Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 141 Back to School

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"Mr. Slughorn, 20-80% is really our final concession." Mr. Delacour's face was a little anxious, as if he was about to cry.

"For the last time, it can only be 20 to 80 percent. Without our help, you will never want to open the European market again." Mr. Adenauer seemed very stubborn.

Kronos could see that, one of these two people sang the red face and the other sang the bad face. But Kronos had already made up his mind to eat them.

Chronos leaned lazily on the sofa, pointing to the direction of the fireplace with his right hand. The meaning of seeing off guests is simply too obvious.

"Hmph!" Mr. Adenauer snorted coldly, and took the lead to pick up the bowler hat on the table.

Mr. Delacour looked at Mr. Adenauer and then at Mr. Malfoy, and found that Mr. Malfoy was also looking at him helplessly.

"Oh!" Mr. Delacour sighed, and took his hat to leave.

"Wait!" Kronos called to stop the two who were about to leave.

"What? Regret it?" Mr. Adenauer turned his head and looked at Chronos jokingly, saying that Chronos didn't even know where he got his confidence.

"I can't talk about regret. I just want to tell you something." Kronos sat up straight.

"Huh?" Mr. Adenauer frowned.

"I don't know if you two have seen the power and function of the magic circle." Kronos asked with a smile.

"You...what do you want to do?" Mr. Adenauer was frightened and hid behind Mr. Delacour, who was shorter than him. Even Mr. Malfoy, who was sitting behind the desk, stood up. He was really afraid that Chronos would kill the two of them if he got angry.

"Calm down, calm down!" Kronos waved his hand, "Looking at the expressions of the two of you, you should have seen the power of the magic circle before."

"Yeah!" Mr. Delacour nodded. He still can't forget the mood when he first discovered the magic circle. On a simple drawing, drawing some regular graphics can explode such terrifying power. Even muggles who don't have any magic power can use it.

"I think what you see is just a drop in the bucket." Kronos walked in front of them and continued,

"The magic circle, like the wand, is a wizard's magical tool, but unlike the wand, it has just appeared, and it still has endless possibilities for development."

"What I have developed now are offensive magic circles and sustainable defensive magic circles. If I hand these to a Squib casually, I'm afraid he will be able to explode into a combat power that is not weaker than the average Auror."

"Don't worry!" Kronos held down Mr. Delacour who was about to speak, "What if I use these magic circles to arm the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic? Arm them like an army degree."

"At that time, what will the strength of British wizards compare to that of European wizards? That may be the difference between a World War II soldier with a submachine gun and a World War I soldier with a rifle!"

"Maybe the current Minister of Magic won't have any ambitions, but I can't guarantee the future Minister of Magic. What if he comes up with a whim one day and has a great dream of unifying the European wizarding world?" Korono said. Si said something that they didn't even dare to think about.

Kronos saw the two tremble, and he felt that his goal had been achieved.

"Okay, you two can leave. I'm done talking." Kronos turned his head and said nothing.

M. Delacour and M. Adenauer looked at each other, and they both saw terror in each other's eyes. They all seemed to recall the fear of being dominated by Grindelwald back then.

"We need to go back and discuss with the families to equalize our news, Mr. Slughorn." After speaking, the two hurriedly put on their hats and got into the fireplace.

With a "bang", the two of them just disappeared. Although Kronos has been in the magic world for several years, he still thinks magic is amazing!

Chronos turned his head and found that Mr. Malfoy was looking at Chronos excitedly. Those eyes were full of heat.

"What's going on?" Kronos thought.

"Cronos, is what you said just now true? Do we really have a chance to unify the European magical world?" Mr. Malfoy looked excited.

"What's the situation? I didn't convince the other party, but I told my own people." Kronos said speechlessly.

"It's possible in theory." Kronos nodded, "but I'm afraid it won't work in a short time."

Mr. Malfoy seemed to have calmed down too, it wasn't a child of Draco's age anymore. After the excitement, there was only calm left. I am afraid that the most exciting thing he did back then was to follow Voldemort.

"Don't worry! Uncle Lucius, after Christmas, they will definitely agree to our request."

Seeing Kronos' confident expression, Mr. Malfoy could only nod with a wry smile.

In the evening, Mrs. Malfoy prepared a sumptuous dinner. But they are all common Christmas foods: including turkey, tree trunk cake, almond pudding, gingerbread, seafood, polenta...  

The next day, they will go to school. On this cold, damp January morning, the last thing anyone wants to do is get out of the warmth of their blankets.

But Mrs. Malfoy called them out of bed early in the morning. In her words, "It's okay to be late for the first class on the first day of the new semester."

The first breakfast of the new year was not as rich as the Christmas dinner. Mrs. Malfoy fried some bacon and examination room in the pan, and there were some gingerbread leftovers from yesterday's dinner on the table.

After arriving at Hogwarts in the carriage of Mr. Malfoy's family, their first class was to stand on the cold and damp ground for two hours-a class on the protection of magical animals.

But it didn't occur to Hagrid that in order to make them happy, he made a bonfire full of salamanders. This class is very interesting. The students collect firewood and leaves to keep the fire burning. Those lizards who like flames are scurrying around in the crackling firewood.

And Professor Trelawney's neurosis seems to be getting worse, first of all in the auditorium. She did not want to dine in the same room with Chronos.

Secondly, the students who were brainwashed by her, Parvati dare not sit in the thirteenth seat at the table.

"I can't, Professor Trelawney told me. Whenever thirteen people sit together at a meal, the first person to stand up dies." Screamed Parvati, changing places.


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