Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 149 Chase

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Kronos strode across the lawn, his robe fluttering behind him.

Kronos walked across the foyer, past the auditorium. Climbing up the spiral staircase, he took out the Marauder's Map in his pocket. Pettigrew. Peter is still there, he has not moved.

Kronos no longer looked at the road, he was staring at the names on the map. Kronos found that his name was a few hundred meters away from him.

Chronos followed the route on the map. He took out his wand and held it tightly in his hand, only he saw Pettigrew Peter. Kronos will give him a "shattered bone" spell to try.

The names of the two people are getting closer and closer. "Silence and silence." Kronos used a spell card on himself in advance.

"Twenty meters, fifteen meters, ten meters," Chronos' breathing became heavier, but because of the silence, others couldn't hear a little sound.

"Five meters, three meters," Kronos had already retracted the map, and he began to look at the corridor with piles of statues in front of him. It seems that this place has been abandoned for a long time. If it weren't for the guidance of the Marauder's Map, it would be impossible for Chronos to find this place.

Kronos carefully observed the surroundings, looking for the figure of Peter Pettigrew. He took two steps forward cautiously, but he still didn't find the mouse.

Kronos took out the map, and now their names are less than one meter apart." "Phantom Stealth" has also lost its effect.

Kronos took another tentative step, and their names on the map have completely overlapped. But Chronos still didn't see any rats on the ground.

Suddenly, Chronos turned his head and looked at a tall wizard statue beside him, saying that by chance a mouse was standing on his shoulder, Chronos was looking at him, and he was also looking at Chronos .

"Torn apart!" Kronos swung his wand violently, and a mass of gray transparent light shot out from the tip of the wand.

"Bang!" With a sound, the wizard statue exploded as if a bomb had been installed in its body. But the mouse was unharmed.

Kronos knocked crookedly, when he released the spell. Kronos clearly felt a violent shaking from the tip of his wand. Kronos had never experienced this feeling before, and he couldn't control it all at once. The wand was raised slightly upwards.

"You should shoot! Give me a recoil.

Kronos complained in his heart, he missed several "Bones Crushing" spells in a row. He finally determined that it was not because of himself and the wand, but because of the spell itself.

Kronos missed a few "Bonebreaker" spells, and several wizard statues were smashed into pieces by Kronos' spells. The dust on the ground was also kicked up by Kronos. Kronos couldn't see clearly for a moment.

Chronos took out the Marauder's Map, fortunately, the name of Pettigrew marked on the map was not far from him.

Kronos came to a sewer pipe, and the map showed Pettigrew. Peter got into it. The mouth of the tunnel is large, though Chronos can slip through it. But that speed is basically the same as that of a turtle.

"Snake!" Kronos shook the basilisk on his left wrist, and Snake turned around and got into the tunnel. After a few strokes, it disappeared.

Chronos glanced at the Marauder's Map, and Snake's name was not marked on the map. That's right, Harry's father and his group of four certainly didn't find Slytherin's secret room. Of course, they would not know that there was such a monster under their feet.

Kronos patted his wizard robe a few times, which was covered with dust. Chronos didn't intend to be idle either. Snake didn't have a Marauder's map in his hand, and with the tunnels under Hogwarts well developed, Snake might not be able to catch him.

Chronos looked at the map, he planned to chase Peter Pettigrew above the castle. He walked out of this abandoned corridor and followed the instructions on the map. Now he is only separated from Peter Pettigrew by a wall.

Kronos was too focused, he was staring at Pettigrew. Peter's name. So much so that he didn't see the name that appeared at the corner in front.

"Hmm!" Kronos groaned, and a black shadow appeared in front of him. Kronos ran so fast that he ran into him all at once.

Kronos was knocked to the ground, and the man who hit him was fine. Instead, he came over and pulled Chronos who was slumped on the ground.

"Professor Lupine?" Kronos looked up to see the owner of the hand in front of him. The seemingly thin Professor Lupine was able to withstand the impact of Kronos.

"Could it be possible to increase the essence before transformation after becoming a werewolf?" Kronos had a bold idea in his heart.

"It's me, Chronos." Professor Lupine laughed. "But why are you here? I thought you were at the Quidditch final."

"Not everyone is as special as me." Kronos subconsciously waved his left hand when he saw the Marauder's Map on his left hand.

Only then did he realize that it was too bad, and he hurriedly hid the left hand holding the map behind his back. But it's too late.

"How do you have this map?" Professor Lupine asked Chronos, rubbing his chin. "As far as I know, this map should have been confiscated by Mr. Filch many years ago."

"Given how much Mr. Filch respects me, it's not too much for me to ask him for a map!" Chronos simply stopped pretending, and he became more generous.

"Of course! Hahaha." Professor Lupine laughed dryly.

"Then can you show me that map? Don't worry, just look at it, it's definitely not confiscated." As he spoke, Professor Lupine stretched out his dry and slender fingers. Kronos saw that his fingernails were abnormally black, which may be the sequelae left after becoming a werewolf.

"Of course!" Kronos put the Marauder's Map in Professor Lupine's hand. He was not afraid that Professor Lupine would know that Pettigrew Peter was not dead. Anyway, Professor Lupine had the same idea as Chronos at the beginning, killing Peter Pettigrew.

Professor Lupine himself is one of the makers of the Marauder's Map, and his proficiency in maps is much better than that of Chronos. He turned it over a few times, and a comprehensive map of Hogwarts appeared in front of his eyes.

Professor Lupine glanced around a few times, and his eyes locked on a name that was moving at high speed—Pettigret. Peter.


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