Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 234 The commotion

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"Aren't you going to let me in?" Kronos pointed in the direction of the doorbell with his mouth, beckoning Harry to open the door. He had been waiting outside all afternoon, the moisture on the lawn had already wetted his shirt, and the cold wind at night made him shiver.

The living room lights were still on. Harry tucked his wand back into the waistband of his jeans, rang the bell and watched as the silhouette of Aunt Petunia grew larger and twisted oddly against the frosted glass of the door.

"Dudley! It's about time too, I'm getting very, very - Dudley, what's going on!"

Chronos couldn't help but glanced at Dudley, indeed he looked so strange now. His face was frighteningly pale, and he was covering his stomach with one hand, as if his stomach hurts.

"Dudley! Dudley! What the hell happened? Vernon! Vernon!"

Harry's uncle came out of the bedroom triumphantly, his drooping moustache being blown to the left and right, as always seemed to be the case when he was agitated. He hurried forward to help Aunt Petunia get the limp Dudley in.

"How do you feel, son? What happened? Did Mrs. Polks give you some foreign tea?"

"Why are you covered in dirt, dear? Have you ever fallen to the ground?"

"Wait—your face is all right, isn't it, son?"

Aunt Petunia screamed.

"Call the police, Vernon! Call the police! Dudley, honey, talk to mother! What did they do to you?"

Throughout the chaos, Harry was never noticed, and he led Chronos cautiously upstairs.

"Who did it, son? Tell us the name. We'll get him, don't worry."

"Quiet! What is he trying to say, Vernon! What's going on, Dudley? Tell Mom!"

Harry was standing at the bottom of the stairs when Dudley found his voice.

"It's him!"

Harry froze, and Chronos froze.

"Boy, come here!"

With a feeling of mixed fear and anger, Harry slowly removed his foot from the stairs and turned to follow the Dursleys.

After the darkness outside, the carefully cleaned kitchen had an odd, unreal gleam. Aunt Petunia settled Dudley in a chair, and Dudley was still blue and looking wet and cold. Uncle Vernon stood in front of the drain cover and stared at Harry through his small, slit eyes.

"What have you done to my son?" he growled in a menacing tone.

"Huh?" Chronos noticed that Uncle Vernon used the word "you", obviously he regarded Chronos as a murderer like Harry.

"I don't..." Harry was about to retort when Uncle Vernon yelled again.

"I remember that I once warned you, don't let your strange people come to my house to find you again, and don't tell them any contact information and address of my house."

Harry smacked his slightly parted mouth, unable to utter a word of rebuttal.

But just then, a long-eared owl swoops in through the kitchen window. Nearly hitting the top of Uncle Vernon's head, it glided through the kitchen, dropped the large parchment letter it was holding in its mouth at Harry's feet, and turned gracefully, the end of its wing over the refrigerator. the top of the tree, then flew out again and soared up, disappearing through the garden.

"Owl!" Uncle Vernon yelled angrily, with burst veins throbbing in his face angrily, and he slammed the kitchen window shut with a loud bang. "Another owl! I will never let another owl into my house!"

But Harry had torn open the envelope and pulled out the letter, and somewhere in his heart had been thumped.

Dear Mr. Porter:

We have received information that at 9:23 tonight in the Muggle quarters you performed the Patnam spell,

And in front of a Muggle. This behavior has violated Article 70 of the Regulations Restricting the Use of Witchcraft by Minors, which will result in your expulsion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Representatives from the Ministry of Magic will arrive at your residence shortly and destroy your wand.

Since you violated Article 13 of the "International Union of Magicians Concerning Confidentiality" last time, you have already received a formal warning. We regret to inform you that you must attend the Ministry of Magic at 9:00 am on August 12th. A disciplinary hearing.

I hope you are well,

Yours sincerely,

Mafalda. hopekeck

Inappropriate use of the Office of Magic by the Ministry of Magic

Harry read the letter twice. He was only vaguely aware of the conversation between Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. Everything was cold and numb in his head. The fact pierced his consciousness like a paralyzing dart. He was expelled from Hogwarts. It's all over. He will never go back.

His original guilt towards the Dursleys also dissipated. He obviously used the magic for Dudley, but the consequence of all this was that he was expelled from Hogwarts by the Ministry of Magic?

He looked up at the Dursleys. Uncle Vernon was purple in the face and growling loudly, his fists still raised. Aunt Petunia put her arm around Dudley, who threw up again.

Harry's briefly numb mind seemed to regain consciousness. Representatives from the Ministry of Magic will arrive at your residence shortly and destroy your wand. This can only mean one thing. That is he must run right now. Where he was going Harry didn't know, but he was sure of one thing, whether at Hogwarts or outside he would need his wand. In a dreamlike state, he drew his wand and turned away from the kitchen.

Now the most confused person in the audience was Kronos. He just came to Harry to get back the water-repelling pill in his body, which had perfectly stripped the soul fragments of Harry and Voldemort. But what is happening now, it can be said that it is a later story in the Harry Potter story, and he can't remember so many things.

"Where do you think you're going?" cried Uncle Vernon. When Harry refused to answer, he walked through the kitchen and slammed the door to the living room behind him. "We're not done, boy!"

"You're going to stay here and explain what's wrong with my son."

"Get out of the way," Harry said quietly. "I'll curse you if you don't get out of the way," said Harry, raising his wand at the same time.

A loud sound of shattering glass filled the bedroom. Aunt Petunia screamed again.

Ignoring Uncle Vernon's shouts and crouching quickly, Harry searched for the source of the commotion for the third time that night, which he did not cause. He spotted it right away, a dazed, ruffled barn owl (typical of poor Weasley owls, it's a real miracle it didn't die on the way) It was squatting on the windowsill outside the kitchen when it hit the closed window.

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