Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 151 The Screaming Shack

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Kronos hurriedly put the wolfbane potion on the desk, and he took out the Marauder's Map in his pocket.

Professor Lupine's name flashed across the map, and the last place Chronos saw him appear was the Whomping Willow.

Chronos picked up the map and ran out the door. He felt that this was his last chance to kill Peter Pettigrew. If he had found Voldemort in the Albanian jungle, it wouldn't be long before Voldemort returned.

In the dark, Chronos ran across the grass. But he was out of breath after running a few steps. For the first time, he felt that the wizard's physical strength was so weak.

In the moonlight, the wicker of the Whomping Willow creaked as if in a strong wind, whipping back and forth like a whip, preventing them from approaching.

"Bones to pieces!" The curse shattered a lot of willow branches, and accurately hit a knot on the tree's body.

The Whomping Willow stopped rioting immediately, as if it had turned into stone, not even shaking the leaves.

Within seconds Chronos was rushing to the trunk, but before he had reached the opening between the roots, Chronos saw something gleaming silver. Kronos stretched out his hand, and immediately felt a soft touch from between his fingers.

"It's Harry's Invisibility Cloak?" Kronos picked up the light thing, which was shining brightly under the moonlight.

"Crack!" A powerful thug was placed on Kronos' shoulder, and Kronos raised his wand violently.

But Chronos lowered his wand when he saw the moonlight in Professor Snape's pupils.

"Professor, why are you here?" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Kronos felt that he had asked a levelless question. It's not like Professor Snape didn't have a Marauder's Map.

"You can go back to the castle now!" Professor Snape said, looking at Chronos coldly.

"But, professor..." Kronos stood there motionless.

"Go back...immediately! Immediately!" Professor Snape yelled.

"Yes!" Kronos hung his head like a flower withered.

Seeing Chronos drifting away, Professor Snape put the invisibility cloak on his body and got into the tree hole.

As soon as Professor Snape got into the tree hole, Kronos turned back immediately.

Chronos has never been a good boy who is obedient and obedient, and Hermione is not obedient either!

Kronos cast "Silence" and "Phantom Stealth" on himself in succession!

Kronos bent down and got into the hole. Climb head-on, and slide down the dirt slope into the bottom of a very low tunnel. Chronos couldn't see Professor Snape wearing the invisibility cloak, so he didn't dare to move too far.

Kronos was bent low, and he slowed down as much as possible. The tunnel began to slope upwards, and after a while, it turned a corner. Kronos could see a glimmer of light, which should be the exit.

"If you want to tell them something, tell them quickly, Remus!" There was a hoarse roar from above Chronos' head, which should be the voice of Sirius Black.

"Squeak!" With a sound, the door at the entrance opened automatically. All sounds seemed to have stopped, and the quiet Kronos could only hear his own voice.

"no one….….…."

"This place is haunted!" said Ron.

"No." It was Professor Lupine's voice. "The Shrieking Shack has never been haunted. . . . The screams and howls heard by the villagers are all from me."

Only Chronos knew it was Professor Snape wearing the Invisibility Cloak.

Kronos slowly approached the door, and Kronos saw the situation inside through the crack of the door. Ron was lying on the floor next to a dusty four-poster bed. His leg was bleeding, probably from being injured by Sirius Black.

Crookshanks lay on the bed and meowed at them. Sirius Black, a shaggy-faced man, stood in front of the door with Professor Lupine,

Opposite them should be Harry and Hermione.

Chronos didn't dare to push the door in now, because Professor Snape was probably leaning on the other side of the door.

Chronos found that Ron was clutching his pocket tightly, and the bulging there should be Peter Pettigrew.

Suddenly Kronos felt his ankle go cold, he looked down to see Snake. It's also chasing Pettigrew. Here comes Peter.

The conversation inside the door continued, but Sirius Black seemed impatient.

"Hurry up, Remus!" Sirius Black roared.

"Soon, Sirius, soon...well..." Professor Lupine was trying to comfort Sirius Black.

"Snake!" Kronos called softly, and Snake climbed onto his palm. Kronos pointed at it with his wand and said, "Shrink quickly!"

Snake immediately turned into a small snake the size of an earthworm. In such a dimly lit place, Snake was definitely a card for Kronos to surprise.

Snake followed the crack of the door, twisted a few times, and nimbly got in. Kronos once again observed the situation inside through the crack of the door.

"But Snape saw me at the other end of the tunnel. Dumbledore forbade him to tell anyone, however, he knew who I was from then on..." Professor Lupine finally finished their story.

"Is that why Snape doesn't like you?" Harry asked slowly. "He thinks you were part of that prank?"

"That's right!" Professor Snape took off the Invisibility Cloak, pointing his wand at Lupine.

There was a sudden commotion in the room, Hermione screamed, Black jumped up, and Harry seemed to have suffered a sudden strong electric shock. Ron let out a scream that Kronos couldn't understand, maybe his leg was broken!

"I found this under the Whomping Willow!" Professor Snape tossed aside the Invisibility Cloak, still pointing his wand carefully at Lupine's chest.

"Severus..." Professor Lupine wanted to say something, but Professor Snape stopped him.

"I told the Headmaster over and over again that you were helping your old friend Blake sneak into the castle, Lupine, and there's evidence in front of you. It never even occurred to me that you dared to use this old place as your shelter."

"Severus, you've misunderstood," Professor Lupine said urgently. "You didn't hear everything. I can explain. Sirius Black didn't come to kill Harry."

"There's going to be two more people in Azkaban tonight," said Professor Snape, who didn't come close to what Professor Lupine had said.

"You fool," said Professor Lupine mildly, "is it worth sending an innocent person to Azkaban for the sake of school days?"


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