Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 130 The Death of Peter Pettigrew

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Kronos came outside the castle, and the heavy rain outside forced him to use the "Water and Fire Invasion" spell on himself, otherwise he would definitely get wet by the damn weather. .

Kronos walked across the lawn quickly, because he still had the effect of Phantom Stealth on his body, but an interesting scene appeared in the field where Kronos passed by, and all the rainwater avoided the circle. .

Chronos came to the Quidditch field. Looking at the field as wide as ten football fields, Chronos felt that it was a bit exaggerated to find a mouse here. .

"Snake, let me smell his scent." Kronos tore off the basilisk on his left wrist. .

"Hiss, that's a dog, hiss, I'm a snake." Snake's clever little eyes seemed to be mocking Kronos' ignorance. .

Kronos also scratched his head in embarrassment, "Well, I made a mistake. Aren't the eyes of your snakes thermal imaging capture devices? Quick, find him.".

"Hiss, the rain is too heavy, hiss, the surrounding temperature, hiss, has dropped." Snake rejected Kronos once again.

"Then where was the last time you saw him?" Kronos gritted his teeth and said, if this guy didn't eat less, Kronos must have thrown it away.

Snake showed his small snake head and pointed to the south of Chronos, which was the Gryffindor lounge. Kronos strode across the field. Because of the overnight rainstorm, the sand that was originally used as a buffer in the field has now become muddy. Kronos didn't take a few steps before he felt that his shoes were covered with mud.

It was dark inside the Gryffindor lounge. Although the sky outside had lightened slightly, it was still dark inside the tent. But Kronos didn't dare to use "fluorescent flash", he was afraid that this time he would scare Peter Pettigrew away.

"Snake!" Kronos put down the basilisk on his left wrist, and Snake twisted his body a few times before disappearing from Kronos' eyes.

Chronos walked towards the other side of the tent, where there was a pile of broomsticks, and Chronos thought he might be under the brooms.

Kronos strode towards the broom and lowered himself. He cast Silence on himself in advance. Kronos kicked the broom away.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" Kronos was dumbfounded. There was indeed a mouse under the broomstick, and it wasn't just one. Kronos seemed to have kicked into a mouse nest, and suddenly there was a group of dark things under the tent. Running around.

"Quick Freeze!" Kronos's wand burst into white light, and he cast a range of freezing spell.

"Okay, the fluorescent light is flashing." Kronos felt that he must have stabbed the mouse's nest. Under the illumination of the magic wand, there were densely packed rats under Kronos' feet, there were probably forty or fifty of them!

"Okay, let's go one by one."

"The human form is revealed!" Kronos chanted aiming at a mouse at his feet, a gray mist was shot out from his wand, and the mouse under his feet trembled. Then he turned his head and disappeared into the darkness.

"Okay, he's not!"

"The human form is revealed."

"The human form is revealed."

"The human form is revealed."





Kronos felt that his luck must have been exhausted when he used the Felicia the year before last, otherwise he wouldn't have failed to draw cards fifty times in a row, and couldn't find Pettigrew after chanting the Appearance Spell on forty mice Peter.

By this time Snake had returned, and he searched the entire Gryffindor lounge. It told Kronos that only the mouse in front of Kronos was left in the entire tent.

Kronos leaned down and grabbed the mouse in his hands. Kronos didn't know how long it took him, but the sun had already risen outside. Chronos took advantage of the sunlight shining into the tent, and he discovered that the mouse was missing a little finger on its right forelimb.

"Okay, it's him." Kronos was sure that it was Peter Pettigrew. If it wasn't for the freezing spell binding it, he would have been trembling with fright.

Now Peter Pettigrew has been caught, but Chronos has another difficulty. He can't use the Killing Curse at all, how can he kill it?

"I leave it to you!" Kronos threw the mouse at Snake's feet. Although Snake hates sewer creatures that eat rats, he doesn't dare to disobey Chronos' orders.

Kronos kept staring at Snake, seeing Snake take off the mouse in one gulp, the scales all over his body shrank a few times. The earning process is not bloody at all. Snakes don't bite their prey at all. No matter what they eat, they swallow it in one bite.

Kronos stretched out his left hand, allowing Snake to climb onto his wrist again. Kronos touched its chin comfortingly, and Snake spat out the snake letter, indicating that it was disgusting.

"Okay, next time I won't let Li eat mice." Kronos comforted.

Chronos walked out of the tent, the sky outside was completely bright, but it was still gloomy under the dense clouds.

Kronos has already seen the group of teachers and students not far away coming here. Quidditch is especially popular in the wizarding world, just like football has the same status in the hearts of Europeans.

All the teachers and students of the school came out to watch the game as usual. They ran along the lawn towards the field, lowering their heads against the violent wind, and the umbrellas in the hands of some students were blown away by the strong wind.

"Cronos, why are you here?" The Gryffindor players had already entered the locker room, and the three of Harry were at the forefront. They were followed by their captain, Wood, and the Weasley twin.

"Eh... I'm here to catch the mice. Hehe..." Chronos also learned Professor Snape's unique trick, his face didn't blush and his heart didn't beat. And he really came to catch mice.

"When did you start working as Hermione's stinky cat?" When Ron said this, he still looked at Crookshanks in Hermione's arms with disgust.

"Crookshanks is a cat, and it is its nature to catch mice. Ron, do you want me to tell you a few times." Hermione didn't give in to Ron at all.

Chronos could see that Harry was having a hard time being caught between them.

"Come on, Harry." Kronos walked to Harry's side and patted Harry on the shoulder. "There is no Slytherin team today, I will cheer for you."

Wood, who was behind Harry, let out a strange choking sound, Chronos gave him a strange look, and found that he was shaking his head helplessly. Chronos didn't know what he meant, so he opened the curtain and walked out of the Gryffindor dressing room.

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