Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 14 Occlumency

If the wizard's own magic power is the energy for magic to run, then the wizard's own spiritual power is the rule that restricts the operation of magic.

Among them, Occlumency can also keep the user absolutely calm and rational, and at the same time enhance the user's sensory ability and reaction ability. It can be said that if you learn it, then your learning of magic will be twice the result with half the effort.

There are only two people in Hogwarts who know Occlumency, one is Professor Snape and the other is Dumbledore. Asking Dumbledore to teach Chronos was clearly a dream.

After finally getting Snape's opportunity to make a small contribution, it would be a shame for Professor Snape's talent not to learn from the best.

Snape stared at Chronos for a long time, and Chronos was sure he was using Legilimency to detect if he spoke.

But Professor Snape must be disappointed, Chronos did not lie. He learned Occlumency to strengthen his control over mental power.

"In that case, I'll teach you Occlumency! Anyway, you may not be able to learn it." Snape is really arrogant, even if he does something good, he will not let you go.

"To learn Occlumency, the first thing you need to master is to empty your brain - not to think, not to remember, not to feel, not to think wildly. Because as long as your brain is empty, then even if someone else has invaded Your brain can't detect any information. This is the basis of Occlumency. If you can't even do this, it proves that you don't have talent in this area, and then there is no need to mention the higher levels behind it. .”

"Simply put, it's just a daze!" Kronos said something as if he had suddenly realized

Professor Snape's face visibly twitched, "You'd better use your giant brain, the highest level of Occlumency is to allow you to give up some senses voluntarily. Being in a daze will indeed make you stop thinking, but your Your body and your skin are still feeling the outside world all the time."

That being said, it's not that simple at all. People's minds are thinking all the time, from national politics to daily routines. People even dream when they sleep.

It can be said that this kind of thing depends entirely on talent, even if someone teaches it, it may not be successful.

"Okay, let's start the first stage of contact!" Snape pulled out his wand.

He stared at the bench under Kronos for a moment, and the chair immediately turned into a comfortable recliner.

"Now lie on it and let your mind go, hurry up." Professor Snape said sternly.

Chronos complained about Snape in his heart, then lay down on the couch. He stared dryly at the lights in the office.

"Or, close your eyes and try." The prolonged staring made Kronos' eyes sore and painful!

But as soon as he closed his eyes, Parvati's face appeared in front of Kronos' eyes, and then he fell asleep like that.

When Kronos woke up, he didn't know what time it was, and Kronos wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. He got up and began to look for Professor Snape.

"If you haven't slept enough, please go back to your bed." Professor Snape said to Chronos without turning his head while handling his cauldron.

Kronos scratched his head in embarrassment. In fact, he can't blame him for it. He just made a mistake that all beginners make again.

Walking out of Professor Snape's office, Kronos shrank his neck in a gust of cold wind.

Go to the entrance to the Slytherin common room.

"Password." The man in the painting asked.

"Snake letter!" The password is changed every two weeks. But obviously the first week is not over yet.

Returning to his bed, Chronos found a plate of apple pie and chocolate pot cake next to his bedside table. Underneath is a note.

"I know you didn't go to the restaurant to eat, this is what I brought for you."

The signature below is Draco Malfoy.

"Hey, who said that our young master is a selfish guy. Isn't that what he cares about his friends too!"

Kronos ate the dinner left by Draco in two or three bites, and lying on the bed, he once again learned to empty his mind. Only this time it took him a long time to fall asleep.

Finally had a flight lesson on Thursday morning, albeit with the Gryffindor students. But this did not affect Draco's love of flying in the slightest.

On the way to the flying field, Draco kept explaining his flying skills and his heroic operation when playing Quidditch in Kronos' ears.

Chronos was convinced that Draco wasn't bragging, and that Draco was, in fact, really good at Quidditch. Although his father, Mr. Lucius, sponsored the latest broom for the Slytherin team, would Draco be able to enter the Slytherin Quidditch team if he had no skills at all? Professor Snape would not take care of Draco in this regard.

When the Gryffindor students arrived at the venue, the Slytherins were already waiting at the venue, and twenty broomsticks were neatly placed in front of them.

Chronos spotted Harry in the crowd, walking with the red-haired Ron, and Hermione at the end of the line, who was obviously not ready by the look on her face.

After a while their teacher Mrs. Hooch came. She had short gray hair, and her eyes were yellow like a hawk's.

"Well, what are you all waiting for?" she snapped. "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Quick, quick, hurry up."

Everyone's broom is shabby, but some brooms are good. Harry and Draco uttered a broomstick and it flew into their hands.

Kronos's broomstick flew slowly, but he was not the worst.

Like Hermione's broomstick, no matter what Hermione calls it. It was just rolling lazily on the ground, as for Mr. Neville Longbottom. His broom was flying up and down in the air, and Chronos found him almost crying.

"Now, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground and kick hard," said Mrs. Hooch, "hold the broom steady, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly, and fall straight back to the ground. Listen to my whistle—three—two—"

Before the words were finished, our poor Mr. Longbottom was already in heaven.

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