy to define it. Some people define it as a skill aimed at transforming base metals into gold or preparing immortality. But this seems to explain alchemy only from a technical level, and it does not give an overview of the full meaning of alchemy.

And in the book "The Disappearing Magic Circle", it defines alchemy in this way; alchemy is a sacred technology that makes human beings equal to gods. But this definition seems to also create a misunderstanding, which makes it easy for people to equate alchemists with magicians with superpowers.

All in all, alchemy can even make ordinary people without magical powers become superpowers like wizards or magicians.

The writing in the book is very complicated, and it almost blows alchemy to the sky. According to the book, a powerful alchemist can refine anything, money, items, attributes, body, and even soul.

If you say that Chronos can refine the body, you can barely believe it. After all, Voldemort wanted to steal Nick Flamel's Philosopher's Stone (Philosophy Stone) to reshape the body.

But it's a bit nonsense for you to say that you can refine the soul. If you can really reach this level, why do you need the god of death?

"Damn!" Kronos sat up from the sofa in shock, as if he had thought of something terrible.

When mentioning Death in the world of Harry Potter, the Deathly Hallows will never come around. And there is a resurrection stone similar to alchemy in the Deathly Hallows.

The Resurrection Stone is said to be a magical stone that can resurrect the dead. But it can't really resurrect the dead, it just attracts a substance that is more real than the soul and more illusory than the entity, just like Riddle who came out of the diary.

If the resurrection stone is a stone refined by an alchemist that can refine souls, it is not impossible! As for whether the refined soul is happy, Kronos has never refined it, and he doesn't know what the refined soul is.

If so, then the Grim Reaper is very likely to be a very powerful alchemist.

He can even refine the soul, so it should be a no-brainer to refine a magic stone of immortality!

Kronos was directly frightened by his unconstrained ideas. This time he really had a feeling of seeing the future through the fog.

Chronos wanted to continue to read the explanation on alchemy later, but it was a pity. There are only a few common alchemy formations recorded in the back of the book, and nothing else.

"That's right, after all, this book is about magic circles. How could it record another alchemy that is as difficult as it?" Kronos thought to himself.

When Kronos was about to top up the system with a large sum of Galleons, the entrance to the Slytherin lounge was opened. Before the man came in, Kronos heard Draco's drawn-out moan.

After a while Draco was dragged into the Slytherin common room by a group of people. Chronos saw white cloth wrapped around his arms.

"Ouch~~Ouch~~" Draco whimpered, as if he was yelling at Kronos on purpose. Because everyone around is looking at Chronos now.

"What's the matter?" Kronos couldn't stand his voice anymore.


"It's all Hagrid's fault!"

"It's all that disgusting giant."

The Slytherin students in Draco's class immediately clamored. Kronos knew what was going on as soon as he heard it? This group of people must have just finished the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class, and I could cause trouble if I wasn't around them for a while.

"That guy should be fired immediately!" Pansy Parkinson said with tears, her voice was a little choked.

"Okay, didn't you go to see Madam Pomfrey?" Chronos believed in Madam Pomfrey's medical skills, even Harry's bones could grow back. What can you do with a small scratch.

But Draco was still relentless, and Pansy Parkinson, who was standing aside, spoke again.

"We need justice!" she said.

Chronos was amused, and he smiled and asked, "What justice do you want?"

"We want Dumbledore to fire that giant, how could Dumbledore allow such a dangerous guy to be a teacher!" Pansy Parkinson immediately got the support of many lower grade students after he finished speaking. But most of the senior students were still looking at Chronos.

"You do whatever you want, I don't care about this kind of thing." Kronos lay back on the sofa after finishing speaking.

In fact, Kronos knew that Draco himself had something to do with this incident. But Kronos knew which side he was on, he represented Slytherin. If you blindly help others, you will easily be isolated by Slytherin students.

Besides, what Hagrid himself did was wrong. As a teacher, the safety of the students should be the first priority. How could he expose students to such dangerous things in the first class?

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