Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 236 Hidden

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Kronos smacked his lips, and what he had just thought in his mind was interrupted by the owl again.

Harry had already removed a scroll of parchment from the owl's leg. He was pretty sure the letter was from Dumbledore, explaining everything - the dementors, Mrs. Figg, what the Ministry was going to do, how he and Dumbledore were supposed to calm everything down - but It was the first time in his life that he was disappointed to see Sirius' handwriting.

Pretending not to hear Chronos complaining about the owl, and not seeing how much dust settled on unconscious Uncle Vernon's beard as the owl flew closest to him as the owl flew back to the fireplace, Harry read Sirius note.

Arthur has told us everything that happened. Whatever you do, don't leave that house again.

Harry found their responses to what had happened tonight so inadequate that he closed the parchment and started looking for the rest of the letter, but there was nothing.

And Harry's temper rose again. Didn't anyone say "well done" to him single-handedly defeating two dementors? Neither Mr. Weasley nor Sirius acted as if he was behaving badly, and would not speak to him further until they were certain of the damage he had caused.

Harry took a deep, steady breath. His head was hot again.

"Okay, Harry. I don't think there will be any owls coming to this house tonight." Kronos said confidently.

"Sorry, Chronos. I didn't know so many things were going to happen tonight." Harry covered his head, he also had a terrible headache tonight.

"It doesn't matter." Kronos smiled, "We still have a long part of the time to fulfill the purpose of my coming here."

"Oh, that's right. What are you looking for me for?" Harry just remembered that Chronos came looking for him for something.

"Um, this..." Kronos was really embarrassed to say it, he looked at the windows and the fireplace, how he wished another owl would fly in to break the atmosphere of the scene. It's a pity that things backfired.

"What?" Harry asked Chronos again.

"It's like this, Harry, I know you might not believe it when you tell it." Kronos said while making exaggerated gestures with his hands.

"Your soul contains more than your soul." Kronos said in a daze, and then he found Harry looking at him strangely.

"No, I mean. There are other souls in your soul." Kronos hastily added another sentence. But Harry's brow furrowed even tighter.

"What I mean is that in your complete soul world, there is still a fragment of someone else's soul." Kronos said such a sentence around his mouth.

"Soul Fragment? Whose?" Harry finally understood Chronos' words.

"Voldemort's." Kronos said very directly, and the two steel straight men saw that there was no tact.

To Kronos' surprise, Harry seemed to know it in advance. He just let out a soft "oh". No panic or fear was shown. Maybe he can guess a thing or two himself!

"Listen to me, Harry." Kronos said earnestly, "In Godric's Hollow, where you were born, Voldemort found your parents when you were born—because of Pettigrew Peter's informant .”

"Why did he come to find me?" Harry asked suddenly, "Why are so many wizards only looking for our family?"

"This..." Kronos didn't expect Harry to ask suddenly.

"Ah!" Kronos sighed, "Actually, Voldemort didn't just look for your family."

"In 1980, at the height of Voldemort's power, Sybill Trelawney, a descendant of the famous seer, applied to teach Divination at Hogwarts.

Yes, that's Professor Trelawney from Hogwarts." Chronos answered Harry's puzzled look.

"Interviewed by Dumbledore in the Hog's Head pub, prophesied of a man "born into a family that repelled the Dark Lord three times", "to be born at the end of the seventh month", possessing "powers unknown to the Dark Lord" The boy will emerge and defeat Voldemort."

"Their conversation was overheard by the spy Severus Snape who joined the Death Eaters at the time, but Snape only listened to the first half before being caught by the bar owner (Dumbledore's brother Aberforth Dumbledore) Lido) was kicked out. After Voldemort heard about this prophecy from Snape, he hurriedly began to plan the assassination plan." When Kronos talked about Professor Snape, he listened too much and watched Harry's expression

"At that time, there were two newborn boys who met the prophecy, namely Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom. Voldemort believed that Harry must be his nemesis in the prophecy, and began to hunt down the Potter family."

"After Snape found out, because he had a crush on and loved Harry's mother, Lily Potter, he decided to defect in panic and reported the matter to Dumbledore. The Potter family was alerted and thus successfully hid for nearly a year. , but his whereabouts were finally betrayed by Peter Pettigrew, the secret keeper he chose." Kronos continued

"On October 31, 1981, on the eve of Halloween, Voldemort came to Godric's Hollow, where the Potter family was hiding, and killed James Potter and Lily Potter. But after trying to kill the 15-month-old When Harry was a baby, Voldemort's Avada Kedavra kicked back because Lily sacrificed herself to cast the ultimate protective spell on her son before dying."

"At that time, Voldemort was very unstable due to his many evil deeds and his soul being split many times. He also had the spell backfire, and his body was shattered. A small part of the broken soul was stored in Harry's body." Kronos concealed The matter of Voldemort making Horcruxes, otherwise with Harry's personality, he might really go directly to those Horcruxes.

"Similarly, your mother's protective spell is still protecting you up to now." Kronos said, he stood up and began to look at the house, "It's in this house, your uncle's and aunt's house. It's Will protect you until you are an adult, so you will know why Dumbledore must let you stay here?"

"Because as long as you stay here, Voldemort will never find you." After Chronos finished explaining, Harry lowered his head, and Chronos didn't know what he was thinking.

"Okay." Kronos patted Harry on the shoulder, "The most urgent thing now is to let me help you take out the fragment of Voldemort's soul that remains in your body, that is not a good thing, Voldemort will peep through him your thoughts."


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