Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 194 Fire Fighting Dragon

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"What did they do?" Fleur asked as if asking Chronos.

"I don't know." Chronos spread his hands, let's pray before the game! Chronos made a joke, but Fleur couldn't laugh at all.

Kronos didn't care about this either. He looked at the entrance and exit of the tent and thought, "This Ludo Bagman is really a serious gambler. The gambler's mentality puts all his treasures on the most inconspicuous person, and often Unexpected gains can be made.”

"??,??,??" A sudden whistle woke up Kronos. Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

"Am I still out?" Kronos asked, but no one spoke at all.

Kronos shook his head, and he walked outside through the entrance of the tent, his heart beating faster for no reason. It's not fear, but a feeling of nervousness, excitement, and agitation mixed together.

Chronos walked past the books, through a gap in the field fence.

Everything he saw seemed to be a dream of extremely high color. The first thing he'd seen since he'd set foot in the place were hundreds of faces looking down at him from magically conjured stands. And, of course, the Chinese dragon across the paddock.

It was the first time Kronos had seen such a big dragon. Compared with it last time, Norbert was simply a baby.

Chinese Fire Dragon, also known as Lion Dragon. The average length of an adult dragon is 25 feet (about 7.62 meters).

The Chinese fire dragon is the only fire dragon in the East, and its appearance is particularly eye-catching. Its smooth scales were scarlet, and its face had a snub nose surrounded by a golden fringe of spikes, and its eyes were bulging.

It weighs between two and four tons, with the male chartan's body being larger than the female's. The eggs of the fire dragon are a vivid crimson with gold flecks, and the shells are prized and used in Chinese witchcraft circles. The dragon is aggressive by nature, but it is more tolerant of its own kind than most dragons, and is sometimes even willing to share a territory with one or two other dragons.

Most mammals are a gourmet meal for Fireball, but it also prefers to eat pigs and people. Of course, these were all Mr. Newt told him, and he had to admire Mr. Newt's profound knowledge at the moment.

I have to say that this fire dragon is really beautiful, with a golden red body, just like the sun. But at this moment, Kronos is not in the mood to appreciate it anymore. His mission is the golden egg.

At this moment, the Chinese dragon on the other side of the paddock also found Chronos, the unexpected guest, and it crouched down to protect her eggs, her wings were half-open, and her evil, golden eyes looked at Chronos.

There was a loud noise from the audience, but whether it was encouraged or not, Chronos knew he was going to shoot.

The fire dragon is covered by hard scales, so ordinary magic has no effect on it, it is like wearing a layer of anti-magic armor.

However, the fire dragon is not without any weaknesses, the eyes on the dragon's head, the dragon wings and the reverse scales on the tail.

Ni Lin, Kronos didn't plan to, if he touched that thing, it would be an endless battle, and he would have to be a dragon slaying warrior at that time. And the dragon's eyes are even more ridiculous, unless he is a sharpshooter, don't even think about it.

So there was only one weakness of the dragon wing. Kronos raised his wand above his head, and waved it around his head like a whip.

A crimson flame spouted from the tip of the wand, and the tail feathers of the flame left a crimson patch in the air.

"My God, our first player, Kronos, actually chose to confront the Chinese Fire Dragon?" Ludo Bagman finally came back, and he was explaining passionately to the competition field at the moment.

"We all know that facing a full-grown fire dragon, even a group of experienced dragon hunting wizards would not dare to confront it..."

Ludo Bagman on the stage gave an eloquent explanation,

But Kronos had no time for distractions.

Kronos slammed down the magic wand that was raised above his head, and the hellfire that had been brewing in the air for a long time poured out like a flood that had burst its embankment.

Although a fire dragon is a maker of flames, it does not mean that it is not afraid of burning fire. The purpose of Kronos is to burn the wings of the Chinese fire dragon through the flames of hell, so as to achieve the effect of injuring the enemy.

But this fire dragon seems to be very smart, and there seems to be a hint of disdain in its golden dragon eyes. It retracted its originally open wings, and spread its two huge dragon claws, tightly holding the boulder in the field.

A golden fringe of air visible to the naked eye begins around the nose. Its golden eyes bulged out sharply.

"Fuck!" Kronos knew what was going on as soon as he saw this posture. This dragon is also known as the Chinese Fire Ball Dragon because it can shoot mushroom-shaped fireballs from its nostrils when it is provoked.

Sure enough, a group of golden-red flames shot out from the dragon's lion's nostrils. The golden flames collided with the crimson flames.

The spectators on the surrounding viewing platforms felt a terrifying heat wave rushing towards their faces, as if the competition platform below them was really a fiery hell.

Kronos, who was inside the venue, could no longer see the surrounding scenes clearly, and the terrifying temperature seemed to distort the space.

Kronos felt that he might have made a stupid decision. He underestimated the IQ of the fire dragon, especially a fire dragon that had been dealing with humans for a long time. Wouldn't it be as stupid as playing with a big knife in front of Guan Gong to compare fire with a fire dragon?

Kronos transferred the wand from his right hand to his left hand. He stretched out his vacant right hand forward, making a 90-degree right angle with the palm of his arm.

Kronos muttered something silently, and circles of silver-blue light circles appeared on Kronos' right hand. A layer of sky-blue air radiated from the palm of Kronos' right hand, which made Kronos feel a lot more comfortable, and his brain, which had been confused by the high temperature, was also awake. He accelerated the speed of chanting the mantra in his mouth.

When the last moon sign appeared on Kronos' right hand, the beautiful brilliance of the magic circle was still shining brightly even in the scorching afternoon.

A spear that appeared to be made of ice emerged from the magic circle. The Chinese fire dragon also seemed to feel the danger of this ice spear, because its appearance directly dropped the temperature in the venue to a negative number.

All the students unconsciously tightened their wizard robes, only Durmstrang's students felt a sense of familiarity.

The fire dragon spread its wings again, restrained the flames between its breaths, and prepared to soar into the sky. I saw the ice spear flying and the fire dragon flapping its wings desperately. Compared with the golden egg, life is so important.

When the fire dragon flew up slightly, Kronos saw that it was a male Chinese fire dragon.

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