Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 221: Top 3 Cup

There was a sound of squatting footsteps in the path behind Chronos. It must be Harry, except him. Chronos couldn't think of anyone else in the maze.

"Did you knock him out?" Harry asked, running out of the passageway behind Kronos, looking at Krum lying on the other side of the Triwizard Cup.

"It's just that the stun spell has bounced back." Kronos said without blushing.

"Oh, okay!" Harry's condition was indeed not very good, he was out of breath now. The right leg may have been stabbed by a thorn on the fence, and it is bleeding profusely now.

And Cronos is only one foot away from the Champions Cup at this time. The trophy shone dimly in gold behind him.

"Pick it up quickly! You've won." Harry leaned against the wall and said to Chronos, panting, "You just need to take one more step forward."

Chronos looked at the trophy, then at Harry who was struggling to get up. To be honest, he is the most troubled person right now.

His purpose was for Harry to lift the Triwizard Cup and be teleported to the graveyard. Then Voldemort would use Harry's blood to resurrect himself. And Kronos' plan was successful, but the situation is a bit embarrassing now.

Chronos can't say that his purpose of participating in the Triwizard Tournament is for fun? Don't play the trophy you got? Just hand over to others like this, anyone who sees this will be suspicious.

By this time Harry was fully standing, but his legs were shaking violently. Something sticky still stuck to the torn robe, Chronos didn't know what it was.

"Honestly, I don't think I should be lifting that trophy right now," Chronos said.

"Why?" Harry asked puzzled.

"Because this trophy is supposed to be yours," Chronos babbled, while he ran through all the available lies in his mind.

"What?" Harry looked surprised.

"The first project." Chronos felt that this reason might be successful. "It was you who asked Hermione to tell me that the first item was about fire dragons, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten a high score in the first item."

"In this way, I won't be the first to enter the maze. In that case, you will be the first to get here."

"But you also helped me through the second project!" Harry said impatiently, trying to wipe the blood off his legs with his robe. "We're even."

"That's why someone helped me first," Chronos said.

"Then we're even." Harry carefully put half of his body weight on the injured leg.

"You should score higher in the second item." Kronos suddenly seemed a little stubborn at this time, "At least you can be the first to enter the maze."

"Stop talking so much. Seriously, grab the trophy," Harry shouted, with a hint of bitterness on his face.

"No." Kronos insisted not to take it. Unless his brain suddenly short-circuited. He stepped over the spider's tangled hairy legs and came to Harry's side. Harry was staring at him. Chronos is serious. He was leaving not just a trophy, but a certain glory that Slytherin hadn't had in centuries.

"Go!" Kronos said softly. He looked a little hesitant, but his expression was determined. He seemed to have made up his mind.

Harry looked from Chronos to the trophy. For a moment he seemed to see himself coming out of the maze, holding the trophy aloft, hearing the thunderous cheers of the people, and Cho Chang looking at him with admiration, this expression was clearer than ever... all of this in a short while Disappeared, and Harry found himself seeing only the somewhat blurred but determined face of Kronos.

"We'll both take it together," said Harry suddenly.

"No, no, no, no need." Kronos hurriedly waved his hand, so scared that he quickly said three nos.

He didn't want to see Voldemort any more.

"Why?" Harry looked at him. "We took it at the same time. Victory still goes to Hogwarts. We're tied."

"Listen, Harry. There can only be one champion, and you deserve it." Kronos persuaded earnestly.

Harry looked at Chronos half-truthfully, and he suddenly suspected that the person in front of him was faked by Hermione drinking the Transformation Potion.

"Go!" Kronos patted Harry's shoulder earnestly.

"Okay." Harry limped towards the direction of the Triwizard Cup. Harry put both hands on the two shiny handles of the trophy.

Kronos stared at him with wide eyes, and said that this was the first time he had seen the Portkey.

But when Harry lifted the trophy, nothing happened. When Harry walked up to Chronos with the trophy, the surroundings were still calm.

Kronos rubbed his eyes in disbelief, he knew that the plot in the original book had changed again.

"Let's go!" Harry hugged the trophy. When he said this, his eyes were fixed on the trophy, and he didn't notice Kronos' shocked expression at all.

"Oh, oh." Kronos couldn't say a word in a daze.

"Can you show me this trophy?" Kronos always felt that things were not that simple.

"Huh? Of course...it's ok..." Harry looked at Chronos with a bad face, he thought Chronos would regret it.

He handed the trophy to Chronos, holding the other side of the trophy with his other hand, reluctantly.

Harry's and Chronos' hands were on top of the trophy at the same time as Chronos grabbed the other handle.

Chrono suddenly felt as if his belly button had been pulled. Then the legs are off the ground. His hand was firmly fixed on the trophy, and he couldn't let go of it.

Immediately after, Kronos and Harry were lifted up again, and suddenly felt the surrounding wind howling...

Harry felt his foot hit the ground hard, his injured leg twisted and fell forward. He let go of the Triwizard Tournament trophy and raised his head with difficulty.

"Where are we?" he asked.

Kronos stood by, but he didn't answer. The expression on his face was also somewhat helpless, he was still brought to this place after all.

The mountains surrounding Hogwarts Castle were nowhere to be seen. Now they were standing in front of a necropolis in the dark, a great yew tree and the outline of a chapel beyond could be seen. A hill rose to their left. Chronos could just make out the outline of a beautiful old house on the side of the hill.

"This should be Gunter's old house. I don't know if Gunter's ring is still there." Kronos suddenly thought of dying.

Chronos looked down at the Triwizard Tournament trophy, then stepped aside again and pulled Harry up.

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