Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 124 Silence

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"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Kronos kicked open the door of Dumbledore's office. Sometimes, the Muggle method is just that violent and simple.

There are still all kinds of gadgets on the desk, all kinds of silverware and small magical items, and even a Muggle gramophone and a beautiful planetarium. The spacious office is full of portraits of past principals, all of whom are snoring softly. An old wizard in a green Slytherin robe looked at the open door and muttered something softly.

Because Kronos used the Silent Silent Curse, any noise made by Kronos will not be heard. Chronos saw at first sight a large, brightly colored bird in the nest. The fiery red feathers are very gorgeous, and it is stretching lazily at this time.

It is rumored that everyone in the Dumbledore family will have a phoenix, and the phoenix has infinite life, because it can be reborn from the fire, its body will be burned to ashes in the fire, and it will be reborn in the ashes. Only when the master dies, the phoenix will go away, and no one knows where he went.

But Chronos is not here to see the birds today, he has more important things to do. Chronos looked at Dumbledore's office. According to the description in the original book, the Pensieve is in the black cabinet above the glass case in this office. Kronos was easy to find, he was just under the cabinet where the Sorting Hat was kept.

Chronos opened the door of the cupboard. It was a shallow stone basin with runes and symbols engraved on the edge of the basin, and the memory of thought was turned into a bright silver substance and preserved in it. The silver memory is constantly flowing, like ripples on the surface of the water in the breeze, and spread out like clouds, gently rotating. It is like light that turns into liquid, and like wind that turns into solid.

The Pensieve is not as safe as imagined, and the possible dangers of the Pensieve have more to do with its own power than the memories or thoughts inside. The magic of the Pensieve will vividly present the memory, take every detail buried in the subconscious to faithfully reproduce the memory, and then allow the memory owner or the second party (this part is the hidden crisis) to enter the memory and move in it . Inevitably, anyone who has something to hide, who is ashamed of the past, who desires to keep a secret, or wants to protect privacy, is bound to be more wary of the Pensieve.

Traditionally, a witch or wizard's Pensieve, like their wand, is buried with the person as it is considered a very personal item. Unless otherwise requested, any thoughts or memories stored in the pensieve are buried with the owner. However, the Hogwarts Pensieve does not belong to any individual, but to the school. It has been used by successive Headteachers for a long time, and their life experiences are also left in the form of memories, making it an invaluable library of various reference materials for the current Headteacher or Headmistress.

The Pensieve at Hogwarts is made of ornately carved stone and engraved with slightly modified Saxon runes, creating a richly vintage-inspired artifact.

It can be traced back to the founding period. According to one (unverified) legend, the founders of the school found this Pensieve half buried in the ground at the very spot where they decided to found it.

Kronos leaned over, his head fully inserted into the cabinet. The silver-white memory became transparent and looked like glass. Chronos felt that Dumbledore's office suddenly tilted over, and Chronos' body rushed forward and fell into the Pensieve.

It was a very strange feeling. He fell through a sheet of icy black matter, as if sucked into a black vortex.

Kronos found himself sitting in a forest in the basin. He looked up at the sky, trying to find the round mouth of the basin, but he could only see white clouds floating in the blue sky.

This should be Godric's Hollow, Chronos speculated. Because the Dumbledore family moved here after Dumbledore's father was imprisoned in Azkaban.

"Albus, I have found the Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows." A magnetic voice sounded behind Kronos. Kronos turned his head abruptly, only to see two men standing behind him, they were holding their fingers together and looking at the magic wand in the middle.

"We are finally on the verge of overturning the damned International Statute of Secrecy. The law that makes us like rats in the sewer! The law that makes us hide our true selves! The law that makes those under it cower in fear , lest we will expose our identities! Come with me! Albus, let’s realize our great dream!" The man with long blond hair on the left should be Grindelwald, and he is persuading Dumbledore at the moment.

"Gellert, I..." Dumbledore was obviously hesitating, "I can leave with you, but I can't leave my sister and brother behind."

Gellert didn't speak, he was very dismissive of Dumbledore's sister and brother.

"Impossible!" A roar appeared on the left of Kronos again. Chronos looked over, it was a man with the same blue eyes as Dumbledore. This should be Dumbledore's younger brother, Aberforth Dumbledore.

"I won't let you take Ariana away, Albus." Aberforth's eyes were full of anger.

"How dare you?" Grindelwald roared, "How dare you, an idiot, stop our great ideals."

"Crucio!" Grindelwald pointed his wand at Aberforth. Aberforth screamed in pain, as if every nerve in him was on fire. The legs were all retracted, clinging to the body. It turned over, and at the same time, its body twitched violently, shaking from side to side.

Chronos saw Dumbledore's eyes full of hesitation, and he tried to stop Grindelwald many times. But one is the love of his life and one is his younger brother...

"Bang!" Grindelwald was knocked into the air, and the wand in his hand fell to the ground. It was a disembodied black mist that struck Grindelwald.

"It's unmistakable, this is definitely the legendary Moran." Chronos was sure in his heart that Aberforth was Ariana's favorite brother. The sight of Aberforth being tormented just now had irritated Ariana, so this caused the silent eruption in her body.

The black mist kept growing and soon covered the entire sky. The originally sunny sky was instantly covered by black mist. Silently and unconsciously, it was the three of Dumbledore's indiscriminate attackers.

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