Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 184 Selection Rules

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The facilities in the auditorium had already been installed, and the professors added an extra table and chairs to the long tables on both sides of Slytherin and Ravenclaw for the distinguished guests of Beauxbaton and Durmstrang.

And above, at the staff desk, Filch the Administrator was adding some chairs. For today's grand occasion, he specially put on that moldy tuxedo.

After all the students had entered the auditorium and took their seats at their respective house tables, the staff came in and they filed over to the chairmen and took their seats.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts—and especially the guests," said Dumbledore, smiling at the students from other schools. "You are all very welcome to Hogwarts. I hope I trust you here too. I will live comfortably and be happy.”

"The game will officially begin after midsummer," Dumbledore announced. "Now, please don't be too polite, and please eat and drink."

The plates in front of them were full of food as usual. Looks like the elf door in the kitchen is taking out all the storage. Kronos had never seen such a wide variety of dishes, some of which were clearly foreign.

Karkaroff sat next to Professor Snape, and thanks to this, Kronos was able to be safe for a while, but judging from the expression on Professor Snape's face, he was not very happy to meet him. This former accomplice.

Although there were only 20 more students, the hall seemed more crowded than usual. Probably because of wearing different colored school uniforms. After taking off their fur coats, Durmstrang's students revealed dark red robes, which were much more eye-catching than the black robes worn by Hogwarts students.

Twenty minutes into the banquet, two men squeezed in through the door behind the staff desk and filled the two vacant places next to Dumbledore.

Ludo Bagman sat on the other side of Professor Karkaroff, and Percy's immediate boss, Mr. Crouch, sat next to Ms. Maxim.

"Hi, Chronos. We meet again." Mr. Bagman waved happily to Chronos. He didn't pay any attention to the awkward look on Kronos' face.

The second course came, and they also noticed quite a few strange puddings. Chronos studied a pale custard pudding, carefully moving it a few inches to the right, where it was clearly visible even from the Ravenclaw table.

Dumbledore stood up again after the food was cleared from the golden plate, and there was a pleasant tension in the hall, and the students below were trembling with excitement, thinking about what was going to happen next. Not far from them, Fred and George leaned forward, staring intently at Dumbledore.

"The hour has come," said Dumbledore, smiling up into the upturned faces of the crowd. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin. Before we bring in the chest, let me say a few words."

"Just to explain the steps we have taken this year. First, let me introduce for those who don't know them: Mr. Barty Crouch, the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. (Sparse and polite applause rang out), this This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports."

Bagman got more applause than Crouch, perhaps because of his reputation as a chaser, or perhaps simply because he was more likable. He waved happily in thanks.

Barty Crouch was different. He didn't smile or wave when his name was announced. Chronos remembered that in the original book, he should be controlled by Barty Crouch Jr. with the Imperius Curse at this time.

But now that Barty Crouch Jr. has not turned into Mad-Eye Moody, maybe he is still staying at his home.

"In the past few months, Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly to prepare for the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore continued, "They will work with me, Professor Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim together formed the Miss Judges who judged the efforts of the contestants.

When the players were mentioned, the students raised their ears even more.

Perhaps Dumbledore, noticing their sudden silence, smiled and said, "Now, Mr. Filch, bring the chest, please."

No one noticed how long Filch had been in the corner of the hall, walking towards Dumbledore with a large ancient jeweled box. The students chattered excitedly. In fact, Dennis Creevey stood on a chair in order to see the jewelry box. Unfortunately, he was too small, so others blocked his view.

"Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman have already checked the mission statement that this year's champions will face," while Dumbledore was speaking, Filch had carefully placed the box on the table in front of him, "They have Necessary preparations have been made for each challenge. The three missions will run through the school year, and they will test the contestants in different ways, testing their magical talents, courage, reasoning ability, and of course the ability to deal with danger."

As soon as the voice fell, the entire hall was silent, so quiet that no one seemed to be breathing.

"You know, there will be three contestants." Dumbledore continued calmly, "One from each participating school. We will give each contestant a score for their performance in each competition task. After the three competition tasks are completed, The one with the highest total score wins. Contestants will be chosen by an impartial selector—the Burning Goblet of Fire."

Dumbledore took out his wand and tapped the jewel chest three times. The lid creaked and opened slowly. He reached in and pulled out a large, crudely hewn wooden cup. If it weren't for the blue and white flames dancing around the edge of the wooden cup, it would be really inconspicuous.

Dumbledore closed the jewel box and carefully placed the burning Goblet of Fire on top of it so that everyone could see it.

"Applicants must write their names and schools neatly on the parchment, and then throw the parchment into the cup," Dumbledore said, "Those who are interested, please put their names in the cup within 24 hours. Just before Halloween, the Goblet will give the name of the player it has chosen to be the most qualified to represent their school.

"About the age of the contestants, I have already discussed with several referees of the competition." Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and said, "Although we will not limit the age of the contestants..."

"But!" Dumbledore had to amplify his voice to suppress the reveling students, "I will draw a line of abilities around the Goblet of Fire, I think it will be a good way to distinguish those who can participate in the Triwizard Tournament .I'll put it in the auditorium tonight!"


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