Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 156 Daphne's Letter

"Hogwarts Card Drawer ()"!


Unsurprisingly, Chronos failed again. He couldn't remember how many times this was the first failure, and Kronos was affected by powerful forces. The whole body flew upside down and stuck on the wall like a poster. .

With him, there was dust from the ceiling.

"Cough, cough!" Kronos coughed twice. Looking at the mess in the room, he couldn't even find a place to sit. The floor, bed, and walls were all covered with dust left by the explosion. .

In fact, Kronos probably knew why he failed. Since ancient times, the most difficult thing to train the human body is to train the soul. Chronos has no soul in his Philosopher's Stone, so how could he succeed.

Unless Kronos can abandon his soul, like Voldemort refining Horcruxes, divide his soul. Chronos would be mad if he did that. .

Divide the soul? Just look at Voldemort's final fate, he can't really die, and he can't become a ghost. I'm afraid he really disappeared from this world!

So if you really want to refine a human body, you need to keep the soul of the resurrected person, and then you can resurrect a person with a relatively correct proportion of materials. Or another is to create a non-human body and the resurrected soul does not conflict with the body.

In short, the human body is trained, and the soul is the most important thing. At this point, the human body has reached a bottleneck. If Kronos wants to continue, he must either collect souls or refine souls.

As soon as Kronos saw the words refining the soul, he couldn't help but think of the resurrection stone in the Deathly Hallows. Perhaps that is the only thing in this world that can refine the soul!

"Back to the original!" Under the blessing of the magic spell, the room quickly returned to its original appearance.

Kronos rubbed his eyes and stared around the bedroom as if he could see something out of the ordinary.

Indeed, the room was indeed filled with things that are not common to normal people. Under his bed was a large leather chest, open to reveal a cauldron, spellbooks, wizard's robes, and various potions.

On the table was a large boxy bed, where Chronos' black Toothless was lying and perching. Toothless boy has become very lazy since last year, except eating and sleeping. Chronos thought he was sick, so he wrote to Mr. Newt for consultation.

As a result, Mr. Newt wrote back and told him,

Toothless may have entered a growth cycle, which is similar to the puberty of human beings. He let Chronos serve Toothless with good food and drink. This further contributed to the inertia of Toothless Boy, and Kronos felt that its wings had grown for nothing.

In the rest of the table, a few rolls of parchment were thrown around. There was an open book on the floor beside the bed, which Harry had read before bed last night. The pictures in the book were all jittery, young men in bright orange-red robes on broomsticks flying around and throwing red balls at each other.

Chronos walked over, picked up the book, and watched a wizard throw a ball into a fifty-foot hoop and win a brilliant shot. Immediately, Kronos slammed the book shut again.

This was what Draco brought him last time, an encyclopedia about Quidditch teams.

Kronos leaned his head out of the window and took a few mouthfuls of air greedily. There was a big living creature that was tilting its body strangely, flapping its wings and flying towards Harry, getting bigger and bigger.

When it got closer, Chronos realized that it was a thin owl carrying a letter that was too big for him.

The owl was so small that he kept turning somersaults in the air, being staggered by the cold air of the night.

Kronos hastily unlatched the window and grabbed him with his arms. It felt like he had grabbed a furry bat, and he brought it in carefully.

Satisfied, the owl slapped the letter onto Chronos' desk. Toothless Boy half-opened his eyes and glanced at it, then shrank his head inward again, as if to confirm whether his territory was in any danger.

Chronos picked up the letter, which was sent to him by Daphne. He tore open the envelope.

Dear Chronos:

I hope this letter can be delivered to your home before the 30th (tomorrow), because the Quidditch World Cup is only a few days away.

I have been waiting for the day, and I know it may be too hasty to write to you now. But I think it is better for us to prepare earlier.

My father had already prepared our tickets to the Quidditch match, in the same compartment as Minister Fudge. I hope that after you read this letter, please write a reply letter and ask Emily (the owl) to send it back, and we will pick you up at your home through the Floo network tomorrow afternoon.

Also, Draco Malfoy and his father were in the same room as us.


your faithful

Daphne Greengrass

Also, Emily needs a snack to work.

After Kronos finished reading the letter, he looked at Emily who was looking at him with her head tilted on the table.

Chronos tore some fine beef that Toothless Boy ate into slices of meat every day, and fed them to Emily. And he sat at the desk and began to write a reply.

To be honest, Chronos still felt that the wizarding world was a bit too backward in terms of communication. Things that can be resolved in a few minutes with a series of phone calls, but how much time is wasted if you insist on letting the owl deliver the letter.

"Shushasha!" The only sound left in the room was the sound of Kronos writing and Emily swallowing meat.

"Okay, send this letter to your mistress!" Kronos opened the window, put the written letter by Emily's mouth, and it consciously bit the corner of the letter.

Flap, flap your wings twice. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the thick night.

"The Quidditch World Cup! I'm afraid Voldemort is ready to implement his first plan!" Kronos stared at the direction Emily flew away in a daze.

As the cold, gray light of the pre-dawn sky slowly seeps into the room, the typhoon light of Chronos seems to be dimming.

Finally, the sun rose, and the bedroom walls were golden. Only then did Kronos realize that he hadn't had a rest all night. He grabbed the discarded parchment on the table and crumpled it into a ball.

Then he jumped and lay down on his own bed, paying no attention to Horace's howling and roaring downstairs.


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