Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 20 Poor Snape

"Hi, how are you! How was the potion class in the morning?" Kronos put down the coin in his hand.

"Don't mention it, Professor Snape's face is darker than usual, I dare not look up at him the whole class." This was said by Ron, who was still terrified when he said it.

Harry stared at Chronos for a moment, then swallowed and said, "Cronus, we have something to tell you."

"Huh?" Kronos raised his eyebrows.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged glances. Then he approached Chronos and whispered, "We suspect that Professor Snape may be Hawkwatts' undercover agent."

"Of course I know that Professor Snape is an undercover agent, and he is also a double agent!" Although Chronos was calm in his heart, he still raised his eyebrows to indicate that he was suspicious of Harry's words.

"He put the troll on Halloween."

"The purpose is to attract the attention of others."

"Then he will have enough time to pass through the right corridor on the fourth floor."

"There was a hyena with three heads."

"There's a trap door at its feet, and it's guarding something."

"Stolen from Gringotts."

Chronos looked at Harry and Hermione who were talking to each other. If Kronos didn't know the plot, he would really be confused by their rhetoric. Sometimes Chronos really felt sorry for Professor Snape. Obviously he is the one who cares most about Harry Potter in Hogwarts, even Dumbledore is far behind him. But his love for Harry Potter is too obscure, and he is simply Hogwarts' number one blame man.

"So, all this is still your speculation. There is no evidence, is there?" Kronos still wanted to change his prejudice against Professor Snape.

"Of course." Harry said hastily. "I was in the staff room and saw Snape's leg was bloody and mangled. It's definitely where the hounds bit him when he tried to force his way through the trapdoor."

Kronos' mood at the moment is indescribable. He knows everything about the matter, but he doesn't know how to tell them.

"I see, Harry. Do you have anything else to do?" Chronos' tone was slightly heavy.

Harry's face was full of disbelief, he only told Kronos as a friend what he knew. But Kronos didn't seem to be interested in all of this, and there was an indescribable emotion in his eyes.

"I've already said it, Harry. He's a Slytherin, and he won't believe what we say." Ron said something strangely from the side, and it seemed that he was very concerned about what happened to Chronos that day. brooding.

Harry took a deep breath, turned his head and left the school infirmary with Ron.

"Aren't you with them?" Kronos looked at Hermione who was still standing beside him.

"We're here to invite you to the Quidditch match in three days' time, if you will."

"Of course I'll go back, but on the Slytherin side," Chronos said.

Since everyone can't play happily, Kronos still thinks it's better to part ways as soon as possible.

"Whatever you want." Hermione stomped her feet and left quickly.

"It's finally quiet!" Chronos thought.

However, this calm did not last long, and Draco and their little friends came to see Chronos after a while.

Their hands were also full of food, and they sat by Chronos' bed and ate while talking about what happened in today's class. Like Harry and Ron being scolded by Professor Snape or something.

Kronos has been listening quietly, and when he hears the climax, he will ask loudly: "Really? That's great."

Chronos felt like Malfoy was a normal eleven-year-old. Unlike Harry Potter,

Thinking about saving the world every day.


After entering November, the weather becomes very cold. The mountains around the school are gray and covered with snow and ice, and the lake is as cold and hard as tempered steel. Every morning there is frost on the ground.

Quidditch season has begun. The first game is Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, which is also Harry Potter's first game.

To be honest Chronos had no interest in Quidditch at all. This game requires a lot of equipment. If you don't have a good broomstick, you will lose. Moreover, personal heroism is too serious, and basically no cooperation is needed. It is entirely the ability of the Seeker alone that determines the team's offline.

The next morning was sunny and cold. The restaurant is filled with the tantalizing smell of grilled sausages and everyone is looking forward to the first. Malfoy kept talking beside Kronos, and Kronos really wanted to seal his mouth with magic.

There were cheers in the stadium, and the whole stadium was surrounded by green and red. This gives Chronos a sense of watching the World Cup.

The referee was Mrs Hooch. She stood in the middle of the field, her broomstick in hand, waiting for the players on both sides.

Accompanied by the cheers of the students, the Slytherin team and the Gryffindor team entered the arena one after another.

"Listen, I want everyone to play fairly and honestly," she said once the players gathered around her. Harry noticed that she seemed to be referring specifically to Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team and a sixth-year student.

"Everyone, please get on your broomsticks."

Mrs. Hooch blew her silver whistle hard. Fifteen broomsticks rose from the ground and rose high into the sky. The game begins.

Lee Jordan is a friend of the Weasley twins. He is serving as the commentator of the game under the close supervision of Professor McGonagall.

Chronos admitted that he was very enthusiastic about the explanation, but Chronos just couldn't get interested. Harry Potter is indeed an excellent Seeker, he shuttles among the crowd at high speed.

"It's started." Kronos looked at Harry Potter in the sky. There was a sudden, frightening shake on his broomstick. For a moment, he thought he was going to fall. He gripped the broom handle tightly with both hands and clamped it tightly with his knees. There was a look of fear on his face that he had never felt before.

Chronos was looking at Professor Snape on one side. He was looking at Harry Potter in the sky with a serious face, muttering something, and the corresponding one was Professor Quirrell on the side. Chronos suspected his stuttering was fake for a reason. At least he didn't seem to stutter at all while reciting the jinx.

Chronos found Hermione, she crossed half of the tower and finally came to the top of the tower where the professor was.

"My poor Professor Snape is about to take the blame again."

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